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Office of the President


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Letters to Faculty


President Hosted Gatherings

President's Dinner Programs

President's Christmas Cards

President Awards Given

President's Dinner Messages

President's Prayer Breakfast

President's Portraits

President's Annual Reports

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Collection Overview

Title: Office of the PresidentAdd to your cart.

ID: 200s/200

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Browse by Series:

[Series 200-01: Letters to Faculty],
[Series 200-02: Newsletters],
[Series 200-03: President Hosted Gatherings],
[Series 200-04: President's Dinner Programs],
[Series 200-05: President's Christmas Cards],
[Series 200-06: President Awards Given],
[Series 200-07: President's Dinner Messages],
[Series 200-08: President's Prayer Breakfast],
[Series 200-09: President's Portraits],
[Series 200-10: President's Annual Reports],

Series 200-04: President's Dinner ProgramsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Program, 1976Add to your cart.

Faculty Achievements of Special Note:

Books Published:

David Atkinson, Ivor Newsham, Joseph Nielson, William Tromble.

Scholarly Articles Published:

David Atkinson, Galen Boehme, Larry Ferren, Max Reams, Franklyn Wise, Harlow Hopkins.

Participation in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Scholarly Papers, and Recitals:

David Atkinson, William Bell, Galen Boehme, George Dunbar, Alice Edwards, Henry Engbrecht, Jack Furbee, Robert Hayes, Lettie Howe, John Marangu, Marjorie Mayo, Ruth Moore, Terry MacKay, Stephen Nielson, Max Reams, Carolyn Rohe, David Skinner, Gary Streit, Harry Westfall, Franklyn Wise, Harlow Hopkins, Lottie Phillips, William Tromble.

Articles in Church Publications:

Lowell Flint, Jack Furbee, Joseph Nielson, Debbie Salter, J. Ottis Sayes, Franklyn Wise.

Advanced Degrees Earned:

David Atkinson, Alfred Lilienthal.

Promotions in Rank:

David Atkinson, William Bell, Clarence Grothaus, F.O.Parr, Debbie Salter, Dwight J. Strickler.

Elected to Tenure:

Joseph Nielson, George Dunbar, Donald Elliott.

Personal Recognitions:

William Beaney, Galen Boehme, Curtis Brady, Harvey Collins, Harry Fulton, Jack Furbee, Robert Hayes, Harlow Hopkins, Lettie Howe, Bill Isaacs, Gunnell Jorden, Charlotte Keck, Billie Matheny, Lloyd Mitten, Jewell Monroe, Norman Moore, Ray Moore, Lottie Phillips, Max Reams, Esther Roberts, Carolyn Rohe, Anita Saldeen, Esther Salzman, J.Ottis Sayes, Willis Snowbarger, Gary Streit, Venita Thomas, Jim Tripp, Virgil vail, Harry Westfall, Gordon Whitten, Franklyn Wise.

Special Service to the Community:

Charles Beatty, William Bell, Curtis Brady, Harvey Collins, George Dunbar, Lowell Flint, Clarence Grothaus, Jewell Grothaus, Leona Hayes, Harlow Hopkins, Lettie Howe, Marjorie Mayo, Lloyd Mitten, Joseph Nielson, Stephen Nielson, Carolyn Rohe, Willis Snowbarger, Elizabeth Tate, Jim Tripp, William Tromble, Harry Westfall.

Foreign Travel:

Harvey Collins, John Marangu, Lloyd Mitten, Stephen Nielson, J. Ottis Sayes.

Item 2: Program, 1977Add to your cart.

President's Special Recognitions:

William T. Hodges, Judy King, Clarence W. Ward, Richard Wirt.

New Faculty Members:

Dawn Anderson, Kenneth Armstrong, John Bowling, Roger Cox, C. William Ellwanger, Larry Finger, David Kale, George Lyons, Neil Roth, Gene Shea, Glen Walls.

New Staff Members:

Florence Burghorn, Eugene Hartness, Ted Lee, Louise Pippin, Donald Rucker, Kenneth Southerland.

Secretarial and Clerical:

Pam Brooks, Cheryl Chaney, Claudia King, Barbara Love, Dorys Jean Rago, Linda Totel.

Faculty and Staff Achievements of Special Note:

Scholarly Articles Published:

Gunnell Jorden, T. Richard Schmidt.

Participation in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers and Recitals:

David Atkinson, D.George Dunbar, Alice Edwards, Harry Fulton, Harlow Hopkins, Timothy Nelson, Stephen Nielson, Joe Noble, Lottie Phillips.

Articles in Church Publications:

Jack Furbee, Vernon Groves, Mary Reed, J. Ottis Sayes, Willis Snowbarger, Al Truesdale.

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Ruth Marie Eimer.

Promotions in Rank:

Vernon Groves, Lloyd Mitten, George Dunbar, Leslie Parrott, Max Reams, Harry Westfall, William Dean, Ivor Newsham, Albert Truesdale, Richard Wirt, Dorothy Bishop.

Elected to Tenure:

William Bell, Henry Engbrecht, Harry Fulton, Jack Furbee, Robert Hayes, Ruth Moore, Carolyn Rohe, David Skinner, Rubalee Wickland, Gordon Whitten, Robert Wright.

Personal Recognitions:

Dotty Bishop, Harvey Collins, George Dunbar, Alice Edwards, Ken Hendrick, Billie Matheny, Norman L. Moore, Joseph Nielson, Lottie Phillips, Max Reams, Esther Roberts, Debbie Salter, J. Ottis Sayes, Carolyn Sechrist, Willis Snowbarger, C.W. Ward, Larry Watson, Frank Wilson.

Special Service to the Community:

William Bell, Lowell Flint, Harry Fulton, Leona Hayes, Harlow Hopkins, Bill Isaacs, Charlotte Keck, Billie Matheny, Marjorie Mayo, Jewell Monroe, Joseph Nielson, Stephen Nielson, Lottie Phillips, Willis Snowbarger, James Tripp, Gordon Whitten, Evelyn Witthoff.

Years of Service: (see program).

Item 3: Program, 1978Add to your cart.

President's Special Recognitions:

Faculty: Harvey Collins

Staff: Linford A. Marquart

New Staff Members:

Karen Brooks, Roy Christi, Diane Cranston, Genalee Hartley, Susan Lauderman, Audrey Myers, Phillip Richardson, Patricia Shook, Kathryn Van Fossan.

Faculty and Staff Achievements of Special Note:

Books Published:

Leslie Parrott, Joseph F. Nielson, R.L. Morrison, William Beaney and Harry Fulton, J. Ottis Sayes.

Articles in Scholarly Journals:

Robert E. Hayes, G.N. Bookwalter, E.B. Bagley, Larry Finger.

Participation in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals:

Gary Streit, Gunnell Jorden, Alice Edwards, Harlow Hopkins, Willis Snowbarger, William Woodruff.

Articles in Church Publications:

J. Ottis Sayes, C. William Ellwanger, Leora Windoffer, Gordon Wickersham, Roy F. Quanstrom, Jim Stocks.

Elected to Tenure:

Alice Edwards, Minnie Wills, Jewell Monroe.

Special Service to the Community:

Gordon Whitten, J. Ottis Sayes, Gary Streit, Leora windoffer, Gunnell Jorden, Larry Finger, Charles Beatty, Selden Marquart, Terry Mackay, Carolyn Rohe.

Years of Service: (see program).

Item 4: Program, 1979Add to your cart.

New Faculty Members:

Leann Dubbert, Franklin Garton, Russell Gruhlke, Ralph (Tres) Hodge, Marla Kensey, Phyllis Reeder, Larry Reinhart, Loretta Reinhart, Sara Spruce, James Thompson, John B. Williams.

New Staff Members:

Norman Bloom, Janet Adams, Robert Anderson, Everett Baldridge, James Bennett, Marilyn Cooper, Shelley Daniels, Mary Gates,Janice Hodge, Mary Latham, John Mongerson, Mark Murphy, Barbara Najarian, David Plunkett, Jo Anne Rexroth, Brenda Reich, Sandra Ruder, Debra Strong, Cynthia Ward.

Presidential Special Recognitions:

James Tripp, Gerett Wisner, Joseph Nielson.

Faculty and Staff Achievements of Special Note:

Books Published:

Harry Fulton and W.D. Beaney, Leslie Parrott, C. T. Corbett, Lora Lee Parrott, Shirley Quanstrom.

Articles in Scholarly Journals:

Larry Finger, Robert Hayes, Larry Ferren, Harry Fulton, George Lyons, Max Reams, Stephen Taylor, William Woodruff.

Participation in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals:

Gary Streit, David Kale, Allan Wiens, Ray Morrison, Lowell Flint, Marjorie Mayo, Harry Westfall, Lottie Phillips, Larry Finger, Rubalee Wickland, Linda Yardumian, Leonard Anderson, Kenneth Armstrong, Ken Hendrick, J. Ottis Sayes, John Culp, Linda Tillotson, John Hanson, Stephen Taylor, Max Reams, Robert Hayes, David Atkinson, Gordon Whitten, Harvey Collins, W. Matthew Airhart, Gerald Anderson, Alice Edwards, Ruth Eimer, Joe Noble, Timothy Nelson, Roy Quanstrom.

Articles in Church Publications:

Joseph Nielson, Leora Windoffer, J. Ottis Sayes, Willis E. Snowbarger, C. William Ellwanger, David Kale.

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Loramae Rentfro, Leora Windoffer, Kenneth Hendrick.

Elected to Tenure:

William Dean, Ivor Newsham, Larry Finger.

Promotions in Rank:

Harry Fulton, Gordon Whitten, Robert Wright, Larry Ferren, Stephen Taylor.

Personal Recognitions:

Gary Streit, Vicki Trylong, Larry Finger, Bruce Granger, Rubalee Wickland, William Woodruff, Charlotte Keck, Larry Ferren, Stephen Taylor, Matthew Airhart, Shirlee McGuire, George Dunbar, Timothy Nelson, Esther Roberts, Alice Edwards, Joe Noble, Clarence Grothaus, Carolyn Sechrist, William Bell.

Special Service to the Community:

Gary Streit, Donald Toland, Ruth Moore, Kenneth Armstrong, Willis Snowbarger.

Recognition of Years of Service: (see program).

Item 5: Program, 1980Add to your cart.

President's Special Recognitions:

D. George Dunbar, Richard Matheny.

New Members of Faculty:

Jacqueline Dalton, Linford Falb, Nancy Kendall, Johanne Marquart, Gary Newsome, Stephen Pusey, Marcus VanAmeringen, Kathy VanFossan, Norma Wilson, Donald Wood, Irving Kranich, Wanda Kranich, Tery MacKay.

New Members of the Staff:

Robin Barnes, Mitzi Beasley, Darrell Bellomy, Lois Bellomy, Ron Duncan, Carolyn Gill, Cheryl Jamerson, Jonathon Kring, Trudy Meinecke, Susan Mumau, Nan Pomeroy, Lois Reader, Sandra Southland, Kathy Stanley, Lois Thomas, Jerome Vinson, Curtis Williams, Joy Zachary.

Honors, Achievements and Special Recognitions:

Books Published:

William Beaney and Harry Fulton.

Articles in Scholarly Journals:

Larry Finger, Sara Spruce, Michael Vail, Gordon Wickersham, Stephen Taylor, David Kale.

Participation in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Lottie Phillips, Robert E. Hayes, Linda Yardumian, Bruce Granger, Max Reams, J. Ottis Sayes, John Culp, Kenneth Hendrick, Gary Streit, Phyllis Reeder, Franklin Garton, Stephen Taylor, Joe M. Noble, David Atkinson, Lowell Flint, Sadye Stoltenberg, Minnie Wills, Linda Yardumian and Diane Frey, Bill Isaacs, Alice Edwards, Ruthmarie Eimer, George Dunbar, Matthew Airhart, Ray H. Moore, Carol Doenges, Harvey Collins, Gerald Anderson, Randy Simmons, Margorie Mayo, Sars Spruce, Harlow Hopkins, Larry finger, Lottie Phillips, Gunnell Jorden, Robery Hayes, Virgil Vail, Michael Vail, Max Reams, Linda Tillotson, Sadye Stoltenberg, Charlotte Keck, Susanna Davison, William Woodruff, C. William Ellwanger.

Articles in Church Publications:

Joseph Nielson, Leora Windoffer, Vernon T. Groves, Willis E. Snowbarger, Roy F. Quanstrom.

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Bruce Granger, Larry Reinhart, Phyllis Reeder, Sadye Stoltenberg.

Elected to Tenure:

Gary Streit, Kenneth Armstrong.

Promotions in Rank:

Jack Furbee, Richard Wirt, Kenneth Armstong, Gene Shea, Gary Streit, Stephen Taylor, Virgil Vail, Allan Wiens.

Personal Recognitons in Service to the Community:

Rubalee Wickland, J. Ottis Sayes, David Kale, Gary Streit, Lottie Phillips, Albertta David, Sara Spruce, Jim Knight, Stepher Taylor, Harry Westfall, Harlow Hopkins, Harvey Collins, James Thompson, Lowell Flint, Esther Roberts, Norman L. Moore, Larry Watson, Kenneth Armstrong, Timothy Nelson, Margorie Mayo, Roy F. Quanstrom, Caroly Sechrist, Kenneth Hendrick, Willis Snowbarger, Charles Beatty, Cheryl Chaney, Marshall Lillie, Efton Elliot, Darrell Bellomy, Ovid Young, Shirlee McGuire, Cheryl Chaney, Harlow Hopkins, Clarence Grothaus, Jewell Grothaus, Matthew Airhart.

Years of Service: (see program).

Item 6: Program, 1981Add to your cart.

President's Special Recognitions:

Gunnell Jorden, Pat Duncan.

New Faculty Members:

Deborah Bembry, Richard Colling, Robert Collins, Jr., Alfred Fleming, John Hawthorne, Keith O'Dell, Larry Vail, M. Deane White, Franklyn Wise.

New Staff Members:

Lonny Ballard, Donna Baron, James H. Boardman, Roy christy, Wayne Cody, Doris Dean, Lynne Dillman, Brenda Dunlop, Heidi Eichorn, Pam Ewing, Rebecca farrar, Angie Forster, Donna Furbee, Gary Griffin, Joyce Holl, David Hayes, Margo Hutson, Brenda Kirby, Rosemary Mead, Judy McCann, Vicki Newsome, Mary Prior, Steve Reader, Cheryl Seymour, Dennis Seymour, Polly Shepherd, Connie Skinner, Robert Sparrow, Karen Stein, James Stonestreet, Vernon Tew, Jack Vernier, Janette Vernier.

Faculty and Staff Achievements of Special Note:

Books Published:

Joseph Nielson, Dixie Turner.

Articles in Scholarly Journals:

Albertta David, John Culp, Max Reams, Stephen Taylor, Robert Wright, Larry Finger.

Participation in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Stephen Pusey, Grace Kindred, David Kale, William Bell, Lowell Flint, Frank Garton, Harry Westfall, Sara Spruce, Marjorie Mayo, Donald Wood, Ken Richardson, Lora Rentfro, Loretta Reinhart, Phyllis Reeder, Charlotte Keck, William Woodruff, John Culp, George Lyons, Kenneth Hendrick, J. Ottis Sayes, Max Reams, Ivor Newsham, Michael Vail, Stephen Taylor, Robert Wright, Leonard Anderson, Terry MacKay, Gerald Anderson, Marcus VanAmeringen, Joe Noble, Tim Nelson, Ruth Eimer, Alice Edwards, Matthew Airhart, Harvey Collins, Nancy Kendall, Larry Finger, William Foote, Gary Streit, Lottie Phillips, Harlow Hopkins, Gunnell Jorden, Leora Legacy, Vicki Trylong, Minnie Wills, Wanda & Irving Kranich, Randall Simmons.

Articles in Church Publications:

Joseph Neilson, Kenneth Hendrick, J. Ottis Sayes, Gunnell Jorden, Leora Legace, Roy F. Quanstrom.

Elected to Tenure:

Kenneth Hendrick, Charlotte Keck.

Promotions in Rank:

Lowell Flint, Carolyn Sechrist, Marla Kensey, James Thompson, Vicki Trylong, Dixie Turner, Jewell Grothaus, Harvey Humble.

Personal Recognitions and Service to the Community:

Kenneth Armstrong, Gene Shea, Norman L. Moore, Esther Roberts, Bill Isaacs, Linda Shelton, Grace Kindred, David Kale, William Bell, Lowell Flint, Carolyn Sechrist, Frank Garton, Sara Spruce, Marjorie Mayo, Larry Watson, Gary Newsome, Ralph Hodge, Kenneth Richardson, Michael Vail, Stephen Taylor, Robert Hayes, Charlotte Keck, Gerald Anderson, Marcus VanAmeringen, Marla Kensey, Alice Edwards, Matthew Airhart, Harlow Hopkins, William Foote, Terry MacKay, Leora Legacy, Shirlee McGuire.

Recognition of Years of Service: (see program)

Item 7: Program, 1982Add to your cart.

New Faculty Members:

Edythe Feazel, Robert Doyle Smith, Amy Golyshko, Thoma Knowles, Diane Steward, Darrell Hazelwood.

New Staff Members:

Louise Cody, Robert Drebenstedt, Michele Hayes, Mary Ann Link, Lydia O'Neal, Joan Prewitt, Mike Prince, Richard Shelton, Karen Stein.

President's Special Recognitions:

David Atkinson, Gordon Wickersham.

Faculty and Staff Achievements of Special Note:

Articles in Scholarly Journals:

Max Reams, Michael Vail, Robert Wright, Richard Colling, Lowell Flint, Vernon Groves.

Participation in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Max Reams, Michael  Vail, Ivor Newsham, Robert Hayes, Marilyn Branton, Robert Wright, David Atkinson, John Hanson, Larry Ferren, Stephen Taylor, Albertta David, Loretta Reinhart, Leona Hayes, Leann Eaton, Sue Davison, Jackie Dalton, William Bell, Franklin Garton, Lowell Flint, Deborah Bembry, Marjorie Mayo, Sara Spruce, Donald Wood, Harry Westfall, Joseph Nielson, Stephen Pusey, Rubalee Wickland, George Lyons, William Woodruff, Haervey Collins, James Thompson, Tim Nelson, Gerald Anderson, George Dunbar, Matthew Airhart, Alice Edwards, Shirlee McGuire, Leora Legacy, Gary Streit, David Kale, Nancy Kendall, Donald Toland, Steve Vanciel, Minnie Wills, Lottie Phillips, Gene Shea, Terry MacKay, Harlow Hopkins, Irving Kranich, Marcus Van Ameringen, Vernon Groves, Willis Snowbarger.

Articles in Church Publications:

Ken Hendrick, Franklyn Wise, William Woodruff, Leora Legacy, Larry Finger, Willis Snowbarger.

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Amy Golyshko, Stephen Pusey, Rubalee Wickland, Shirlee McGuire, Gary Streit, Ruth Eimer, Marla Kensey.


Richard Colling, Rubalee Wickland, Gary Streit.

Promotions in Rank:

Albertta David, Nancy Kendall, Marcus VanAmeringen, Forest T. Benner.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:

Max Reams, John Hanson, Robert Hayes, Stephen Taylor, Albertta David, William Bell, Carolyn Sechrist, Franklin Garton, Lowell Flint, Ken Richardson, Brenda Patterson, Larry Watson, Deborah Bembry, SaraSpruce, Donald Wood, Harry Westfall, Joseph Nielson, John Hawthorne, Stephen Pusey, Diane Frey, Gene Shea, Kenneth Armstrong, C.W. Ellwanger, Kenneth Hendrick, George Lyons, William Woodruff, James Thompson, Tim Nelson, Gerald Anderson, Matthew Airhart, Alice Edwards, Gary Streit, David Kale, Donald Toland, William Foote, Harlow Hopkins, Marcus VanAmeringen, Willis Snowbarger.

Recogniton of Years of Service: (see program).

Item 8: Program, 1983Add to your cart.

New Faculty:

John Beaney, Susan Hobbs, Paul Koch, Ruth Tomaschke.

New Staff Members:

Brian Allen, Lynda Allen, Ronald Aslinger, Sally Aslinger, Walter Bartholomew, William Burnside, Daniel Farr, Mark Fleming, Jeanette Hart, David Hayes, James Legacy, Cindy Letzkus, Crystal Love, Cynthia Miller, Carol Parker, Gerald Ricketts, Norma Romey, Cynthia Rouse, Connie Stanley, Ghedam Sultan, Mark Tippitt.

Faculty Member of the Year: Dr. Carolyn S. Sechrist.

Staff Member of the Year: Clifford and June Hayman.

Faculty and Staff Achievements of Special Note:

Articles in Scholarly Journals:

Stephen Pusey, Stephen Taylor, Gary Streit, Larry Finger, Dixie Turner, Kenneth Armstron, David Kale.

Participation in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Stephen Pusey, Bill Isaacs, Max Reams, Alfred Flemming, David Atkinson, Jeralynne Hawthorne, Michael Vail, Robert Hayes, Richard Colling, Robert Wright, John Hanson, Stephen Taylor, Ivor Newsham, Vernon Groves, Jack Furbee, Harry Westfall, Marjorie Mayo, Sara Spruce, Donald Wood, William Bell, Franklin Garton , Franklyn Wise, John Culp, Ken Hendrick, Larry Reinhart, George Lyons, J. Ottis Sayes, William Woodruff, Linda Shelton, Gene Shea, Diane Frey, Rubalee Wickland, John Hawthorne, Joseph Nielson, Allan Wiens, Harlow Hopkins,Matthew Airhart, Gerald Anderson, George Dunbar, Alice Edwards, Marla Kensey, Tim Nelson, Joe Noble, Marcus VanAmeringen, Ruth Marie Eimer, Gary Streit, M. Deane White, Leora Legacy, Larry finger, Lottie Phillips, Dixie Turner, Shirlee McGuire, Amy Golyshko, Susanna Davison, Ranelle Eigsti, Loretta Reinhart, Leona Hayes, Harvey Collins, James Thompson, Terry MacKay, Henry Engbrecht, David Kale, Grover Brooks, James Stonestreet.

Articles in Church Publications:

Sara Spruce, Franklyn Wise, John Culp, William Woodrull, Leora Legacy, Larry Finger, Willis Snowbarger.

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Larry Reinhart, Goerge Lyons, Kathryn VanFossan, Marla Kensey, Ruth Marie Eimer, Dixie Turner, Stephen Vanciel.

Promotions in Rank:

Donald Wood, Kenneth Hendrick, William Dean, Gary Streit, Sara Spruce, George Lyons, Rubalee Wickland, Shirlee McGuire, Minnie Wills, Ken Richardson, Terry MacKay, Billie Matheny, Gunnell Jorden.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:

A. Leslie Parrott, David Atkinson, Michael Vail, Robert Hayes, Marilyn Branton, William  Beaney, Harry Westfall, Donald Wood, Larry Watson, Ken Richardson, William Bell, Franklin Garton, Carolyn Sechrist, Deborah Bembry, Ken Hendick, Gene Shea, Joseph Nielson, Allan Wiens, Harlow Hopkins, Matthew Airhart, Gerald Anderson, Geoge Dunbar, Alice Edwards, Bill Isaacs, Gary Streit, Leora legacy, Shirlee McGuire, William Foote, Vicki Trylong, Minnie Wills, Don Toland, Amy Golyshko, James Thompson, Kenneth Armstrong, Terry MacKay, David Kale, Harvey Collins, Ted Lee, Grover Brooks, Lois Thomas, Gordon Wickersham, Randy Myers, James Legacy, Cindy rouse, Cheryl Chaney,Jim Tripp, Mary Anderson, Douglas E. Perry, James P. Thompson, Timothy G. Nelson, George L. Lyons, Robert L. Smith, Lester L. Jones.

Recogniton of Years of Service: (see program).

Item 9: Program, 1984Add to your cart.

New Faculty: Francine Clark, Linda Davison, James Garner, Janice Holmes, Michael Wiese, Susan Maland, Linda Melton, Suzanne Wells, Mary Jane Holstein, Lolita Phelps, Lynette Christensen.

New Staff Members: David Allen, Jill Bowling, Suzanne Erickson, Kim Foster, Sharon James, Jerilyn Johnson, Sandra Turnbull, Frances Penrod, Barbara St. Clair, Michelle Tingley, Gayle Wiese, LeRoy Wright.

President's Special Recognitons:

Faculty Member of the Year:  Dr. Harry R. Westfall

Staff Member of the Year:  Phillip N. Richardson

Faculty and Staff Achievements of Special Note:

Articles in Scholarly Journals:

Leora Legacy, Leona Hayes, Alfred Fleming, Stephen Taylor, Robert Hayes, Jeralynne Hawthorne, Michael Vail, Stephen Pusey, Joseph Nielson.

Participation in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Minnie Wills, Shirlee McGuire, Lottie Phillips, Gary Streit, Larry Finger, Donal Toland, Ottis Sayes, Robert Smith, George Lyons, William Woodruff, Franklyn, Wise, Kenneth Hendrick, Loretta Reinhart, Richard Colling, Stephen Taylor, Keith O'Dell, John Hanson, Allan Wiens, Steohen Vanciel, Michael Vail, Donald Wood, Larry Watson, Frank Garton, Linda Shelton, Rubalee Wicklnad, John Hawthorne, Stephen Pusey, Bill Isaacs, Gene Shea, Ken Armstrong, Paul Koch, Joseph Nielson, James Thompson, Harlow Hopkins, Harvey Collins, Marcus VanAmeringen, Joe Noble, timothy Nelson, Alice Edwards, Gerald Anderson, James Legacy, Walter Bartholomew, LeRoy Wright, Gordon Wickersham, David Kale.

Articles in Church Publications:

Leora Legacy, Larry finger, Ottis Sayes, Kenneth Hendrick, Harvey Collins, Max Reams.

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Susan Hobbs, Paul Koch.

Promotions in Rank:

Larry Ferren, Stephen Taylor, Richard Colling, Michael Vail, Stephen Vanciel, Ray H. Moore.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:

Gary Streit, Deane White, Leora Legacy, C.W. Ellwanger, George Lyons, Franklyn Wise, Kenneth Hendrick, Deborah Bembry, Albertta David, Larry Vail, Robert Hayes, Ivor Newsham, John Hanson, Carolyn Sechrist, Frank Garton, William Bell, Larry Watson, Donal Wood, Harry Westfall, Kathryn Van Fossan, Ruth Tomaschke, Ken Armstrong, Gene Shea, Bill Isaacs, Stephen Pusey, Alice Edwards, Marcus Van Ameringen, James Thompson, James Tripp, Carolyn Gill, Mary Anderson.

Recognition of Years of Service: (see program).

Item 10: Program, 1985Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year: C. William Ellwanger

Staff Member of the Year: John Mongerson

New Faculty for 1985-1986:

Douglas Armstrong, Brian Baker, Arthur Bogdanove, Linda Greenstreet, Randall Kinnersley, Gladya Noguera, Diane Richardson, Rachael Weiderhold.

New Staff for 1985- 1986:

Peggy Alsip, Carl Anderson, Paul Caldwell, Becky Casey, Vicki Cowin, Lyn Cunningham, Diane Daughty, Rick El-Talabani, Linda Geller, Pam Groves, Tom Logan, Marla Neese, Joan Nelson, Wendell Parsons, Keith Reel, Sharon Richardson, Donna Ricketts, Vivian Schweigert, Leon Soucie, Freda Wolfe.

Recognitions - Faculty & Staff:

Articles in Scholarly Journals:

Stephen Pusey, Vicki Trylong, Larry Finger, Max Reams, Alfred Fleming, Robert E. Hayes, Doborah Bembry, Dixie Turner.

Participation in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Joseph Nielson, Allan Wiens, Rubalee Wickland, Kenneth Armstrong, Stephen Pusey, John Hawthorne, Gerald Anderson, George Dunbar, Harlow Hopkins, Harvey Collins, Minnie Wills, Gary Streit, Lottie Phillips, Bill Foote, Deane White, Larry Finger, Leora Legacy, Max Reams, Alfred Fleming, Ivor Newsham, Larry Ferren, Lynette Christensen, Stephen Vanciel, Amy Golyshko, Linda Greenstreet, Susan Hobbs, Janice Holmes, Loramae Rentfro, Sara Spruce, Donald Wood, Deborah Bembry, Dixie Turner, Franklin Garton, Larry Watson, Franklyn Wise, Larry Watson, Franklyn Wise, James Thompson.

Articles in Church Publications:

Leora Legacy, J. Ottis Sayes, Kenneth Hendrick, George Lyons, William Woodruff, Gordon C. Wickersham.

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Kenneth Armstrong, Gerald Anderson, Larry Vail, Linda Greenstreet.

Promotions in Rank:

Rubalee Wickland, Kenneth Armstrong, George Lyons, Carolyn Sechrist, Stephen Pusey, Leora Legacy, Leona Hayes, Loretta Reinhart, Linda Greenstreet, Susan Hobbs.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:

Joseph Nielson, Gene Shea, Kenneth Armstrong, Stephen Pusey, Bill Isaacs, John Hawthorne, Gerald Anderson, Alice Edwards, Joe Noble, Harlow Hopkins, David Kale, Jim Knight, Gary Streit, M. Deane White, Leora Legacy, Larry Ferren, Robert Hayes, Ruth Tomaschke, Lynette Christensen, George Lyons, Harry Westfall, Sara Spruce, Deborah Bembry, William Bell, Franklin Garton, Larry Watson, Brenda Patterson, Ralph Hodge, Amy Golyshko, Leona Hayes, Susan Hobbs, David Hayes, Brian Allen, Dennis Baldridge, Jim Tripp, Rick Shelton, Mary Margaret Reed, Gordon Wickersham, Grover Brooks.

Years of Service: (see program).

Item 11: Program, 1986Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year: Gary Wayne Streit

Staff Member of the Year: Douglas Elliott Perry

New Faculty 1986-87:

Mark Ahlseen, W. Vincent Arnold, Joseph Bentz, Randal Johnson, LaVerne Jordan, Constance Milton, Lolita Phelps, John Reiniche, Dennis Roland, Donald Royal.

New Staff for 1986-87:

Kay Anderson, Moonyean Armstrong, Tina Bruner, Shirley Cadle, Lynn DeBoard, Herbert Foltz, Julie Garzelloni, Barbara Malliett, Frank Mangino, Daniel McFeeley, Michelle Morrison, Marilyn Myers, John Nutter, Betty Parsons, Janice Royal, Cheryl Seymour, John Small, John Story, Bea Thacker, Teresa Ulmet, Janet Williams, John Paul Williams.

Teaching Assistants for 1986-87:

Kim Raynor, Donnie Revel, Louis Stafford, David Thomas, John Vander Meer.

Recognitions - Faculty & Staff, 1985-86:

Articles in Scholarly Journals:

Michael Wiese, Max Reams, David Atkinson, Dixie Turner.

Participating in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Joseph Nielson, Michael Wiese, Joe Noble, Timothy Nelson, Alice Edwards, George Dunbar, Gerald Anderson, Harlow Hopkins, Harvey Collins, george Lyons, Franklyn Wise, Max Reams, Douglas Armstrong, Larry Ferren, Alfred Fleming, Stephen Vanciel, Lynette Christensen, Sara Spruce, Janice Holmes, Susan Hobbs, Gary Streit, Deane White, Larry Finger, Lottie Phillips, Shirlee McGuire, Ivor Newsham.

Articles in Church Publications:

J. Ottis Sayes, Kenneth Hendrick, George Lyons, Robert Smith, William Woodruff, Larry Finger, Gordon Wickersham.

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Randall Kinnersley, Douglas Perry.

Promotions in Rank:

William Foote, Franklin Garton,Bill Isaacs, Joe Noble, Brenda Patterson, Robert Smith, Dixie Turner, John Williams, Michael Wiese, Leonard Anderson, Willis Snowbarger, Harry Westfall.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:

Stephen Pusey, Joseph Nielson, bill Isaacs, Kenneth Armstrong, Gene Shea, Joanne Marquart, Rubalee Wickland, Diane Richardson, Joe Noble, Gerald Anderson, Harlow Hopkins, C. William Ellwanger, Kenneth Hendrick, Franklyn Wise, Larry Ferren, Richard Colling, Stephen Vanciel, Larry Watson, Sara Spruce, Ruth Tomaschke, Amy Golyshko, Linda Greenstreet, Constance Milton, Loretta Reinhart, Albertta David, Gary Streit, Deane White, Lottie Phillips, Shirlee McGuire, David Kale, Mary Anderson, Gary Griffin, John Mongerson, Michelle Tingley, Jim Tripp, Gordon Wickersham, David Caudle, Grover Brooks, D.J. Strickler.

Recognition of Years of Service: (see program).

Item 12: Program, 1987Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year: Donald Eugene Toland

Staff Member of the Year: Jim D. Knight

New Faculty:

Catherine Bareiss, Janice Barr Dowell, Ray Bower, Michael Gingerich, Stephen Putney, Sue Williams.

New Staff:

Albert Ackerman, Sandra Begley, Dawn Bumstead, Larry Cary, Royce Cole, Lyn Cunningham, Linda Dunbar, Anthony Fightmaster, Timothy Gilbert, Brenda McDonald, Gregory McDonald, Kyra Meyer, Kim Raynor, Judith Renchen, Michael Taylor, Marilyn Trepanier.

Recognitions - Faculty & Staff, 1986-87:

Books Published:

Jan Holmes.

Articles in Scholarly Journals:

Timothy Nelson, David Atkinson, Robert Hayes, Max Reams, Dixie Turner, Larry Finger, Vicki Trylong, Joseph Nielson.

Participating in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Linda Greenstreet, Susan Hobbs, Phyllis Reeder, Carol Doenges, Stephen Vanciel, Harvey Collins, Robert Smith, Larry Reinhart, J. Ottis Sayes, Frank Garton, Lolita Phelps, Ruthmarie eimer, Timothy Nelson, Alice Edwards, George Dunbar, Gerald Anderson, Harlow Hopkins, Gene Shea, Michael Wiese, Bill Isaacs, John Hawthorne, Joseph Nielson, Larry Ferren, Keith O'Dell, John Williams, Robert Wright, Richard Colling, Robert Hayes, Alfred Fleming, Douglas Armstrong, John Hanson, Max Reams, Stephen Pusey, Sara Spruce, David Kale, Gary Streit, Lottie Phillips, Joseph Bentz, deane White, Larry Finger, Vicki Trylong, Jusy Whitis, Allan Wiens, Dixie Turner, George Lyons, Mary Anderson.

Articles in Church Publications:

William Woodruff, Robert Smith, William Bell, Joseph Bentz, Larry Finger, Norman Bloom, Gordon Wickersham.

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Mary Anderson, Frank Garton, Judy Whitis, John Hawthorne, Vicki Trylong, Dixie Turner.

Promotions in Rank:

LaVerne Jordan, Randall Kinnersley, Diane Richardson, Gerald Anderson, Alfred Fleming, John Hawthorne, Timothy Nelson, Phyllis Reeder, Sara Spruce, Marjorie Mayo, Franklyn Wise.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:

Albertta David, Loretta Reinhart, Amy Colyshko, Linda Greens treet, Susan Hobbs, Charlotte Keck, Lora Rentfro, Phyllis Reeder, Brian Baker, Stephen Vanciel, Don Royal, Harvey Collins, Frank Garton, LaVerne Jordan, Joe Noble, Timothy Nelson, Alice Edwards, Gerald Anderson, Randall Kinnersley, Gene Shea, Ken Armstrong, Rubalee Wickland, Diane Richardson, Bill Isaacs, Larry Ferren, Keith O'Dell, alfred Fleming, Stephen Pusey, Jack Furbee, Sara Spruce, Larry Watson, William Bell, David Kale, Larry Finger, William Foote, Wendy Parsons, Jim Tripp, Ted R. Lee, Gordon Wickersham.

Recognition of Years of Service: (see program).

Item 13: Program, 1988Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year: Franklin Garton

Staff Member of the Year: Dennis Seymour

New Faculty:

Donald Engel, Larry King, Michael LaReau, Angela Latham-Jones, Troy Martin, Henry Smith, David Whitelaw.

New Staff:

Jean Austin, Larry Breeck, Bonnie Ballinger, Susanne Carnes, Mary Cary, Sylvia Hadden, Chuck Johnson, Sheryl Martin, Carol Maxon, Donald Revell, Jeff Schimmelpfennig, James Springer, Christine Stark, Christina Stimson, John VanderMeer, Mary Waskow, Lily Weber, Myrna Whitelaw, Verneta Willis.


Articles in Scholarly Journals:

Constance Milton, Robert Wright, Alfred Fleming, Max Reams, Dixie Turner, LaVerne Jordan, Mark Ahlseen, Joseph Nielson.

Participating in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Larry Reinhart, Ken Hendrick, George Lyons, Constance Milton, Leona Hayes, Linda Greenstreet, Susan Hobbs, Amy Golyshko, Phyllis Reeder, Loretta Reinhart, Douglas Armstrong, Robert Wright, Randal Johnson, William Beaney, Richard Colling, Alfred Fleming, John Hanson, Larry Ferren, John Williams, Catherine Bareiss, Max Reams, Shirlee McGuire, M. Deane White, Sue Williams, Lottie Phillips, William Foote, Joseph Bentz, Larry King Stephen Pusey, Dixie Turner, Carol Doenges, Stephen Vanciel, LaVerne Jordan, Frank Garton, Lolita Phelps, Harlow Hopkins, Gerald Anderson, George Dunbar, Alice Edwards, Timothy Nelson, Joe Noble, Harvey Collins, Donald Royal, Ken Armstrong, Rubalee Wickland, Diane Richardson, Jan Dowell, Bill Isaacs, John Hawthorne, Gary Streit, David Kale.

Articles in Church Publications:

Robert Smith, William Woodruff, George Lyons, Joseph Bentz, David Kale,

Advanced Degrees Earned:

C. William Ellwanger, Larry Reinhart, Alfred Fleming, LaVerne Jordan.

Promotions in Rank:

Jeralynne Hawthorne, John Reiniche, Judy Whitis, Randal Johnson, Joanne Marquart, Larry Reinhart, Vicki Trylong, Kathryn VanFossan, Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, Richard Colling, Stephen Pusey.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:

George Lyons, Constance Milton, Susan Hobbs, Phyllis Reeder, Alfred Fleming, John Hanson, Larry Ferren, Robert Hayes, Stephen Pusey, Sara Spruce, Stephen Vanciel, William Bell, LaVerne Jordan, Frank Garton, Joe Noble, Michael Wiese, Gene Shea, Ken Armstrong, Rubalee Wickland, Bill Isaacs, Edith and Ralph Williams, David Allen, Mary Anderson, Efton and Betty Elliott, Norman Bloom, Norman Moore, Gordon Wickersham, Dennis and Jane Baldridge, Rick and Paula Shelton.

Recognition of Years of Service: (see Program).

Item 14: Program, 1989Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year: Hampton Gerald Anderson

Staff Member of the Year: Connie Skinner

New Faculty: Eric Erickson, Paul Dillinger, Dale Hathaway, Fran Reed.

New Staff:  Angela Alvarado, Sally Aslinger, Don Bellomy, Tina Bruner, Yvonne Chafant, Todd Craig, Lynette DuBord, Vicki Erickson, Leonard Foster, James High, Jonetta Jarnagin, Betty Myers, David Pickering, Arlene Reel, Trina Scrabeck, Teresa Smith, Nancy Trepanier, Woody Webb, Kevin Willis, Cindy Woodworth.


Books Published: Leslie Parrott

Articles in Scholarly Journals: Mark Ahlseen, Constance Milton, Dixie Turner, David Whitelaw.

Participating in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Mary Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, Ken Armstrong, Vince Arnold, Catherine Bareiss, William Beaney, William Bell, Joseph Bentz, Ray Bower, Richard Colling, Harvey Collins, Janice Dowell, Alice Edwards, Larry Ferren, Alfred Fleming, William Foote, LaFerne Foster, Frank Garton, Michael Gingerich, Amy Golyshko, William Greiner, John Hanson, John Hawthorne, Leona Hayes, Robert Hayes, Susan Hobbs, Janice Holmes, Harlow Hopkins, Bill Isaacs, Randal Johnson, LaVerne Jordan, David Kale, Charlotte Keck, Angela Latham-Jones, George Lyons, Carol Maxson, Constance Milton, Timothy Nelson, Stephen Pusey, Max Reams, Phyllis Reeder, Larry Reinhart, Loretta Reinhart, John Reiniche, Donald Royal, Sara Spruce, Robert Smith, Dixie Turner, Kathryn Van Fossan, David Whitlaw, Judith Whitis, Michael Wiese, John Williams, Robert Wright.

Articles in Church Publications: William Bell, George Lyons, Troy Martin, John Mongerson, Max Reams, Robert Smith, Dixie Turner, William Woodruff.

Advanced Degrees Earned: Timothy Nelson, Loretta Reinhart, John Williams, Michael Wiese, Royce Cole, Linda Davison, Janice Dowell, Susan Hobbs, Charlotte Keck, Randy Kinnersley, Ruth Kinnersley.

Promotions in Rank: Catherine Bareiss, Joseph bentx, Janice Dowell, Larry King, Constance Milton, Jim Knight, Lottie Phillips, Alfred Fleming, C. William Ellwanger, Larry Reinhart, Loretta Reinhart, John Williams.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:

Mary Anderson, Ken Armstrong, David Atkinson, William Bell, Harvey Collins, George Dunbar, Alice Edwards, Donald Engel, Larry Ferren, LaFerne Foster, Frank Garton, William Greiner, Susan Hobbs, Bill Isaacs, Sharon James, Randal Johnson, LaVerne Jordan, Michael LaReau, George Lyons, Carol Maxson, Constance Milton, Phyllis Reeder, Donald Royal, Gene Shea, Jim Tripp, Gordon Wickersham, Rubalee Wickland, LeRoy Wright.

Recognition of Years of Service: (see program).

Item 15: Program, 1990Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year:  Allan Leslie Wiens

Staff Member of the Year: Thelma Louise Collins

New Faculty: Susan Baker, Victor Ball, Mary Ada Dillinger, Julienne Forrestral, Robert Hubbard, Jonathan Kruse, Sue Kruse, Carole Britton Leake, Terre Lyons, Carolyn Wilkes, Joseph York.

New Staff: Teresa Bowling, Pamela DeLahr, Ora Giddings, Barbara Giguere,Marisa Greenwood, Joanne Gremar, Carolyn Haney, Duane Haskins, Laurel Hubbard, Judy Huffmaster, Michelle King, Jon Klavohn, Robert Manville, Marilyn McCorkle, Christy Mills, Tracy Setters, Karen Snyder, Margo Strawser, Virginia Vanderwall, Nyla Wepprecht, J. Patrick Whalen, Kay Zoltani.

Coaching Assistants: Steve Fanara, Rich Richardson, Dan Baranik, Ron Rose.


Articles in Scholarly Journals: Alfred Fleming, Vincent Arnold, Ray Bower, David Kale, Donald Royal, Dixie Turner, Max Reams, Gary Streit.

Participating in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Richard Colling, Robert Hayes, John Hanson, Douglas Armstrong, Larry Ferren, Michael Gingerich, Alfred Fleming, John Reinche, Timothy Nelson, Ruth Marie Eimer, Alice Edwards, George Dunbar, Gerald Anderson, Harvey Collins, William Greiner, Harlow Hopkins, Joseph Nielson, Vincernt Arnold, Bill Isaacs, William Bell, LaVerne Jordan, Franklin Garton, Michael LaReau, David Whitelaw, Robert Smith, C. William Ellwanger, J. Ottis Sayes, Troy Martin, Vicki Trylong, Sue Williams, Larry Reinhart, Loretta Reinhart, Constance Milton, Paul Dillinger, David Kale, Joe Bentz, Stephen Pusey, Ted R. Lee, Dixie Turner, Sara Spruce, Fran Reed, Max Reams, Judith Whitis, Larry King, Ivor Newsham, Gary Streit, Gordon Wickersham, Angela Latham-Jones.

Articles in Church Publications: William Bell, David Whitelaw, Robert Smith, William Woodruff, Troy Martin, John Mongerson, Gordon C. Wickersham.

Advanced Degrees Earned: Vincent Arnold, Troy Martin, Larry King.

Promoitons in Rank:  Angela Latham-Jones, LaVerne Jordan, Charlotte Keck, Ruth Kinnersley, Michael LaReau, Donald Royal, Larry Vail, Timothy Nelson, Dixie Turner.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community: Richard Colling, Robert Hayes, Larry Ferren, David Atkinson, Timothy Nelson, Alice Edwards, Gerald Anderson, Harlow Hopkins, Bill Isaacs, William Bell, Franklin Garton, Michael LaReau, Phyllis Reeder, Constance Milton, Leona Hayes, Diane Richardson, Rubalee Wickland, Joseph Bentz, Shirlee McGuire, Stephen Pusey, Dixie Turner, Sara Spruce, Minnie Wills, Mary anderson, Irving Kranick, Daniel McFeeley, Dennis Baldridge, Gary Streit, James Tripp, Gordon C.Wickersham, Angela Latham-Jones.

Recognition for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 16: Program, 1991Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year: Harlow Eugene Hopkins

Staff Member of the Year:  Mary Dillman Gates

New Faculty: Stephen Brown, Geri Bottles, Ruth M. Cook, William Dean, Lora H. Donoho, Craighton Hippenhammer, Kristin King, Cynthia Lewis, D. Regina Lindsey, Russelll Lovett, Rick Miller, Steven Rice, Jo Williamson.

New Staff: Gideon Berhanu, Tom Brooks, Michelle Chinski, Luann Collings, William DeWees, Shirley Easter, Jenny Johnson, Beverly Kress, Caryl Lergner, Michelle Morse, Wes Nolen, Joanne Perrigin, Rodney Sheets, Sharon Thackeray, Pam Whalen.

Coaching Assistants: Ralph Robinson.


Articles in Scholarly Journals: Robert Hayes, Alfred Fleming, John Hanson, Phyllis Reeder, LaVerne Jordan.

Participating in Scholarly Programs, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

George Dunbar, John Reiniche, Joe Noble, Timothy Nelson, Alice Edwards, Gerald Anderson, William Greiner, Robert Smith, Kenneth Hendrick, William Ellwanger, Carole Leake, Sara Spruce, Dixie Turner, Alfred Fleming, Michael Gingerich, Eric Erickson, David Atkinson, John Hanson, Larry Ferren, Douglas Armstrong, Robert Wright, Leona Hayes, Charlotte Keck, Constance Milton, Phyllis Reeder, Susan Hobbs, Paul Dillinger, Amy Golyshko, Linda Greenstreet, Janice Holmes, Michael LaReau, Bill Isaacs, William Bell, LaVerne Jordan, Franklin Garton, Shirlee McGuire, Sue Williams, Vicki Trylong, Angela Latham-Jones, David Whitelaw, Max Reams, David Kale, Harlow Hopkins, Donald Royal, Stephen Pusey, Gary Streit, Ivor Newsham, Gordon Wickersham, Mary Anderson, Dennis Baldridge.

Faculty Receiving Support under the Lilly Endowment Grant for Faculty-Scholarship Activites:

Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, Catherine Bareiss, William Bell, Richard Colling, Mary Ada Dillinger, Alice Edwards, Eric Erickson, Larry Ferren, Alfred Fleming, Linda Greenstreet, John Hanson, Dale Hathaway, Robert Hayes, Randal Johnson, LaVerne Jordan, David Kale, Charlotte Keck, Sue Kruse, Angela Latham-Jones, Carole Leake, Constance Milton, Timothy Nelson, Max Reams, Phyllis Reeder, Robert Smith, Sara Spruce, Vicki Trylong, David Whitelaw, Carolyn Wilkes, Sue Williams.

Articles in Church Publications: Robert Smith, Willam Bell, David Whitelaw, Dennis Baldridge.

Advanced Degrees Earned: Michael Gingerich, Leona Hayes, Phyllis Reeder, Brian Baker, Eric Erickson, Ray Kuhles, Jeffrey Schimmelpfennig, John VanderMeer.

Promotions in Rank: Eric Erickson, William Greiner, Sue Williams, Ruthmarie Eimer, Randal Johnson, Henry Smith, Vicki Trylong, Harvey Collins, Minnie Wills, William Woodruff.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community: Timothy Nelson, Alice Edwards, Gerald Anderson, Sara Spruce, Kathryn Van Fossan, Richard Colling, Robert Hayes, David Atkinson, Larry Ferren, Leona Hayes, Constance Milton, Phyllis Reeder, Linda Greenstreet, Michael LaReau, Bill Isaacs, William Bell, Franklin Garton, Shirlee McGuire, Angela Latham-Jones, Harlow Hopkins, Donald Royal, Allan Wiens, Stephen Pusey, Gordon Wickersham, Jim Tripp, LeRoy Wright.

Recogniton of Years of Service: (see Program).

Item 17: Program, 1992Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year: Charlotte Keck

Staff Member of the Year: Donald L. Keck

New Faculty: Robert Branson, Dwight Ginn, Mary Jean Johnson, Paul Koch, John Marangu, Larry Murphy, Emery Twoey.

New Staff: Brent Anderson, Jeff Applebee, Sharon Bellomy, Jean Bettis, Kevin Bigelow, Kimberly Campbell, Eileen Conradi, Sarah Cooke, Joan Dean, Carol Erickson, Lori Hoekstra, Donna Lovett, Dawn McLaughlin, Jonathan Pickering, Marjorie Raymond, Dianne Schaafsma, Joshua Smith, Sandra Twait.

New Administrative Staff: Spencer Barnard, William Couchenour, Selden Dee Kelley, Brian Sattler.


Published Material: Dixie Turner, Kathryn VanFossan, Craighton Hippenhammer.

Articles in Church Publications: Robert Smith, Max Reams.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activities, Unpublished Papers, Recitals,Travel:

Vicki Trylong, Judith Whitis, Angela Latham-Jones, Ruth Cook, Sue Williams, Kristin King, Stephen, Brown, John Hanson, Douglas Armstrong, Larry Vail, Catherine bareiss, Michael Gingerich, Randal Johnson, Richard Colling, Alfred Fleming, Leona Hayes, Phyllis Reeder, Paul Dillinger, Susan Draine, Linda Greenstreet, Amy Golyshko, Constance Milton, Michael LaReau, Cynthia Lewis, Bill Isaacs, William Bell, Ray Bower, Franklin Garton, LaVerne Jordan, Sara Spruce, Dixie Turner, Craighton Hippenhammer, Mary Ada Dillinger, C. William Ellwanger, Kenneth Hendrick, Robert Smith, Rubalee Wickland, Carolyn Wilkes, Diane Richardson, Harlow Hopkins, John Reiniche, Donald Royal, Gerald Anderson, George Dunbar, Alice Edwards, William Greiner, Timothy Nelson, Joe Noble, Robert Hubbard, Max Reams, David Kale, Gary Streit, Mary Anderson, Dennis Baldridge, Henry Smith.

Faculty Receiving Support Under the Lilly Endowment Grant For Faculty Development Activities:

Kenneth Hendrick, Shirlee McGuire, Jo Williamson, Ruth Cook, Phyllis Reeder, Douglas Armstrong, Robert Smith, Gerald Anderson, Judith Whitis, Cynthia Lewis, LaVerne Jordan, John Hanson, William Greiner, Kristin King, Craighton Hippenhammer, Charlotte Keck, Sara Soruce, Richard Colling, Vicki Trylong, Randal Johnson, Alfred Fleming.

Advanced Degrees Earned: Judith Whitis, Ray Bower, Mary Margaret Reed, Mary Ada Dillinger, Dennis Seymour.

Promotions in Rank: Robert Smith, Phyllis Reeder, Susan Draine, Michael Gingerick, Amy Golyshko, Linda Greenstreet, Janice Holmes, Judith Whitis, William Beaney, William dean, C.W.Ward, Allan Wiens.

Personal Recognitions and Service to the Community:

Angela Latham-Jones, D. Regina Lindsey, Larry Ferren, David Atkinson, Michael Giingerich, Richard Colling, Alfred Fleming, Paul Dillinger, Linda Greenstreet, Constance Milton, Michael LaReau, Bill Isaacs, William Dean, William Bell, Franklin Garton, Joseph Nielson, Sara Spruce, Lora Donoho, Kathryn VanFossan, Steve Rice, Rubalee Wickland, Harlow Hopkins, Gerald Anderson, Alice Edwards, Robert Hubbard, David Kale, John Hanson, Gary Streit, Mary Anderson, Dennis Baldridge, Betty Elliott, Dennis Seymour, Jim Tripp, Bill DeWees, Marilyn Myers, Sharon James, Betty Elliott, John Bowling, Douglas Perry, Mary Margaret Reed.

Recognition for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 18: Program, 1993Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year: William G. Foote

Staff Member of the Year: Joyce M. Muhm

New Faculty: Ron Dalton, Janice Dowell, Daniel Green, Kenneth Grider, Jan Hockensmith, Stephen Lowe, Jay Martinson, Glen Rewerts, Philip Sackett, David Van Heemst, Noel Whitis, Jerry "Bogie" Wood.

New Staff: Kathryn Demoure, Esther Branson, Connie Murphy, Michael Lingle, Norma Bradford, Kelly Wellenreiter, Kathleen Moriarty, Susan Vickers, Robin Pierson, Richard Wright, Scott Dingman, Timothy Schultz, Gregory Wooten, Yvette Nugent, Lisa Smith, Melody Matson, Ray Kuhles, Carl Fletcher, Brent Long, Melissa Wood, Burtrann Young, Linda Grady, Ryan Craig, Gina Blanchette, Greg Johnson.


Published Articles: Fran Reed, Dwight Ginn, Max Reams.

Articles in Church Publications: Robert Smith, Robert Branson, Joseph Nielson.

Participation in Professonal/Scholarly Activities, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel.

Gary Streit, Diane Richardson, Rubalee Wickland, Dixie Turner, Fran Reed, Emery Twoey, C. William Ellwanger, Ottis Sayes, Regina Lindsey, Kristin King, Jo Williamson, Judith Whitis, Angela Latham-Jones, Vicki Trylong, Ruth Cook, Dale Hathaway, Stephen Brown, Michael Gingerich, Catherine Bareiss, Larry Vail, John Hanson, Douglas Armstrong, Max Reams, Robert Wright, Randal Johnson, Alfred Fleming, Craighton Hippenhammer, William Bell, Ray Bower, Franklin Garton, LaVerne Jordan, Joseph Nielson, Michael LaReau, William Dean, Bill Isaacs, Gerald Anderson, Alice Edwards, Timothy Nelson, Harlow Hopkins, Donald Royal, William Greiner, Linda Greenstreet, Leona Hayes, Charlotte Keck, Constance Milton, Phyllis Reeder.

Advanced Degrees Earned: Krisitn King, Ritchie Richardson, Ralph Robinson.

Promotions in Rank: Ray Bower, Mary Ada Dillinger, Regina Lindsey.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community: Paul Koch, Diane Richardson, Rubalee Wickland, Carole Britton Leake, Sara Spruce, Fran Reed, Robert Branson, Robert Smith, Regina Lindsey, Vicki Trylong, Shirlee McGuire, David Atkinson, Michael Gingerich, Max Reams, Larry Ferren, Douglas Armstrong, Randal Johnson, William Bell, Franklin Garton, Michael LaReau, William Dean, Bill Isaacs, Gerald Anderson, Alice Edwards, Harlow Hopkins, John Reiniche, Donald Royal, Paul Dillinger, Charlotte Keck, Constance Milton, Phyllis Reeder, Mary Anderson, Yvonne Chalfant, Carol Erickson, Brian Sattler, Woody Webb, Dianne Schaafsma, Jim Tripp.

Recognition for years of service: (see program).

Item 19: Program, 1994Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the year: Randal D. Johnson

Staff Member of the Year: Darrell W. Bellomy

New Faculty 1994-95: Reinhold Gerbsch, Craig Keen, Elesha Keen, Kevin Kelsey, Elizabeth Patrick, Richard Thompson, Mark Williams, Jeffrey Wood.

New Administrative Staff: William Bray, M.Dennis Brown, Rev. Walter "Woody" Webb.

New Staff 1994-95: Tony Bellomy, Tom Crider, Bary Cruz, Laurie DeYoung, Jeffery Enfield, Dereck Ferris, Patricia Forquer, Benjamin Forsythe, Lori Forsythe, Trina Grable, Daryl Haessig, Susan Hendley, Mary Beth Kerr, Carl Koerner, Julie Lee, Michael Mangino, Kristie Miracle, Brian Parker, Patricia Trout, Ken Watts, Jeffrey Wells, Matt Whitis.


Published Materials: Dwight Ginn, Kenneth Grider, Dale Hathaway, Dixie Turner, Robert Smith, Craighton Hippenhammer, Bill DeWees.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activites, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Ivor Newsham, John Hanson, Douglas Armstrong, Randal Johnson, David Atkinson, Stephen Brown, Dale Hathaway, Max Reams, William Greiner, Gerald Anderson, George Dunbar, Timothy Nelson, Harlow Hopkins, Robert Smith, Robert Branson, Amy Golyshko, Constance Milton, Leona Hayes, Paul Dillinger, Janice Holmes, Craighton Hippenhammer, Kathryn Van Fossan, Fran Reed, Bogie Wood, Lora Donoho, LaVerne Jordan, Franklin Garton, Steven Rice, Paul Koch, Janice Hockensmith, Diane Richardson, Jan Dowell, Stephen Lowe, David Van Heemst, William Bell, Ruth Cook, Jay Martinson, Regina Lindsey, Judith Whitis, Henry Smith, Spencer Barnard, Carol Maxson, Jeffrey Wells, Gary Streit.

Advanced Degrees Earned: Jay Martinson, Craighton Hippenhammer, Janice Hockensmith, William DeWees, Gregory Bruner, David Pickering, Dianne Schaafsma.

Promotions in Rank: LaVerne Jordan, Constance Milton, William Dean, Dale Hathaway, Diane Richardson, Paul Koch, Kristin King, Mary Jean Johnson, Robert Hayes, Bill Isaacs, J.Ottis Sayes.

Personal Recognitions and Service to the Community: Eric Erickson, Ivor Newsham, Larry Ferren, Richard Colling, Randal Johnson, Larry Vail, David Atkinson, Dale Hathaway, Max Reams, Gerald Anderson, Alice Edwards, Timothy Nelson, Harlow Hopkins, Larry Murphy, Ron Dalton, Robert Branson, Phyllis Reeder, Amy Golyshko, Constance Milton, Paul Dillinger, Janice Holmes, Craigton Hippenhammer, Sara Spruce, Fran Reed, Larry Watson, Ralph Hodge, Lora Donoho, LaVerne Jordan, Ray Bower, Franklin Garton, Glen Rewerts, Michael LaReau, Janice Hockensmith, Diane Richardson, Janice Dowell, William Dean, William Bell, William Foote, Vicki Trylong, Regina Lindsey, Carol Maxson, Robin Pierson, Mary Anderson, Bill DeWees, Betty Elliott, Donna Lovett, John Mongerson, Gary Streit, Brian Sattler, Russell Lovett, Dianne Schaafsma, Jim Tripp, Jeff Wells.

Recognition for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 20: Program, 1995Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year: Henry L. Smith

Staff Member of the Year: David J. Pickering

New Faculty 1995-96: Don Daake, Stephen Fountain, Lisa Gassin, Xinyu (Cindy) Li, Gregory Long, Kent Olney, Donald Peterson, Jeffrey Wells, David Wine, Norma Wood.

New Athletic Staff: Obie Coomer, Derek DeWitt, Stephen Fanara.

New Staff: Lori Bennett, Stephanie Coffey, Angie Dishon, Dan Ferris, Matthew Foor, Anthony Grimm, Sherrie Hablitzel, Daryl Haessig, Marc Harris, John Hawes, Rebecca Kelsey, Vicky Lalumendre, Verleen Martyn, Linda Meyer, Keith O'Dell, Claudia Olson, Anemone Reeves, Robert Rush, Penny Scott, Andrew Smith, Michelle Stipp, Kristin Strehlow, Kathleen Tomasik, Susan Turner, Carol Watson, Laurie Wells, Lisa Wilson, Tamara Woodruff.


Published Materials:  Bill DeWees, Mary Ada Dillinger, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Stephen Lowe, Phyllis Reeder, Robert Smith, Judith Whitis.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activities, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Spencer Barnard, Catherine Bareiss, William Bell, Stephen Brown, Ruth Cook, Bill DeWees, Mary Ada Dillinger, Jan Dowell, Susan Draine, D. George Dunbar, Alice Edwards, Frank Garton, Reinhold Gerbsch, Linda Greenstreet, William Greiner, John Hanson, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Janice Holmes, Harlow Hopkins, Randal Johnson, LaVerne Jordan, Paul Koch, Russell Lovett, Stephen Lowe, Jay Martinson, Connie Milton, Ivor Newsham, Beth Patrick, Fran Reed, Phyllis Reeder, Henry Smith, Sara Spruce, Emery Twoey, Kathryn Van Fossan, David Van Heemst, Judith Whitis.

Advanced Degrees Earned: Catherine Vareiss, Ruth Cook, Paul Koch, Fran Reed, Bogie Wood.

Promotion in Rank: Shirlee McGuire, Judith Whitis, Ron Dalton, Dwight Ginn, Fran Reed, Glen Rewerts, Sue Williams, C. William Ellwanger, William Foote.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community: Gerald Anderson, David Atkinson, William Bell, Ray Bower, Ron Dalton, William Dean, Bill DeWees, Paul Dillinger, Susan Draine, Alice Edwards, Larry Ferren, Frank Garton, Dwight Ginn, Harlow Hopkins, Randal Johnson, Charlotte Keck, Craig Keen, Kevin Kelsey, Jay Martinson, Carol Maxson, Connie Milton, Ivor Newsham, Beth Patrick, Robin Pierson, Max Reams, Phyllis Reeder, Glen Rewerts, Sara Spruce, Gary Streit, Larry Vail, Judith Whitis, Sue Williams.

Staff "Point of Interest": Mary Anderson, Darrell Bellomy, Yvonne Chalfant, John Mongerson, Brian Sattler, Dianne Schaafsma, Jim Tripp.

Recognition for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 21: Program, 1996Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year:  Mike LaReau

Staff Member of the Year:  Betty Elliott

New Faculty:  Bethany Butterfield, Mike Conway, Martha Dalton, Lisa Evoy, Susan Gray, Lezli "Chelise" Kinzinger, Thomas Knowles.

New Staff:  Virginia Alcorn, Lawrence Ames, Gordon Armstrong, Anthony Baker, Larry Berry, William Borchardt, Beth Conway, Dennis Crawford, Vickie DeWees, Brian Dishon, Patricia Geasa, Jan Green, Ronald Hadley, Judith Hendrickson, Chuck Johnson, Donald Johnson, Donnie Johnson, Joy Jones, Steven Jones, Michael Long, Matt McBurnie, Dawn McGonigal, Deann Motz, Denzil Neumann, Carol Pommier, Jeff Schimmelpfennig, Brock Schroder, Beth Shaul, Phillip Stiles, Mark Taylor, Bill Tudor, Barry Wilson.


Published Material:  Don Daake, Bill DeWees, Stephen Fountain, Craighton Hippenhammer, Gregory Long, Robert Smith, David Van Heemst.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activities, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, Catherine Bareiss, William Bell, Stephen Brown, Ruth McDowell Cook, Don Daake, Ron Dalton, William Dean, Bill DeWees, Paul Dillinger, Janice Dowell, Susan Draine, Stephen Fountain, Franklin Garton, Lisa Gassin, Reinhold Gerbsch, Daniel Green, William Greiner, Randal Johnson, Laverne Jordan, John Hanson, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Jan Hockensmith, Kristin King, Paul Koch, Mike LaReau, Gregory Long, Donna Lovett, Jay Martinson, Shirlee McGuire, Constance Milton, Ivor Newsham, Brenda Patterson, Sue Rattin, Max Reams, Fran Reed, Phyllis Reeder, Glen Rewerts, Diane Richardson, Robert Smith, Gary Streit, Richard Thompson, David Van Heemst, Jeffrey Wells, Judith Whitis, Sue Williams, Norma Wood, Robert Wright.

Advanced Degrees Earned: David Van Heemst, Keith Reel, Richard Thompson, Gideon Berhanu, Sue Williams, Derek DeWitt, Ralph Hodge.

Promotions in Rank:  Ralph Hodge, Catherine Bareiss, Ruth McDowell Cook, Linda Davison, Paul Dillinger, William Greiner, Jan Hockensmith, Russell Lovett, Stephen Lowe, Jay Martinson, Larry Murphy, Harlow Hopkins, Joseph Nielson, Esther Roberts.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:  Gerald Anderson, David Atkinson, William Bell, Yvonne Chalfant, Ruth McDowell Cook, William Dean, Janice Dowell, Eric Erickson, Larry Ferren, Franklin Garton, Reinhold Gerbsch, Amy Golyshko, William Greiner, Craighton Hippenhammer, Jan Hockensmith, Janice Holmes, LaVerne Jordan, Kevin Kelsey, Paul Koch, Mike LaReau, Donna Lovett, Constance Milton, Ivor Newsham, Kent Olney, Robin Pierson, Sue Rattin, Max Reams, Phyllis Reeder, Glen Rewerts, Mark Williams.

Staff Points of Interest:  Ray Kuhles, Carol Reams, Brian Sattler, Jim Tripp.

Recognition for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 22: Program, 1997Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year:  Larry Watson

Staff Member of the Year:  Gary Griffin

New Faculty for 1997-98:  Rebecca Belcher, Jeffrey Bell, Mike Morgan, Kashama Mulamba, Dale Oswalt, Don Reddick, Marla Streit, Stan Tuttle.

New Staff for 1997-98:  Nancy Bretzlaff, Erick Crew, Matthew Cuprys, Trisha Garrison, Daniel Hamlin, Lori Ann Henson, Audrey Hill, Kathy Jewell, Nina Koerner, Beth Krusich, Susan LeBuhn, Caryl Lergner, Elaine McAndrews, Annette Meents, Chris O'brien, Arlene Reel, Jared Rider, Paul Schwada, Cory Sellers, Raymond Wissbroecker, Dean Wittman, George Wolff.

Faculty and Staff Recognitions:

Published Material:  David Atkinson, Stephen Brown and Dale Hathaway, Ruth Cook, Craighton Hippenhammer, Greg Long, Timothy Nelson.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activites, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel.

Gerald Anderson, Mary Anderson, Catherine Bareiss, William Bell, Ray Bowler, Stephen Brown, Ruth Cook, Don Daake, Ron Dalton, William Dean, Bill DeWees, Susan Draine, George Dunbar, Lisa Evoy, Larry Ferren, Juliene Forrestal, Franklin Garton, Lisa Gassin, Daniel Green, William Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Janice Hockensmith, Janice Holmes, LaVerne Jordan, Craig Keen, Elesha Keen, Paul Koch, Michael LaReau, Cindy Li, Stephen Lowe, Donna Lovett, Jay Martinson, Carol Maxson, John Mongerson, Timothy Nelson, Ivor Newsham, Kent Olney, Beth Patrick, Sue Rattin, Keith Reel, Fran Reed, Phyllis Reeder, Diane Richardson, Sara Spruce, Gary Streit, Larry Vail, Kathryn Van Fossan, David Van Heemst, Judith Whitis, Mark Williams, Sue Williams, David Wine.

Advanced Degrees Earned:  Yvonne Chalfant, Thomas Crider, Matt Foor, Dan Green, Daniel Hanson, Donna Lovett, Johathan Pickering, Robin Pierson, Larry Vail.

Promotions in Rank:  Stephen Brown, Janice Dowell, Eric Erickson, Richard Thompson, David Van Heemst, Mark Williams, Larry Vail.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community: Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, William Bell, Beth Butterfield, Yvonne Chalfant, William Dean, Jan Dowell, Susan Draine, Alice Edwards, Larry Ferren, Matt Foor, Franklin Garton, Amy Golyshko, Ron Hadley, Craighton Hipperhammer, Janice Hockensmith, Ralph Hodge, Randal Johnson, Kevin Kelsey, Paul Koch, Ray Kuhles, Michael LaReau, Donna Lovett, Russell Lovett, Ivor Newsham, Keith O'Dell, Kent Olney, Wendy Parsons, Max Reams, Phyllis Reeder, Glen Rewerts, Diane Richardson, Richie Richardson, Brian Sattler, Dianne Schaafsma, Paul Schwada, Jim Tripp, Larry Watson, Jeffrey Wells, Mark Williams.

Recognition for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 23: Program, 1998Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year:  Kathy Zurbrigg

Staff Member of the Year:  Phyllis Harris

New Faculty for 1998-99:  Thomas Bakewell, Ralph Goodwin, Douglas Porter, Brock Schroeder, Brenda Williams.

One-Year Appointment:  Stephanie Link, David Starkey, Jeremy Van Kley.

New Staff for 1998-99:  Beverly Bailey, Carole Bell, Bill Brubaker, Joshua Davis, Douglas Dean, Keith Easter, Pam Greenlee, Darla Jensen, Jodi Lindgren, Meda Long, Cathy Lundmark, Diane Marcukaitis, Becky Messier, Marsha Randall, Linda Rantz, Marcia Reynolds, Warren Rodgers III, Jeanette Schreffler, Zoe Seed, Cheryl Spohn, Joe Trevino, Carol Watson, Shaun Wilson, Laura Winkel.

Faculty and Staff Recognitons: 

Published Materials:  Bill DeWees, Craighton Hippenhammer, Craig Keen, Richard Thompson.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activities, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Catherine Bareiss, Rebecca Belcher, William Bell, Stephen Brown, Don Daake, Ron Dalton, Jan Dowell, Alice Edwards, Larry Ferren, Juliene Forrestal, Franklin Garton, Daniel Green, John Hanson, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Janice Hockensmith, Randall Johnson, LaVerne Jordan, Craig Keen, Thomas Knowles, Michael LaReau, Xinyu Li, Gregory Long, Stephen Lowe, Jay Martinson, Shirlee McGuire, Constance Milton, Kashama Mulamba, Ivor Newsham, Kent Olney, Max Reams, Phyllis Reeder, Gary Streit, Richard Thompson, Stan Tuttle, Judith Whitis, Mark Williams, Sue Williams, David Wine, Kathy Zurbrigg.

Advanced Degrees Earned:  Jan Dowell, Matt Foor, Constance Milton, Stan Tuttle, David Van Heemst.

Promotion in Rank:  Juliene Forrestal, Daniel Green, Craighton Hippenhammer, Ray Bower, Dale Hathaway.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:  Gerald Anderson, Mary Anderson, David Atkinson, William Bell, Ray Bower, Nancy Bretzlaff, Yvonne Chalfant, Don Daake, Alice Edwards, Larry Ferren, Juliene Forrestal, Amy Golyshko, Craighton Hippenhammer, Janice Hockensmith, Ralph Hodge, LaVerne Jordan, Dale Oswalt, Franklin Garton, Paul Koch, Michael LaReau, Constance Milton, John Mongerson, Phyllis Reeder, Glen Rewerts, Diane Richardson, Ritchie Richardson, Dianne Schaafsma, Michelle Stipp, James Tripp, David Van Heemst, Mark Williams.

Recognition for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 24: Program, 1999Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year:  Judy Whitis

Staff Member of the Year:  Wendy Parsons

New Faculty for 1999-2000:  Diane Fox, Elliot Johnson, Karen Lea.

One Year Appointments:  Catherine Anstrom, Kenneth French.

New Staff for 1999-2000:  Wendi Anderson, Bill Bahr, Jonathan Bartling, Garnett Begley, Heather Billington, M.Sue Bishir, Paul Boudreau, Eric Buchtenkirch, Kevin Emerson, Tony Grimm, Brett Halsey, Larry Hodges, Joel Hoover, Darnell Howard, Ann Hugo, Darlene Hutnak, Patty Jankus, Rosetta Jewell, Brenda Kirby, Brandi LaMie, Bruce McAndrews, Amber Mead, Thane Moore, Nichelle Pajeau, Michael Seed, Sid Shipman II, Tina Simmons, Marilyn Tueck, Rebecca Williams, Julie Zehr.

Faculty and Staff Recognitions:

Published Materials:  Stephen Lowe, Paul Koch, Constance Milton, Kent Olney, Fran Reed, Richard Thompson.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activities, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, Catherine Bareiss, Rebecca Belcher, Jeffrey Bell, Stephen Brown, Don Daake, William Dean, Alice Edwards, Larry Ferren, Juliene Forrestal, Dale Hathaway,Craighton Hippenhammer, Jan Hockensmith, Randal Johnson, Craig Keen, Chelise Kinzinger, Paul Koch, Michael LaReau, Gregory Long, Russell Lovett, Stephen Lowe, Shirlee McGuire, Constance Milton, Kashama Mulamba, Ivor Newsham, Kent Olney, Sue Rattin, Max Reams, Don Reddick, Phyllis Reeder, Diane Richardson, Brock Schroeder, Sara Spruce, Gary Streit, Richard Thompson, Vicki Trylong, Judith Whitis, Mark Williams, Sue Williams, Norma Wood.

Advanced Degrees Earned:  Kent Olney, Brenda Patterson, Brock Schroeder, Susan Wolff.

Promotions in Rank:  Brock Schroeder, Mary Ada Dillinger, Elesha Keen, Dale Oswalt, Beth Patrick, William Dean, Paul Koch, Constance Milton.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:  Mary Anderson, Jonathan Bartling, William Bell, Nancy Bretzlaff, Don Daake, William Dean, Alice Edwards, Franklin Garton, Linda Greenstreet, Gary Griffin, Ron Hadley, Jan Hockensmith, Ralph Hodge, Jan Holmes, Paul Koch, Constance Milton, Mike Morgan, Kent Olney, Dale Oswalt, Ritchie Richardson, Dianne Schaafsma, Marla Streit, Richard Thompson, Mark Williams.

Recognition for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 25: Program, 2000Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year:  Richard Colling

Staff Member of the Year:  Brian Allen

New Faculty:  Rose Bigler, Timothy Brandt, Sonda Dittmer, Gary Koch, Gary Newsome, Gerald Slowik, Neal Woodruff.

Other New Faculty/Administrative Appointments:  Jonathan Bartlin, Joan Dean, Carol Maxson, Connie Murphy, David Starkey.

New Staff:  Jean Bettis, Darren Blair, Jay Bohner, Shannon Boyts, Stephen DeBoard, Jason Elliot, Mary Jo Haskins, Kirk Johnson, Joey Keefer, Heather Kinzinger, Chong Suk Knight, Bob Kring, Jeff LaFave, Carol Lang, Michael Lucas, Jessica Middendorf, Tommy Middendorf, Jean Milton, Mindy Nelson, Vicki Newsome, Michaela Reichmann, Dawn Roesel, Tami Rush, Phil Saurer, Jon Wadsworth, Marlin Wallace.

Faculty and Staff Recognitions:

Published Materials:  Robert Branson, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Stephen Lowe, Constance Milton, Richard Thompson, David Van Heemst, Carol Watson.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activities, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Gerald Anderson, Mary Anderson, Catherine Anstrom, David Atkinson, Catherine Bareiss, Rebecca Belcher, Jeffery Bell, William Bell, Ray Bower, Robert Branson, Stephen Brown, Greg Bruner, Don Daake, Mary Ada Dillinger, Alice Edwards, Larry Ferren, Juliene Forrestal, Franklin Garton, Amy Golyshko, Ralph Goodwinm, Daniel Green, William Greiner, John Hanson, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Janice Hockensmith, Jan Holmes, LaVerne Jordan, Craig Keen, Kristin King, Chelise Kinzinger, Ray Kuhles, Michael LaReau, Jay Martinson, Carol Maxson, Shirlee McGuire, Constance Milton, Kashama Mulamba, Timothy Nelson, Ivor Newsham, Kent Olney, Dale Oswalt, Brian Parker, Beth Patrick, Sue Rattin, Don Reddick, Fran Reed, Phyllis Reeder, Diane Richardson, Michelle Stipp, Gary Streit, Marla Streit, Richard Thompson, Vicki Trylong, Stan Tuttle, Larry Vail, David Van Heemst, Jeremy Van Kley, Jeffrey Wells, Judith Whitis, Brenda Williams, Mark Williams, sue Williams, Barry Wilson, George Wolff, Norma Wood.

Advanced Degrees Earned:  Marc Harris, Elesha Keen, Carol Maxson, Connie Murphy, Dale Oswalt, Carol Reams, Max Reams, Diane Richardson, Michelle Stipp, Marla Streit, Jeffrey Wells.

Promotions in Rank:  Lisa Evoy, Jeffrey Wells, David Wine, Catherine Bareiss, Don Daake, Ron Dalton, Dwight Ginn, Kent Olney, Brenda Patterson, Fran Reed, Glen Rewerts, Diane Richardson, Sue Williams, George Dunbar, John Hanson.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:  Catherine Anstrom, David Atkinson, William Bell, Don Daake, William Dean, Diane Fox, Frank Garton, Susan Gray, William Greiner, Gary Griffin, Janice Hockensmith, Ralph Hodge, Thomas Knowles, Paul Koch, Michael LaReau, Donna Lovett, Russell Lovett, Constance Milton, Michael Morgan, Kent Olney, Dale Oswalt, Carol Reams, Phyllis Reeder, Dianne Schaafsma, Marla Streit, Larry Vail, Carol Watson, Mark Williams, David Wine.

Recognitions for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 26: Program, 2001Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year:  Amy Golyshko

Staff Member of the Year:  Mary Anderson

New Faculty:

Karen Ball, Mark Bishop, Brian Hyma, Karen Knudson, Jamie Krzykowski, Joseph Schroeder, Margaret Winter.

Other New Faculty/Administrative Appointments:  Connie Walker, Jeffrey Schimmelpfennig, William DeWees, Sue Walsh, Ritchie Richardson.

Professional Athletic Staff:  John "Ben" Anderson, Michael McDowell.

New Staff: Tina Andrews, Adam Asher, Maria Barwegen, Lisa Crabtree, Jeffery Domagalski, Elaine Eilders, Melvin Elliott, Scott Ellis, Duane Erwin, Karri Haake, Daniel Holtman, Donnie Johnson, Kimberly Johnston, Justin Knight, Nancy Lunsford, Michael Lyons, Michael Matthews, Sara Michel, Kathleen Moriarty, Mary Ann Norton, Aaron Rice, Jeffrey Rice, Heather Sayre-Jordon, Rebecca Schnurr, Lexa Shelton, Troy Sixberry, William Swardstrom, Brent Tallman, Garold Wood.

Faculty and Staff Recognitions:

Published Materials:  David Atkinson, Don Daake, William Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Elliot Johnson, LaVerne Jordan, Craig Keen, Heather Kinzinger, Russell Lovett, Stephen Lowe, Constance Milton, Don Reddick, Richard Thompson, David Van Heemst.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activities, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Gerald Anderson, Mary Anderson, Doug Armstrong, Rebecca Belcher, Jeffery Bell, William Bell, Rose Bigler, Kathryn Boyens, Stephen Brown, Greg Bruner, Don Daake, Martha Dalton, Ron Dalton, William Dean, Stephen DeBoard, Lisa Evoy, Larry Ferren, Diane Fox, Frank Garton, Dwight Ginn, Amy Golyshko, William Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Janice Hockensmith, LaVerne Jordan, Elesha Keen, Chelise Kinzinger-Slowik, Gary Koch, Paul Koch, Michael LaReau, Russell Lovett, Stephen Lowe, Jay Martinson, Shirlee McGuire, Constance Milton, Timothy Nelson, Ivor Newsham, Gary Newsome, Kent Olney, Doug Porter, Sue Rattin, Don Reddick, Fran Reed, Glen Rewerts, Sondra Sixberry, Gary Streit, Richard Thompson, Stan Tuttle, David Van Heemst, Ken Watts, Jeff Wells, Judith Whitis, Brenda Williams, David Wine, George Wolff, Norma Wood.

Advanced Degrees Earned:  Bert Ackerman, Rebecca Belcher, Lisa Evoy, Russell Lovett, Chelise Kinzinger-Stowik, Sue Rattin.

Promotions in Rank:  Rebecca Belcher, Gregory Long, Stephen Lowe, Jay Martinson, Larry Murphy, Marla Streit, Kristin King.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:  David Atkinson, Rebecca Belcher, William Bell, Stephen Brown, Don Daake, William Dean, Juliene Forrestal, Frank Garton, Gary Griffin, Janice Hockensmith, Paul Koch, Michael LaReau, Russell Lovett, Keith O'Dell, Dale Oswalt, Donna Lovett, Carol Reams, Max Reams, Mary Margaret Reed, Dianne Schaafsma, Rick Shelton, Marla Streit, Brenda Williams, Mark Williams, Sue Williams.

Recognitions for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 27: Program, 2002Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year:  Sara Spruce

Staff Member of the Year:  Walter "Woody" Webb

New Faculty:  Darcel Brady, Jerry Cohagan, Gregg Chenoweth, Jason Freiburger, Tiffany Greer, Chris Harman, David Johnson, Barbara Martinez, Neal McMullian.

Other New Faculty/Administrative Appointments:  Michael Benson, Bill Bray, Connie Walker, Susan Draine.

Professional Athletic Staff:  Dustin Hada, Marc Shaner, Dan Voudrie.

New Staff:  Steve Blankestyn, Marianne Bontrager, Lisa Brinkmann, DeeDee Butler, Tracy Curtis, Stefanie Decker, Lisa DeYoung, Tim Dorsey, Mark Ekhoff, Bradley Ellis, Tina Eubanks, Mark Goldfain, Nate Gwin, Jana Hacker, Kent Hadden, Glenn Hoevet, Donna Hollandsworth, Kyle Ireland, Amy Johnson, Scott Knudson, Pat Kujawa, Sara Lenfield, Shirley Lingo, Cathy McMullian, Katie Menges, Patricia Miramontez, Lynn Nixon, Beth Olney, Lyndall Peas, Tammy Potoski, Joshua Rains, Debbie Rattin, Gina Rupert, Kurt Schwob, Jeremy Shaul, Kandace Small, Edward Soper, Steve Spangenberg, Amy Steinacker, Matthew, Steinacker, Bradley Thomas, Karen Wright.

Faculty and Staff Recognitions:

Published Materials:  David Atkinson, Catherine Bareiss, Dale Hathaway, Elliot Johnson, Gary Koch, Paul Koch, Stephen Lowe, Constance Milton, Kent Olney, Richard Thompson.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activites, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Gerald Anderson, Catherine Anstrom, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Karen Ball, Catherine Bareiss, Spencer Barnard, Rebecca Belcher, Jeffery Bell, William Bell, Rose Bigler, Kathryn Boyens, Stephen Brown, Ron Dalton, William Dean, Paul Dillinger, Larry Ferren, Juliene Forrestal, Franklin Garton, William Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Janice Hockensmith, Ralph Hodge, Randal Johnson, LaVerne Jordan, Craig Keen, Elesha Keen, Gary Koch, Michael LaReau, Karen Lea, Jay Martinson, Carol Maxson, Shirlee McGuire, Constance Milton, Kashama Mulamba, Timothy Nelson, Ivor Newsham, Don Reddick, Fran Reed, Glen Rewerts, Diane Richardson, Ritchie Richardson, Brock Schroder, Robert Smith, Gary Streit, Richard Thompson, Stan Tuttle, David Van Heemst, Connie Walker, Judith Whitis, Brenda Williams, Sue Williams, David Wine, Norma Wood.

Advanced Degrees Earned:  Connie Walker, Derek Ferris.

Promotions in Rank:  Stan Tuttle, David Van Heemst, Martha Dalton, Chelise Kinzinger-Slowik, Jan Holmes, Larry Watson.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:  Mary Anderson, Gerald Anderson, David Atkinson, Jeffery Bell, William Bell, Mark Bishop, Don Daake, Pat Forquer, Diane Fox, Daniel Green, Craighton Hippenhammer, Janice Hockensmith, Ralph Hodge, Jim Knight, Thomas Knowles, Jay Martinson, Carol Maxson, Michael Morgan, Kashama Mulamba, Dale Oswalt, Carol Reams, Max Reams, Brock Schroeder, Joseph Schroeder, Jeremy Shaul, Sara Spruce, Marla Streit, Vicki Trylong, Connie Walker, Mark Williams, Sue WIlliams.

Recognitions for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 28: Program, 2003Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year:  Diane Richardson

Staff Member of the Year:  Dan Ferris

New Faculty:  Lynda Allen, Richard Balboa, Leon Blanchette, Deborah Bruley, Lisa Gassin, Mark Howard, Rodney Korthals, Carl Leth, E. William Summers, Jasmine Vaughan, Violet Wilkes.

New Professional Athletic Staff:  Benjamin McLain

New Staff:  Craig Bishop, Myra Blay, Jeff Boyd, Dustin Corlett, Gary Dearth, Jacob Garrett, David Harris, Sandra Harris, Scott Hughes, Nathan Johnston, Janet Keiser, Pam Kreft, Linda Lagesse, Matthew Lukas, Dianna Lyles, Craig Manes, Matthew Odom, Lauren Perry, Gordon Pitcher, Christopher Price, Megan Skinner, Valerie Slinker, Douglas Thomas, Richard Tran, William Ziemer.

Faculty and Staff Recognitions:

Published Materials:  Robert Branson, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Janice Hockensmith, Elliot Johnson, Karen Lea, Stephen Lowe, Constance Milton, Robert Smith, Richard Thompson.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activites, Unpuplished Papers, Recitals, Travel:  Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Karen Ball, Jeffery Bell, Rebecca Belcher, Rose Bigler, Ray Bower, Robert Branson, Stephen Brown, Gregg Chenoweth, Jerry Cohagan, Don Daake, William Dean, Paul Dillinger, Susan Draine, Juliene Forrestal, Diane Fox, Dwight Ginn, Daniel Green, William Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Craighton HIppenhammer, Janice Hockensmith, Ralph Hodge, LaVerne Jordan, Thomas Knowles, Karen Knudson, Gary Koch, Michael LaReau, Karen Lea, Gregory Long, Barbara Martinez, Jay Martinson, Shirlee McGuire, Constance Milton, Kashama Mulamba, Ivor Newsham, Kent Olney, Dale Oswalt, Max Reams, Donald Reddick, Fran Reed, Diane Richardson, Brock Schroeder, Joseph Schroeder, Sara Spruce, Gary Streit, Marla Streit, Richard thompson, Stan Tuttle, David Van Heemst, Connie Walker, Judith Whitis, Brenda Williams, Mark Williams, Sue Williams, David Wine, Norma Wood, Neal Woodruff.

Advanced Degrees Earned:  Paul Dillinger, Anthony Grimm, Michael LaReau, Thomas Middendorf, Jeffrey Rice, Neal Woodruff.

Personal Recognitons and Service to Community:  Mary Anderson, Catherine Anstrom, David Atkinson, Rebecca Belcher, Jeffery Bell, Darcel Brady, Don Daake, William Dean, Susan Draine, Efton Elliott, Diane Fox, Frank Garton, Nate Gwin, Ralph Hodge, Elliot Johnson, LaVerne Jordan, Thomas Knowles, Dianna Lyles, Michael Morgan, Timothy Nelson, Max Reams, Justin Knight, Dianne Schaafsma, Jeff Schimmelpfennig, Joseph Schroeder, Sara Spruce, Amy Steinacker, Vicki Trylong, Connie Walker, Sue Williams, Neal Woodruff.

Recognition for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 29: Program, 2004Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year:  Carol Maxson

Staff Member of the Year:  Matt  Whitis

New Faculty:  Charles Carrigan, Scott Dombrowski, Tracy Hall, Kevin Lowery, Kevin Mellish, Rebecca Taylor.

Other Faculty/Administrative Appointments:  Jonathan Bartling, Mark Holcomb, Larry Huffman, Timothy Mercer, Linda Robinson, Ryan Spittal, James Upchurch.

New Staff:  Karen Alvarez-Hunt, Barbara Axmark, Corey Bell, Joan Bishop, Eileen Boudreau, Michelle Brutlag, Patricia Campbell, Brenda Caudle, David Caudle, Gwen Cullins, Virginia (Ginger) Finefield, Scott Garrison, Bernard Geraghty, Robert Gibson, David Giove, Michelle Greer, June Hacker, Katie Hakey, Andrew Hardie, Jeff LaFave, Randy Lasater, Andrea Lawrence, Nicholas Lingo, Craig Manes, Francisco Medina-Garcia, Jolene Mitchell, Mindy Norman, Maggy Panicker, Monique Perry, John Perry, Tara Price, Lukas Quanstrom, Conrad Raczkowski, Dorinda Trovillion.

Faculty and Staff Recognitions:

Published Materials:  Douglas Armstrong, Mark Bishop, Robert Branson, Gregg Chenoweth, Richard Colling, Don Daake, Lisa Gassin, Paul Koch, Karen Lea, Carl Leth, Stephen Lowe, Constance Milton, David Van Heemst, Sue Williams.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activites, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:  Lynda Allen, Gerald Anderson, Catherine Anstrom, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Karen Ball, Catherine Bareiss, Rebecca Belcher, Ray Bower, Kathryn Boyens, Robert Branson, Stephen Brown, Deborah Bruley, Gregg Chenoweth, Jerry Cohagan, Don Daake, Ron Dalton, Joan Dean, William Dean, Mary Ada Dillinger, Larry Ferren, Juliene Forrestal, Lisa Gassin, Ralph Goodwin, William Greiner, Chris Harman, Dale Hathaway, Janice Hockensmith, Ralph Hodge, Randal Johnson, Gary Koch, Paul Koch, Michael LaReau, Karen Lea, Carl Leth, Gregory Long, Barbara Martinez, Shirlee McGuire, constance Milton, Kashama Mulamba, Timothy Nelson, Ivor Newsham, Kent Olney, Max Reams,Don Reddick, Fran Reed, Diane Richardson, Brock Schroeder, Joseph Schroeder, Sara Spruce, Gary Streit, Marla Streit, Jasmine Vaughan, Larry Vail, Judith Whitis, Brenda Williams, Mark Willaims, Sue Williams, David Wine, Norma Wood, Neal Woodruff.

Advanced Degrees Earned:  Martha Dalton, Jeffery Enfield, Beth Patrick-Trippel.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:  Gerald Anderson, Mary Anderson, Catherine Anstrom, David Atkinson, Karen Ball, Rebecca Belcher, Mark Bishop, Ray Bower, Darcel Brady, Stephen Brown, Gregg Chenoweth, Jerry Cohagan, Don Daake, Susan Draine, Diane Fox, Franklin Garton, Dwight Ginn, Michelle Greer, Janice Hockensmith, Ralph Hodge, Larry Huffman, Gary Koch, Jay Martinson, Neal McMullian, Timothy Nelson, Kent Olney, Dale Oswalt, Fran Reed, Glen Rewerts, Diane Richardson, Dianne Schaafsma, Jeff Schimmelpfennig, Joseph Schroeder, Heather Shaner, Sara Spruce, Brad Thomas, Larry Vail, Connie Walker, Sue Williams, Neal Woodruff.

Recognition for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 30: Program, 2005Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year:  Shirlee McGuire

Staff Member of the Year:  Brian Parker

New Faculty:  Bonnie Beardsley, Heather Gibbs, Willa Harper, Bethany Mills, Mary Paul, Charles Perabeau, Agnes Posthumus, Mark Quanstrom, Nathaniel Reiss, Rosalie Tuttle.

New Staff:  Jeremy Aldersin, Terry Bayston, Carl Bracken, Michael Bretzlaff, Heather Day, Craig Ellis, Johnathon Eltrevoog, Barbara Giguere, Robert Granger, Elizabeth Gray, Dennette Guffey, Lorna Guimond, Donna Hoevet, Christine Howell, Patricia Krohmer, Shannon LaFrance, David Lamontagne, Jennifer Love, Tiffany McCann, Jennifer McClellan, Patrick McConnell, Pamali Meadows, Matthew Moore, Emmanuel Musyoka, Faith Newman, Susan Reder, Raymond Reiplinger, Theodore Rennert, Steven Reyes, Jeanette Schreffler, John Senn, Heather Shaner, Priscilla Skalac, Tiffany Snyder, Timothy Thompson, Matthew Trembly, Ann Marie Turner, Joshua Williams, Mike Williams, Andrew Wright, Beatriz Ydrovo.

Faculty and Staff Recognitions:

Published Materials:  Douglas Armstrong, Rebecca Belcher, Charles Carrigan, Gregg Chenoweth, Don Daake, Lisa Gassin, Dale Hathaway, Jan Hockensmith, Carl Leth, Stephen Lowe, Brad Thomas, Jasmine Vaughan, Connie Walker, Darcel Brady, Karen Lea, William Summers.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activites, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Gerald Anderson, Mary Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Karen Ball, Jonathan Bartling, Rebecca Belcher, Jeffery Bell, Mark Bishop, Ray Bower, Robert Branson, Stephen Brown, Charles Carrigan, Gregg Chenoweth, Richard Colling, Martha Dalton, Joan Dean, William Dean, Mary Ada Dilliinger, Paul Dillinger, Larry Ferren, Juliene Forrestal, Dan Green, William Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Jan Hockensmith, Randal Johnson, Michael LaReau, Karen Lea, Carl Leth, Stephen Lowe, Kevin Lowery, Barbara Martinez, Michael McDowell, Shirlee McGuire, Kashama Mulamba, Michael Morgan, Ivor Newsham, Kent Olney, Beth Patrick-Trippel, Doug Porter, Sue Rattin, Fran Reed, Don Reddick, Jeff Rice, Ritchie Richardson, Brock Schroeder, Rick Shelton, Sara Spruce, Gary Streit, Marla Streit, Brad Thomas, Stan Tuttle, Jasmine Vaughan, Judith Whitis, Brenda Williams, Neal Woodruff.

Advanced Degrees Earned:  Catherine Anstrom, Mark Bishop, Charles Carrigan.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:  David Atkinson, Mary Anderson, Karen Ball, Jonathan Bartling, Rebecca Belcher, Jeffery Bell, Mark Bishop, Stephen Brown, Gregg Chenoweth, Jerry Cohagan, Don Daake, Martha Dalton, Mary Ada Dillinger, Susan Draine, Dwight Ginn, Mark Goldfain, Willaim Greiner, Nate Gwin, Larry Hoffman, Gary Koch, Gregory Long, Shirlee McGuire, Neal McMullian, Timothy Nelson, Keith O'Dell, Dale Oswalt, Doug Porter, Sue Rattin, Max and Carol Reams, Fran Reed, Ritchie Richardson, Joseph Schroeder, Gary Streit, Marjorie Vinson, Neal Woodruff.

Recognition for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 31: Program, 2006Add to your cart.

2006 Faculty of the Year: Don Reddick

2006 Staff Member of the Year: Greg Brunner

New Faculty:

Michele Anders, Kevin Brewer, Kelly Brown, David Claborn, Susan Day, James Edward Ellis, Andrew Gibbs, Patricia Kershaw, Patricia Nielsen, Houston Thompson, James Upchurch, Jo Ellen Werking Weedman, Brian Woodworth.

New Staff:

Jaime Acosta, Libby Anthrayose, Brian Baker, Jean Bakke, Karla Jo Byrne, Timothy Carter, Jordan Fish, William Freeman, William Geasa Jr., Timothy Hess, Dawn Hinrichs, Ann Johnsotn, Christina Leavitt, Nancy Loftin, Abbie Mantor, Chad Marchant, Brian McClure, Dee McDonald, Brenda Mohr, Kathleen Morgan, Tina Mosher, Darlene O'Donoghue, Thomas Piekarczyk, Tammy Rockefeller, Joseph Rojek, Kali Smith, Scott Smith, Aaron Tagert, Molly Taylor, Steve Taylor, Michael Toma, Richard Tran, Jesseca Watson, Corey Zink.

Faculty and Staff Recognitions:

Published Materials:

Gerald Anderson, Bonnie Beardsley, Jay Bohner, Robert Branson, Gregg Chenoweth, Richard Colling, Don Daake, Elizabeth Gassin, Daniel Green, Craighton Hippenhammer, Gary Koch, Paul Koch, Carl Leth, Gary Newsome, Mary Paul, Mark Quanstrom, Linda Robinson, David Van Heemst, Neal Woodruff.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activities, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Karen Ball, Jonathan Bartling, Bonnie Beardsley, Rebecca Belcher, Ray Bower, Robert Branson, Stephen Brown, Charles Carrigan, Gregg Chenoweth, Jasmine Cieszynski, Jerald Cohagan, Don Daake, William Dean, Susan Draine, Larry Ferren, Juliene Forrestal, Diane Fox, Heather Gibbs, William Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Janice Hockensmith, Mark Holcomb, David Johnson, Thomas Knowles, Gary Koch, Paul Koch, Carl Leth, Kevin Lowery, Barbara Martinez, shirlee McGuire, Neal McMullian, Kevin Mellish, Kashama Mulamba, Timothy Nelson, Ivor Newsham, Gary Newsome, Doug Porter, Mark Quanstrom, Don Reddick, fran Reed, Glen Rewerts, Diane Richardson, Linda Robinson, Brock Schroeder, Joseph Schroeder, Priscilla Skalac, Chelise Slowik, Gary Streit, Marla Streit, Beth Patrick-Trippel, Stan Tuttle, Larry Vail, Brenda Williams, Sue Williams, Neal Woodruff.

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Linda Davison, Barbara Martinez, Kevin Mellish, Timothy Nelson, Don Reddick, Joseph Schroeder, Priscilla Skalac, Mark Williams.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:

Craig Bishop, Joan Bishop, Tina Brunner, Gregg Chenoweth, Ron Dalton, Susan Reder-Day, Susan and Chuck Draine, Jeff Domagalski, Faith Newman, Priscilla Skalac, Gerald Andrson, Catherine Anstrom, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Catherine Bareiss, Bonnie Beardsley, Jeffery Bell, Craig Bishop, Leon Blanchette, Jay Bohner, Darcel Brady, Stephen Brown, David Caudle, Don Daake, Larry Ferren, Matt Foor, Pat Forquer, Juliene Forrestal, Diane Fox, Dwight Ginn, Daniel Green, William Greiner, Nate Gwin, Janice Hockensmith, Ralph Hodge, Mark Holcomb, Mark Howard, Gary Koch, Gregory Long, Kevin Lowery, Chad Marchant, Neal McMullian, Bethany Mills, Gary Newosme, Keith O' Dell, Dale Oswalt, Mary Paul, Kent Olney, Sue Rattin, Max and Carol Reams, Fran Reed, Jeff Rice, Diane Richardson, Ritchie Richardson, Dianne Schaafsma, Joseph Schroder, Zoe Seed, Rick Shelton, Sara Spruce, Brad Thomas, James Upchurch, Larry Vail, Connie Walker, Brenda Williams, David Wine, George Wolff, Neal Woodruff.

Recogniton for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 32: Program, 2007Add to your cart.

2007 Faculty Member of the Year: Bob Wright

2007 Staff Member of the Year: Kathy Steinacker

New Faculty:

Scott Armstrong, Nathan Brown, Wilfredo Canales, Leo Finkenbinder, Carl Fletcher, Roxanne Forgrave, Pamela Greenlee, Kyle Ireland, April Kamba, Patrick Kirk, Emily Lamb Normand, Dena Reams, J. Todd Reid, Elizabeth Schurman, Gary Thomas, Jacqueline Tulley, David Vance, Kristian Veit, Ovid Young.

New Athletic Staff: Charles Stephen Wilt.

New Staff:

Jason Aukerman, Teri Bacon, Nancy Benoit, Robert Blystone, Derek Bowshier, Judy Burch, Jeanne Costa, LaMorris Crawford, Deborah DeVore, Melissa Dillman, David Dunbar, Karen Eylander, Noah Hansen, Joyce Harris, Kevin Hatcher, Lauren Jackson, Jonathon Krasnichian, Todd Leslie, Casey Manes, Stan Martin, Judi Martschinke, Lyndon Matson, Dwayne Mills, Joanna Mingus, Mark Mountain, Charlene Penny, Sheila Rice, Doris Roberts, Deb Stafford, Martha Thompson, Andrew Twibell.

Faculty and Staff Recognitions:

Published Material:

Gerald Anderson, Robert Branson, Charles Carrigan, Don Daake, Lisa Gassin, Carl Leth, Kevin Lowery, Larry Murphy, Don Reddick.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activities, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel:

Gerald Anderosn, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Karen Ball, Catherine Bareiss, Jonathon Bartling, Bonnie Beardsley, Rebecca Belcher, Jeffrey Bell, Robert Branson, Kevin Brewer, Kelly Brown, Chales Carrigan, Gregg Chenoweth, Richard Colling, Don Daake, Martha Dalton, Ron Dalton, Willliam Dean, Scott Dombrowski, Larry Ferren, Juliene Forrestal, Lisa Gassin, Dwight Ginn, Daniel Green, William Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Jan Hockenshith, David Johnson, Carl Leth, Barbara Martinez, Shirlee McGuire, Neak McMullian, Kashama Mulamba, Timothy Nelson, Gary Newsome, Kent Olney, Beth Patrick-Trippel, Doug Porter, Mark Quanstrom, Don Reddick, Fran Reed, Diane Richardson, Ritchie Richardson, Brock Schroeder, Priscilla Skalac, Sara Spruce, Stan Tuttle, Jim Upchurch, Larry Vail, Brenda Williams, Sue Williams, David Wine, Neal Woodruff.

Advanced Degrees Earned;

Kelly Brown, Jerald Cohagan, Susan Day, Pamela Greenlee, Gary Griffin, Justin Knight, Brock Schroeder, Houston Thompson.

Personal Recognitions and Service to the Community:

Gerald Anderson, Mary Anderson, Catherine Anstrom, David Atkinson, Jonathon Bartling, Jeffery Bell, Mark Bishop, Darcel Brady, Stephen Brown, Jerald Cohagan, Obie Coomer, Don Daake, Susan Day, Paul Dillinger, Johnathon Eltrevoog, Larry Ferren, Dwight Ginn, Daniel Green, William Greiner, Mark Howard, Jan Hockensmith, Gregory Long, Neal McMullian, Dwayne Mills, Timothy Nelson, Dale Oswalt, Max Reams, Don Reddick, Fran Reed, Diane Richardson, Houston Thompson, Dianne Schaafsma, Brock Schroeder, Stan Tuttle, Jim Upchurch, Matt Whitis, Neal Woodruff.

Recognition for Years of Service: (see program).

Item 33: Program, 2008Add to your cart.

2008 Faculty Member of the Year: Jeff Bell

2008 Staff Member of the Year: Dianne Schaafsma

New Faculty and Staff:

New Faculty

Robert Allen, Willam Bahr, Stephen Case, John Chang, Matt Dwyer, Mark Frisius, Kristy Ingram, Barry Lee, Frank Moore, Susan Moore, Michael Pyle, David Rodriguez, Yvette Rose, Priscilla Skalac, Dale Smith, Gail Parzygant, Marianne Glenn.

New Staff

Michelle Allen, Karen Anderson, Ron Anderson, David Becker, Matthew Calhoun, Sarah chappell, Alisha Clark, Bary Cruz-Reyes, Thomas Fasano, Melissa Fuhrmann, Charles Garadner, Dale Goodman, Andrew Hasik, Brian Hess, Emily Hinch, Megan Hotle, Matthew Keller, Robert Lalumendre, Joshua Lundmark, Jean Martin, Holly Nelson, Shirleen Mas, Amber McKean, Debra Owen, Roy Quanstrom, Ramon Ramos, Anna Robins, Brian Robbins, Jason Savage, Michael Shehorn, Bradley Siebert, Matthew Smith, Amy Stanford, Carol Stevenson, Darlene Swanson, Jerry Teter, Susan Tuttle, Erica Van Opstal, Beth Veit.

Falculty and Staff Recognitions

Published Materials

Gerald Anderson, Rebecca Belcher, Charles Carrigan, Stephen Case, Gregg Chenoweth, Don Daake, James E.Ellis, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Carl Leth, Kevin Lowery, Kevin Mellish, Larry Murphy, Kent Olney, Mark Quanstrom, David Van Heemst, Sue Williams, Neal Woodruff.

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activites, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel

Gerald Anderson, Catherine Anstrom, Douglas Armstrong, Karen Ball, William Bahr, Jonathan Bartling, Rebecca Belcher, Jeffery Bell, Mark Bishop, Leon Blanchette, Ray Bower, Kathryn Boyens, Kelly Brown, Stephen Brown, Ron Dalton, Wilfredo Canales, Charles Carrigan, Stephen Case, David Claborn, Richard Colling, Don Daake, Susan Day, Scott Dombrowski, Larry Ferren, Carl Fletcher, Juliene Forrestal, Lisa Gassin, Andrew Gibbs, Heather Gibbs, Daniel Green, William Greiner, Dale Hathaway Willa Harper, Janice Hockensmith, Mark Holcomb, david Johnson, Randal Johnson, Patty Kershaw, Patrick Kirk, Karen Knudson, Paul Koch, Rodney Korthals, Carl Leth, Kevin Lowery, Kevin Mellish, Tim Mercer, Bethany Mills, Kashama Mulamba, Ivor Newsham, Gary Newsome, Kent Olney, Doug Porter, Mark Quanstrum, Max Reams, Don Reddick, Fran Reed, Diane Richardson, Ritchie Richardson, Priscilla Skalac, Sara Spruce, Rebecca Taylor, Houston Thompson, Stan Tuttle, James Upchurch, David Van Heemst, Kristian Veit, Brenda Williams, Sue Williams, David Wine Neal Woodruff, Brian Woodworth.

Advanced Degrees Earned

Craig Bishop, Jasmine Cieszynski, David Claborn, Lori Hoekstra, Scott Knudson, Aaron Rice, Megan Skinner, Deborah Stafford, Rebecca Taylor.

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community

Gerald Anderson, David Atkinson, Karen Ball, Jonathan Bartling, Jeffrey Bell, Stephen Brown, Jerald Cohagan, Don Daake, Martha Dalton, Paul Dillinger, Larry Ferren, Leo Finkenbinder, Roxanne Forgrave, Diane Fox, Lisa Gassin, Ralph Goodwin, Daniel Green, Dale Hathaway, Janice Hockensmith, Paul Koch, Neal McMllia, Mike Morgan, Dale Oswalt, Beth Patrick-Trippel, Sue Rattin, Max Reams, fran Reed, Daine Richardson, Joseph Schroder, Priscilla Skalac, Sara Spruce, Houston Thompson, Rosalie Tuttle, James Upchurch, Neal Woodruff.

Recognition for years of service (see program).

Item 34: Program, 2009Add to your cart.

2009 Faculty & Staff Member of the Year

"All faculty & staff"

New Faculty and Staff

New Faculty:

Nancy Bonilla, Justin Brown, Tiffany Greer, Don Lee, Pamela Lee, Michael McDowell, Janna McLean, Thalyta Swanepoel, Aaron Thompson

New Staff:

Nicholas Birkey, Bobby Ladner, Kyle Rago, Lauren Stamatis, Andrew Benson, Matthew Bowman, Leo Cassidy, Jeanne Costa, Dianne Daniels, Barbara DeVore, Carrie Dilley, Nancy Dodd, Libby Dorries, Heather Fairclough, Caleb Fightmaster, Ellen Frisius, Doug Garfield, Kathy Heck, Eric Hoffmeyer, Jeremy Johnson, Michelle Kalogeros, Bethany Knight, Edina Music, Kathy Nelson, David Pearson, Cathy Rhea, Bonnie Savage, Mike Stanfa, Jon-Phillip Troglio

Faculty and Staff Recognitions

Published Materials:

Gerald Anderson, Karen Ball, Gregg Chenoweth, Jonathan Bartling, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Leon Blanchette, Wilfredo Canales, Charles Carrigan, Stephen Case, Don Daake, Lisa Gassin, William Greiner, Emily Lamb Normand, Carl Leth, Neal McMullian, Kevin Mellish, Frank Moore, Beth Schurman, Zoe Seed, Priscilla Skalac, Dale Smith, Ryan Spittal, Robert Smith, Neal Woodruff

Participation in Professional/Scholarly Activities, Unpublished Papers, Recitals, Travel

Lynda Allen, Gerald Anderson, Catherine Anstrom, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Karen Ball, Catherine Bareiss, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Jeffery Bell, Leon Blanchette, Kevin Brewer, Stephen Brown, Charles Carrigan, Stephen Case, Obie Coomer, Don Daake, Ron Dalton, Susan Day, William Dean, Scott Dombrowski, Eddie Ellis, Larry Ferren, Roxanne Forgrave, Juliene Forrestal, Lisa Gassin, Andrew Gibbs, Heather Gibbs, Daniel Green, William Greiner, Tony Grimm, Willa Harper, Dale Hathaway, Mark Holcomb, Kristy Ingram, Paul Koch, Emily Lamb Normand, Carl Leth, Kevin Lowery, Neal McMullian, Kevin Mellish, Dwayne Mills, Frank Moore, Kashama Mulamba, Larry Murphy, Gary Newsome, Dale Oswalt, Doug Porter, Mark Quanstrom, Max Reams, Ritchie Richardson, Robert Smith, Sara Spruce, Rosalie Tuttle, Stan Tuttle, James Upchurch, David Van Heemst, Kristian Veit, David Wine, Neal Woodruff

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Lynda Allen, Jonathan Bartling, Leon Blanchette, Mark Frisius, Lisa Gassin, Andrew Gibbs, Robert Gibson, Mike McDowell, Dwayne Mills, Nathaniel Reiss

Degrees Earned:

Gwen Cullins, Bonnie Savage, Karen Wright

Personal Recognitions and Service to Community:

Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Jonathan Bartling, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Jeffery Bell, Mark Bishop, Leon Blanchette, Darcel Brady, Stephen Brown, Stephen Case, Don Daake, William Dean, Paul Dillinger, Larry Ferren, Matt Foor, Daniel Green, Janice Hockensmith, Ralph Hodge, Patrick Kirk, Paul Koch, Carl Leth, Tim Mercer, Michael Morgan, Kent Olney, Carol Reams, Dianne Schaafsma, Houston Thompson, James Upchurch

Recogntion for Years of Service (see program)

Item 35: Program, 2010Add to your cart.

2010 Faculty Member of the Year 

Don Daake

2010 Staff Member of the Year

Donnie Johnson

New Faculty and Staff

New Faculty:

Nicole Enzinger, Rachel Guimond, Sandra Horton, Patricia Krohmer, Joseph Makarewicz, Jason Robertson, Kari Sandouka, Jeffrey Williamson

New Staff:

Javaris "Deon" Bates, Torrance Gaumer, Bradley Arthur, Timothy Ascher, Darren Blair, Katherine Burkey, Lincoln Butler, Robyn Callwood, Nicole Carroll, Joseph Cash, Teresa Choate, Spencer Cook, Brandon Davey, Brandon Doty, Joseph Ekhoff, Elizabeth Eschker, J. Jesus Garcia, Chelsie Geasa, Andrew Guenette, Joy Guffey, Morgan Haley, Charles Heller, Douglas Hewett, Sarah Hobbs, Dustin Hogan, Callie Ivey, Kenneth Jones, Sarah Kirkland, Jennifer Lalumendre, Andrew Langlois, Cynthia Laughlin, Kristen Lewis, Troy Lovell, Deborah Marshall, Justin Marshall, Stacey May, Nathan Merki, Sara Miller, Lynn Nogoda, Amy Nuxoll, Adam Ollervidez, Matthew Ostrom, Crystal Pribyl, Donald Rantz, Joseph Rojek, Ryan Schultz, Mary Schweigert, Megan Sherman, Matthew Slimmer, Megan Sterk, Philip Steward, Linda Stone, Judson Strain, Malgorzata Szczech, Mary Trimby, Amanda Upshaw, Susan Vickers, Joseph Weber, Corrie Wessman, Paul "Ben" White, Caleb Williams

Staff and Administrative Faculty Recognitions

Mary Anderson, Bradley Arthur, Dianne Dawson-Daniels, Tony Grimm, C. William Heller, Craig Manes, Bethany Mills, Dwayne Mills, Jordan Prewitt, Carol Reams, Jason Savage, Dianne Schaafsma, Carol Foor Watson

Faculty Recognitions

Grant Recipients:

Charles Carrigan, Stephen Case, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Willa Harper, Max Reams, Kristian Veit, Kristy Ingram, Beth Olney, Sue Rattin, Sue Williams, Larry Vail, Catherine Bareiss, Jan Hockensmith, Leon Blanchette, Eddie Ellis, Kevin Lowery, Kevin Mellish

Scholarship Projects Completed or In Progress:

Lynda Allen, Robert Allen, Catherine Anstrom, Catherine Bareiss, Mark Bishop, Gregg Chenoweth, Jerry Cohagan, Don Daake, Linda  Davison, Susan Day, Paul Dillinger, Susan Draine, Carl Fletcher, Heather Gibbs, Ralph Goodwin, Linda Greenstreet, Tiffany Greer, Jan Hockensmith, Patricia Kershaw, Paul Koch, Emily Lamb Normand, Barry Lee, Pamela Lee, Ivor Newsham, Patricia Nielsen, Beth Patrick-Trippel, Sue Rattin, Glen Rewerts, Yvette Rose, Joseph Schroeder, Thalyta Swanepoel, Aaron Thompson, Houston Thompson, Rosalie Tuttle, Larry Vail, David Vance, Mark Williams, Brian Woodworth, Jonathan Bartling, Darcel Brady, Kelly Brown, Roxanne Forgrave, Tom Knowles, Susan Moore, Dale Oswalt, Dena Reams, Sara Spruce, Stan Tuttle, James Upchurch, Jasmine Cieszynski, Mary Ada Dillinger, Pam Greenlee, Craighton Hippenhammer, Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Karen Ball, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Jeffery Bell, Nancy Bonilla, Ray Bower, Kevin Brewer, Justin Brown, Stephen Brown, Wilfredo Canales, Charles Carrigan, Stephen Case, John Chang, David Claborn, Martha Dalton, William Dean, Scott Dombrowski, Larry Ferren, Leo Finkenbinder, Juliene Forrestal, Lisa Gassin, Andy Gibbs, Dwight Ginn, Dan Green, Bill Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Willa Harper, Kris Ingram, David Johnson, Patrick Kirk, Karen K nudson, Greg Long, Stephen Lowe, Kashama Mulamba, Neal McMullian, Tim Nelson, Kent Olney, Charles Perabeau, Aggie Posthumus, Michael Pyle, Max Reams, Beth Schurman, Priscilla Skalac, Dale Smith, Gary Thomas, Vicki Trylong, David Van Heemst, Kristian Veit, Sue Williams, Neal Woodruff, Leon Blanchette, Ron Dalton, Eddie Ellis, Mark Frisius, Carl Leth, Kevin Lowery, Kevin Mellish, Frank Moore, Larry Murphy, Mark Quanstrom, Robert Smith, David Wine

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Susan Draine, Roxanne Forgrave, Emily Lamb Normand, Mark Mountain, Patricia Nielsen, Rosalie Tuttle, Brian Woodworth

Recognitions Awarded:

David Atkinson, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Mark Bishop, Charles Carrigan, Stephen Case, Gregg Chenoweth, Leo Finkenbinder, Heather Gibbs, Bill Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Jan Hockensmith, Kashama Mulamba, Stan Tuttle, James Upchurch, Neal Woodruff

Recogntion for Years of Service (see program)

Item 36: Program, 2011Add to your cart.

2011 Faculty Member of the Year

James Upchurch

2011 Staff Member of the Year

Susan Wolff

New Faculty and Staff

New Faculty:

Ryan Bebej, Craig Bishop, Steven Butler, Dennis Crocker, Dianne Daniels, Brian Fish, Lance Kilpatrick, Lisa McGrady, Brooke Piper, Judson Strain, Scott Teeters, Brad Thomas, Mark West

New Staff:

Matthew Adams, Andy Ankeny, Daniel Bowman, Amanda Jensen, Steve Wilt, Kyle Allen, Samantha Allen, Clayton Bass, Chuck Bishir, Helen Boley, Annette Colbert, Wayne DeBoer, Jeffrey DeRuiter, Chad Dilley, Katlyn Downs, Anne Drevlow, Lisa Drury, Gregory El-Talabani, Jordan Gerstenberger, Benjamin Graniczny, Mark Green, Alissa Haase, Bilal Heredia, T.J. Hoekstra, Bethany Knight, Laura Krooswyk, Rick Lalumendre, Sean Lilienthal, Paige Meister, Elizabeth Moore, Richard Murray, Victoria Murray, Victoria Novakovich, Luke Olney, Becky Quimby, Ashley Robbins, Christopher Sifrit, T. Crystal Sivilay, Noel Slaby, Rosemary Solecki, Brandon Sterk, Brian Utter, Craig Vickey, Laura Warfel, Phillip Warren, Cheryl Westberg, Marilyn Wiley, Melinda Williamson, Andrew Wright, Addy Zhang

Staff Recognitions

Dave Becker, Craig  Bishop, Sarah Chappell, Brandon Davey, Wayne DeBoer, Nancy Dodd, Jeff Domagalski, Mark Ekhoff, Tony Grimm, Marc Harris, Chad Marchant, Roy Quanstrom, Jeff Rice, Richard Tran, Gina Rupert, Dianne Schaafsma, Zoe Seed, Richard  Tran, Brad Thomas, Brian Utter, Laura Warfel, Karen Wright

Faculty Recognitions

Grant Recipients:

Douglas Armstrong, Charles Carrigan, David Claborn, Dwight Ginn, Karen Knudson, Beth Schurman, Dale Smith, Jerry Cohagan, Leon Blanchette, Eddie Ellis, Mark Frisius, Kevin Lowery

Scholarship Projects (completed):

Gregg Chenoweth, Don Daake, Paul Koch, Emily Lamb Normand, Beth Patrick-Trippel, Doug Porter, Sue Rattin, Thalyta Swanepoel, Houston Thompson, Larry Vail, Darcel Brady, Roxanne Forgrave, Susan Moore, Dena Reams, Sara Spruce, James Upchurch, Craighton Hippenhammer, Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, Karen Ball, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Jill Forrestal, Jeff Bell, Justin Brown, Charles Carrigan, David Claborn, Martha Dalton, Bill Dean, Nicole Enzinger, Lisa Gassin, Bill Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Kris Ingram, Neal McMullian, Kashama Mulamba, Kent Olney, Charles Perabeau, Max Reams, Dale Smith, Gary Thomas, Kristian Veit, Sue Williams, Neal Woodruff, Leon Blanchette, Eddie Ellis, Steve Franklin, Mark Frisius, Carl Leth, Kevin Lowery, Kevin Mellish, Frank Moore, Larry Murphy, Mark Quanstrom

Professional Leadership:

Gerald Anderson, David Atkinson, Bill Bahr, Karen Ball, Jeff Bell, Leon Blanchette, Justin Brown, Kelly Brown, Nate Brown, Wilfredo Canales, Charles Carrigan, Gregg Chenoweth, Ron Dalton, Andy  Gibbs, Dan Green,  Steve Brown, Pam Greenlee, Dale Hathaway, Randy Johnson, Patrick Kirk, Carl Leth, Kevin Mellish, Frank Moore, Kashama Mulamba, Kent Olney, Mark Quanstrom, Jason Robertson, Rebecca Taylor, Brenda Williams, Neal Woodruff

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Cathy Anstrom, Charles Perabeau, Jason Robertson, Ryan Spittal

Recognitions Awarded:

Karen Ball, Mark Bishop, Ray Bower, Nate Brown, Gregg Chenoweth, Nicole Enzinger, David Johnson, James Upchurch

Recognition for Years of Service (see program)

Item 37: Program, 2012Add to your cart.

2012 Faculty Member of the Year

Bill Bahr

Staff Member of the Year

Thane Moore

New Faculty and Staff

New Faculty:

Jeremy Bachelor, David Blahnik, Nicholas Boros, Jennie Daniels, Charles Emmerich, Darcy Ireland, Ken Johnson, Ann Johnston, Mary Beth Koszut, Kyle Olney, Ryan Schultz, Daniel Sharda, Lauren Stamatis

New Staff:

Remington Anksorus, Gideon Berhanu, Jacquelyn Boyd, Ashley Cook, Jeannie Crocker, Donald Eylander, Denise Gordon, Lisa Graft, Jamie Griffin, Tanner Griffin, Caleb Howard, Jennifer Kershaw, Kimberly Lowe, Brandon Metzger, Deanna Mize, David Morris, Kati Morris, Ryan Murray, Mindy Nelson, Dale Newsome, Andrea Novick, Cheryl Paarlberg, Jim Patterson, Seth Rattin, Wendy Reid, Brett Robertson, Sarah Ross, Tyler Sauer, Joe Savage, Angela Serafini, Amy Smith, Tania Stott, Jasper Taylor, Lynne Utter, Kurt Wallace

Staff Recognitions

Advanced degrees earned:

Matt Adams, Danny Bowman, Heather Day, Tony Fightmaster, Jon Krasnichan, Lyndon Matson, Faith Newman, Luke Olney, Dawn Waldron, Josh Williams

Other accomplishments:

Dave Becker, Danny Bowman, Matt Foor, David Giove,  Tony Grimm, Carol Reams, Dianne Schaafsma, Brian  Utter

Faculty Recognitions

Grant Recipients:

Douglas Armstrong, Jill Forrestal, Kristy Ingram, Steve Lowe, Beth Schurman, Kristian Veit, Leon Blanchette, Kevin Lowery, Kevin Mellish, Roxanne Forgrave, Dena Reams

Scholarship Projects (completed):

Don Daake, Heather Gibbs, Patricia Kershaw, Paul Koch, Sue Rattin, Darce Brady, Susan Moore, Dena Reams, Kelly Brown, Roxanne Forgrave, Dale Oswalt, Sara Spruce, James Upchurch, Pam Greenlee, Ann Johnston, Craighton Hippenhammer, Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, Karen Ball, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Kevin Brewer, Justin Brown, Charles Carrigan, Bill Dean, Scott Dombrowski, Jill Forrestal, Lisa Gassin, Bill Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Kristy Ingram, David Johnson, Janna McLean, Neal McMullian, Kahama Mulamba, Charles Perabeau, Max Reams, David Van Heemst, Aggie Veld, Kristian Veit, Neal Woodruff, Leon Blanchette,  Ron Dalton, Eddie Ellis, Mark Frisius, Carl Leth, Kevin Mellish, Frank Moore, Mark Quanstrom, Robert Smith, David Wine

Professional Leadership:

Gerald Anderson, Catherine Anstrom, Douglas Armstrong, David Atkinson, Karen Ball, Cathy Bareiss, Jonathan Bartling, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Jeff Bell, Craig Bishop, Mark Bishop, Leon  Blanchette, Kevin Brewer, Justin Brown, Kelly Brown, Wilfredo Canales, Charles Carrigan, Gregg Chenoweth, Martha Dalton, Ron Dalton, Bill Dean, Eddie Ellis, Larry Ferren, Leo Finkenbinder, Carl Fletcher, Mark Frisius, Lisa Gassin, Dwight Ginn, Dan Green, Bill Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Kristy Ingram, Randy Johnson, Patrick Kirk, Carl Leth, Neal McMullian, Kevin Mellish, Frank Moore, Kashama Mulamba, Larry Murphy, Kent Olney, Mark Quanstrom, Don Reddick, Diane Richardson, Jason Robertson, Beth Schurman, Priscilla Skalac, Robert Smith, Thalyta Swanepoel, Gary Thomas, James Upchurch, Kristian Veit, Aggie Veld, David Wine, Neal Woodruff

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Heather Gibbs, Patricia Kershaw, Dena Reams, Thalyta Swanepoel, Aggie Veld

Recognitions Awarded:

Justin Brown, Gregg Chenoweth, Martha Dalton, Andy Gibbs, Kevin Lowery, Kashama Mulamba, Michael Pyle, Max Reams, Beth Schurman

Recognition for Years of Service (see program)

Item 38: Program, 2013Add to your cart.

2013 Faculty Member of the Year

David Wine

2013 Staff Member of the Year

Marjorie Vinson

New Faculty and Staff

New Administrative Faculty:

Cynthia Russell, Rhoberta Haley

New Faculty:

Lindsey Boros, Lauren Burch, Lei Cheng, Teresa Garner, Marisa Harpin, Debra Kimberlin, Mary Nehls, Amber Residori, Tara Rewerts, Brian Stipp, Rebecca Stroud, Deanna Vankuren

New Staff:

Melody Abbott, Thomas Ascher, Adam Banter, Alyssa Bass, Joel Blair, Jonathan Burkey, Tyler Campbell, Joseph Cash, Scott Christensen, Spencer Cook, Ami Crane, Jonathan Croft, Paul Dasilva, Jonathan Dela Cruz, Danielle Ducat, James Engelkens, Luke Franklin, David Galloway, Gary Gerstenberger, Bryan Giesige, Nebiyu Hailemariam, Joyce Hale, Noel Hammond, Christie Hanslik, Jonath Harris, Jordan Hedge, Reetu Height, Kristen Henderson, Amanda Hogan, Tiffany Holohan, Josephine Hood, Jason Johnson, Gabrielle Laspina, Sarah Lehr, Matthew Marcukaitis, Karie Matthies, Poppy Miller, Andrew Mize, Brent Nelson, Stephanie Penev, Jessica Peters, Erinn Proehl, Jennifer Schoenwetter, Kristine Schultz, Timothy Schultz, Jana Shear, Chelsea Speas, John Vance, Corrie Wessman, Jeremy Williamson, Lindsey Wilson, Hongyin Wu, Christopher Tudor, Marcus Reddy

Staff Recogntions

Degrees Earned:

Nick Birkey, Nancy  Dodd, Chuck Johnson, Jennifer Lalumendre

Other Involvements/Accomplishments:

Matt Adams, Mary Anderson, Brandon Davey, Nancy  Dodd, Matt Foor, BJ Geasa, Tony Grimm, Mark Holcomb, Shannon Lafrance, Becky Quimby, Joe R. Rojek, Dianne Schaafsma, Brian Utter, Laura Warfel,

Faculty Recognitions

Grant Recipients:

Lisa Gassin, Dale Hathaway, Beth Schurman, Eddie Ellis, Kevin Lowery, Kelly Brown, Roxanne Forgrave, Dena Reams

Scholarship Projects (completed):

Craig Bishop, Jerald Cohagan, Don Daake, Matt Dwyer, Emily Lamb Normand, Sue Rattin, Houston Thompson, Kelly Brown, Roxanne Forgrave, Marianne Glenn, Lance Kilpatrick, Tom Knowles, Susan Moore, Dena Reams, Sara Spruce, James Upchurch, Pam Greenlee, Craighton Hippenhammer, Ann Johnston, Kyle Olney, Judson Strain, Gerald Anderson, Douglas Armstrong, Jeremy Bachelor, Karen Ball, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Jeff Bell, Nick Boros, Justin Brown, Wilfredo Canales, Charles Carrigan, Martha Dalton, Scott Dombrowski, Jill Forrestal, Lisa Gassin, Willa Harper, Kristy Ingram, David Johnson, Randy Johnson, Mary Beth Koszut, Greg Long, Stephen Lowe, Janna McLean, Neal McMullian, Kashama Mulamba, Don Reddick, Ryan Schultz, Elizabeth Schurman, Dan Sharda, Gary Thomas,  David Van Heemst, Kristian Veit, Aggie  Veld, Neal Woodruff, Leon Blanchette, Ron Dalton, Eddie Ellis, Carl Leth, Kevin Lowery, Kevin Mellish, Frank Moore, Larry Murphy, Mark Quanstrom, Max Reams, Robert Smith, David Wine

Professional Leadership:

Gerald Anderson, Catherine Anstrom, Douglas Armstrong, Karen Ball, Catherine Bareiss, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Jeff Bell, Leon Blanchette, Nick Boros, Ray Bower, Darcel Brady, Justin Brown, Kelly Brown, Wilfredo Canales, Charles Carrigan, David Claborn, Jerald Cohagan, Don Daake, Martha Dalton, Ron Dalton, Bill Dean, Eddie Ellis, Leo Finkenbinder, Roxanne Forgrave, Mark Frisius, Lisa Gassin, Dwight Ginn, Dan Green, Bill Greiner, Dale Hathaway, Craighton Hippenhammer, Ralph Hodge, Kristy Ingram, Darcy Ireland, Kyle Ireland, Randy Johnson, Lance Kilpatrick, Patrick Kirk, Mary Beth Koszut, Carl Leth, Kevin Lowery, Stephen Lowe, Janna McLean, Kevin Mellish, Frank Moore, Kashama Mulamba, Gary Newsome, Kent Olney, Dale Oswalt, Charles Perabeau, Mike Pyle, Mark Quanstrom, Sue Rattin, Don Reddick, Jason Robertson, Priscilla Skalac, Ryan Schultz, Sara Spruce, Thalyta Swanepoel, Gary Thomas, Houston Thompson, Stan Tuttle, James Upchurch, Larry Vail, David Van Heemst, Aggie Veld, David Wine, Neal Woodruff

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Craig Bishop, David Johnson, Barry Lee, Kyle Olney, Elizabeth Schurman

Community Engagement and Recognitions:

Lynda Allen, Bill Bahr, Jeff Bell, Craig Bishop, Leon Blanchette, Nancy Bonilla, Nick  Boros, Kevin Brewer, Wilfredo Canales, Jerald Cohagan, Don Daake, Larry Ferren, Lisa Gassin, Ralph Goodwin, Rachel Guimond, Willa Harper, Kristy Ingram, Carl Leth, Mike McDowell, Janna McLean, Neal McMullian, Kent Olney, Max Reams, Mark Quanstrom, Don Reddick, Amber Residori, Glen Rewerts, Diane Richardson, Ritchie Richardson, Priscilla Skalac, Rebecca Taylor, Houston Thompson, Larry Vail, David Van Heemst

Recognition for Years of Service (see program)

Item 39: Program, 2014Add to your cart.

Faculty Member of the Year

Glen Rewerts

Staff Member of the Year

Marlin Wallace

New Faculty and Staff

New Administrative Faculty:

Deborah Bruley, Wendy Callan, Susan Enfield, Robert Hull, Carol Maxson, Chad Maxson, Jonathan Pickering, Joseph Rojek Sr.

New Faculty:

Heather Attig, Johana Barrero, Laurel Bergren, Mark Bishop, Patricia Bowman, Dawn Broers, Andrew Corbus, Jason Gile, Camilo Giraldo, Paul Kenyon, Robert Knisley, Elizabeth Lamszus, Ruth Reynolds, Shane Ritter, Matthew Stratton, Deborah Wright, Alison Young

New Staff:

Alexandra Acker, Nicole Farr, John Allen, June Aurella, Jonathan Bacon, Angela Baldwin, Deborah Ballard, Rebecca Brewer, Rochelle Brock, Alexander Cadle, Adrian Calhoun, Caleb Carman, Aaron Crane, Robert Day, Joe DeJohns, Christina Francoeur, Renee Gerstenberger, Jessica Griffin, Alfrieda Hull, Scott Hurula, Brandon Klemm, Laura Knol, Zachary Kohlmeier, Lori Lalumendre, Rebecca Lankford, Lauren Leidahl, Catherine Lingle, Ellen Madden, B. Danette Marko, O'Malley Marshall, Stephanie Matthews, Robert Mitchell, Stacey Moore, Donald Pallissard, Matthew Pioch, Denise Plotezka, Marisol Ramirez, Amanda Romano, Karen Seitz, Johnny Short, Rob Simpson, Rebekah Southerland, Blake Spencer, Dawn Stemen, Reece Storey, Laura Trafford, Freddy Tung, Grant VandenHout, Maritza Velez, Henry Walters, Laura Wauchope, Daylena Wheeler, Cheryl Wilson

Staff Recognitions

Degrees earned:

Teri Choate, Jennifer Lalumendre, Vicki McAndrew, Mary Schweigert

Other involvements/accomplishments:

Dave Becker, Yvonne Chalfant, Wayne DeBoer, Tony Grimm, Roy Quanstrom, Carol Reams, Dianne Schaafsma, Jeremy Van Kley, Laura Warfel

Faculty Recognitions

Grant Recipients:

Douglas Armstrong, Nancy  Bonilla, Lisa Gassin, Kristy Ingram, Mary Beth Koszut, Kevin Lowery

Scholarship Projects (completed):

Douglas Armstrong, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Nick Boros, Leo Finkenbinder, Juliene Forrestal, Lisa Gassin, Karen Knudson, Mary Beth Koszut, Greg Long, Lisa McGrady, Max Reams, Beth Schurman,  Dan Sharda, Kristian Veit, Aggie Veld, Kelly Brown, Roxanne Forgrave, Dale Oswalt, Dena Reams, Jim Upchurch, Cathy Bareiss, Jonathan Bartling, Matt Dwyer, Paul Koch, Joe Makarewicz, Jay Martinson, Amber Residori, Thalyta Swanepoel, Houston Thompson, Larry Vail, Craighton Hippenhammer, Leon Blanchette, J. Edward Ellis, Mark Frisius, Carl Leth, Kevin Lowery, Kevin Mellish, Larry Murphy, Mark Quanstrom, Jason Robertson, Robert Smith, David Wine

Professional Leadership:

Karen Ball, Jeffery Bell, Justin Brown, Lei Cheng, Charlie Emmerich, Leo Finkenbinder, Lisa Gassin, Dwight Ginn, Dale Hathaway, Kent Olney, Jim Upchurch, Kristian Veit, Neal Woodruff, Darcel Brady, Kelly Brown, Roxanne Forgrave, Lance Kilpatrick, Thomas Knowles, Dena Reams, Sara Spruce, Matt Dwyer, Lynda Allen, Catherine Anstrom, Scott Armstrong, Heather Attig, Cathy Bareiss, Jonathan Bartling, Craig Bishop, Nathan Brown, Steve Butler, Don Daake, Rachel Guimond, Paul Koch, Joe Makarewicz, Jay Martinson, Mary Nehls, Amber Residori, Glen Rewerts, Diane Richardson, Ritchie Richardson, Lauren Stamatis, Thalyta Swanepoel, Scott Teeters, Brad Thomas, Houston Thompson, Rosalie Tuttle, Jasmine Cieszynski, Craighton Hippenhammer, Ann Johnston, Judson Strain, Leon Blanchette, Ron Dalton, Mark Frisius, Teresa Garner, Carl Leth, Kevin Mellish, David Wine

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Stephen Case, Pam Greenlee, Ann Johnston

Community Engagement and Recognitions:

Karen Ball, Jeffery Bell, Charlie Emmerich, Leo Finkenbinder, Juliene Forrestal, Lisa Gassin, Dan Green, Mary Beth Koszut, Jim Upchurch, Neal Woodruff, Darcel Brady, Roxanne Forgrave, Lance Kilpatrick, Dale Oswalt, Sara Spruce, Catherine Anstrom, Jonathan Bartling, Craig Bishop, Nathan Brown, Don Daake, Brian Fish, Ralph Goodwin, April Kamba, Deb Kimberlin, Paul Koch, Barry Lee, Jay Martinson, Beth Patrick-Trippel, Todd Reid, Amber Residori, Shelly Stroud, Thalyta Swanepoel, Scott Teeters, Brad Thomas, Houston Thompson, Larry Vail, Brenda Williams, Leon Blanchette, Carl Leth, Tim Mercer, Jason Robertson

Recognition for Years of Service (see program)

Item 40: Program, 2015Add to your cart.

2015 Faculty Member of the Year

Jerry Cohagan

2015 Staff Member of the Year

Tony Fightmaster

New Faculty and Staff

New Administrative Faculty

Karen Dowling, Suzanne Herrera-Phipps

New Faculty

Matthew Adamson, Courtney Brown, Tawni Buente, Hillary Cole, Jonathan Fightmaster, Ryan Himes, Jamie Hofrichter, mary Holland, David Ibrahim, Elizabeth Kerns, Mark Lamping, Karen Leonard, Amanda Luby, Jeremy Lyle, Kathleen Meleskie-Lippert, Tammy Mylcraine, Brooke Piper, Nancy Pyle, Amanda Ramsden, Darl Rassi, Michelle Reavis, Dawn Schwarzkopf, Mark Williams, Allen Young

New Staff

Ryan Abrassart, Tiffany Austin, M. Luke Beaumont, Sara Bender, Karen Benson, Matthew Blessing, Zachary Bohannon, Melanie Breunig, Jordan Britt, Kara Cayton, Jeffrey Cornett, Sarah Crane, Kimberly Daugherty, Kristopher Davis, Barry DeYoung, Christina Di Monte, Patricia DiSandro, Laura Dreyer, Jessica Ellison, Jordan Epp, Jesse Erickson, Gino Espano, Bennie Evans, Sheryl Feminis, Emily Fernette, Robert  Forster, Mirrissa Fraher, Darrin Francoeur, Robin Gerboth, Dale Gross, Rachel Groters, Cynthia Hannay, Marshall Hawn, Caleb Henock-Berhanu, Caleb House, Kenneth Huber, Brett  Hull, Lucas Huseman, Julie Kamp, Keri Langan, Amber Leffel, Carlos Lonberger, Emily Martin, Roberta McClain, Douglas Meister, Todd Mesewicz, Lori Mollema, Angie Muhlstadt, Ann Nagi, Jennifer Owen, Joey Ramirez, Sarah Richardson, Lauren Rybolt, Anthony Sims, Neil Smith, Liesl Strate, Michael Szostek, John Thill, Rebecca Timmer, Amy Vlastelica, Stephanie Wazio, Bryna Williamson, Mark Wray, Jeff DiSandro, Mark Miller, Stephen Wilson

Staff Recognitions

Degrees earned:

Samantha Davey, Wayne DeBoer, Rachel Groteres, Kenny Huber, Jason Johnson, Faith Newman, Marisol Ramirez, Tim Schultz, Cheryl Westberg, Karen Wright

Other involvements/accomplishments:

Zach Bohannon, Yvonne Chalfant, Jeff Enfield, Matt Foor, Tony Grimm, Rachel Groters, Jason Johnson, Roy Quanstrom, Dianne Schaafsma, Jenny Schoenwetter, Mike Szostek, Laura Wasson Warfel

Outbound ONU:

Matthew Blessing, Helen Boley, Heather McLaughlin, Todd Mesewicz, Gary Newsome, David Pickering, Marisol Ramirez, Brian Utter, Beatriz Ydrovo, Sandy Begley, Brian Hyma, Matt Marcukaitis, Jean Martin, Angie Muhlstadt, Debbie Rattin, Lauren Rybolt, Jenny Schoenwetter

Faculty Recognitions

Grant Recipients:

Steve Case, Beth Schurman, Alison Young, Roxanne Forgrave, Kevin Brewer, Dan Sharda, Aggie Veld

Scholarship Projects (completed):

Pam Grenlee, Craighton Hippenhammer, Judson Strain, Johana Barrero, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Justin Brown, Steve Case, Lei Cheng, Elizabeth Gassin, Dwight Ginn, Bill Greiner, Willa Harper, Dale Hathaway, Karen Knudson, Mary Beth Koszut, Elizabeth Lamszus, Max Reams, Beth Schurman, Dan Sharda, Dale Smith, David Van Heemst, Kristian Veit, Alison Young, Kelly Brown, Roxanne Forgrave, Marianne Glenn, Dianne Daniels, Chad Maxson, Ryan Spittal, Karen Ball, Jeffery Bell, Paul Kenyon, Neal McMullian, Neal Woodruff, Yvette Rose, Catherine Anstrom, Scott Armstrong, Catherine Bareiss, Dawn Broers, Don Daake, Paul Koch, Barry Lee, Shane Ritter, Brad Thomas, Houston Thompson, Larry Vail, James Edward Ellis, Mark Frisius, Carl Leth, Kevin Lowery, Kevin Mellish, Robert Smith

Professional Leadership:

Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Justin Brown, Charles Carrigan, William Dean, Larry Ferren, Elizabeth Gassin, Dale Hathaway, Kristy Ingram, Kashama Mulamba, Priscilla Skalac, Kristian Veit, Darcel Brady, Kelly Brown, Roxanne Forgrave, Brian Stipp, Karen Ball, Jeffery Bell, Paul Kenyon, Don Reddick, Matthew Stratton, Neal Woodruff, Yvette Rose, Craig Bishop, Amber Residori, Shelly Stroud, Brenda Williams, Leon Blanchette, Ron Dalton, Carl Leth, Kevin Mellish, Robert Smith, David Wine

Advanced Degrees Earned:

Rachel Guimond, Brian Hyma, Yvette Rose, Gary Thomas, Aaron Thompson

Community Engagement and Recognitions:

Jasmine Cieszynski, Douglas Armstrong, Kevin Brewer, Steve Case, William Dean, Scott Dombrowski, Charles Emmerich, Larry Ferren, Leo Finkenbinder, Juliene Forrestal, Elizabeth Gassin, Bill Greiner, Kristy Ingram, Randal Johnson, Mary Beth Koszut, Michael Pyle, Max Reams, Gary Thomas, Darcel Brady, Lance Kilpatrick, Brian Stipp, Karen Ball, Jeffery Bell, Paul Kenyon, Neal McMullian, Neal Woodruff, Mary Nehls, Rosalie Tuttle, Lynda Allen, Bill Bahr, David Blahnik, Nathan Brown, Don Daake, Brian Fish, Carl Fletcher, Ralph Hodge, Paul Koch, Mike McDowell, Heather McLaughlin, Gary Newsome, Ritchie Richardson, Shane Ritter, Joseph Schroeder, Scott Teeters, Brad Thomas, Houston Thompson, Brenda Williams, Mark Holcomb, Tim Mercer

Recognition for Years of Service (see program)

Faculty/Staff Member of the Year 1954-2014 (see program)

Item 41: Program, 2016Add to your cart.

2016 Faculty Member of the Year

David Van Heemst

2016 Staff Member of the Year

Faith Newman

New Faculty

Denise Anderson, Catherine Dillinger, Lori Fulton, Hannah Gardner, Eric Hehman, Bruce Heyen, Seok Lew, Douglas Nielsen, Derek Rosenberger, Ginger Schroers. New Staff Lauren Beatty, Victor Cadle, Laura Contreras, Addyson Emmons, Rebecca Hagge, Jacob Hileman, Tanner Hurt, Joshua Karalevicz, Jennifer Lambert, Granville LeCroix, Taylor Logan, Kathy Matson, Tevan McIntire, Corey McLaughlin, Madison McNulty, Lorri Metych, Joseph Morris, Andy Peterson, Scott Rattin, Meredith Rennewanz, Megan Rieder-Doris, Craig Schuler, Michael Speer, Pamela St. Aubin, James Taylor, Ashley Thomas, Bryan Whalen, Gregory Youngblood.

Staff Recognitions

Certificates and degrees earned

Rob Blystone, Jorge Bonilla, Jordan Fish, TJ Hoekstra, Allyssa Macari, Paige Meister, Poppy Miller, Faith Newman, Becky Quimby, Laura Wauchope. Community engagement and recognitions Remington Anksorus, Jorge Bonilla, Nick Birkey, Yvonne Chalfant, Joe DeJohns, Nancy Dodd, Jeff Enfield, Tanner Griffin, Tony Grimm, Marc Harris, Jennifer McClellan, Roy Quanstrom, Jeff Rice, Dianne Schaafsma, Jenny Schoenwetter, Marsha Smith, Brian Utter, Laura Warfel, Jeff Williamson. Outbound ONU Kankakee State Park September 28, 2015 Tom Ascher June Aurella Christina Di Monte Derek Ferris Rachel Groters Vicki McAndrew Tiffany McCann Lori Mollema Dale Newsome Megan Skinner Stephanie Wazio Jeremy Williamson Community Garden Kankakee October 6, 2015 Lisa DeYoung Emily Martin Ruth Reynolds Feed My Starving Children, Aurora March, 1, 2016 Tom Ascher Alyssa Bass Sue Bishir Tina Bruner Trisha Campbell Jasmine Cieszynski Tiffany Greer Lorna Guimond Kathy Heck Scott Hurula Darla Jensen Abby Lalumendre Keri Langan Kirsten Lathrop Meda Long Danette Marko Lori Metych Gail Parzygnat Tammy Potoski Darlene Swanson Amy Vlastelica Kankakee State Park June 6, 2016 Darren Blair Derek Ferris Mark Goldfain Lorna Guimond Heather Hathaway Mary Beth Koszut John Nutter Phil’s Friends July 20, 2016 Sharon Bellomy Anna Benoit-Kuruc Steve Case Lori Lalumendre Lauren Rybolt Lynne Utter Pam Whalen Bea Ydrovo Faculty Recognitions Recent Scholarship Grant Recipients - Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Beth Schurman, Greg Long. Scholarship Projects (completed) Scott Armstrong, Craig Bishop, Dawn Broers, Rachel Guimond, Sue Rattin, Dan Sharda, Aaron Thompson, Houston Thompson, Jasmine Ciezynski, Craighton T. Hippenhammer, Ann Johnston, Judson Strain, Justin Brown, Nick Boros, Lei Cheng, Dan Green, Dale Hathaway, Jeremy Lyle, Darl Rassi, Kent Olney, Lisa Gassin, Charles Perabeau, Dale Smith, Kristian Veit, Alison Young, Bill Greiner, Mary Beth Koszut, Gary Thomas, Douglas Armstrong, Charles Carrigan, Stephen Case, Max Reams, Courtney Brown, Juliene Forrestal, Nancy Bonilla, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Karen Knudson, Kristy Ingram, Wilfredo Canales, Jay Martinson, Elizabeth Kerns, Elyse Lamszus, Marianne Glenn, Bob Hull, Shane Ritter, Kevin Brewer, catherine Bareiss, Don Daake, Ron Dalton, Mark Frisius, Carl Leth, Kevin Mellish, Larry Murphy, Robert D. Smith, Karen Ball, Jeff Bell, Paul Kenyon, Don Reddick Neal Woodruff, Jonathan Bartling. Professional Leadership (see program) Advanced degrees earned - Dale Smith, Nancy Bonilla, Kristy Ingram, Elyse Lamszus, Suzanne Herrera-Phipps. Community engagement and recognitons (see program) Recognition for years of service (see program)

Item 42: Program, 2017Add to your cart.

2017 Faculty Member of the Year - Mike Pyle

2017 Staff Member of the Year- Jeremy Alderson

New Faculty - Linda Dybas, Marvin Jones, Chris Perez, Mary Smith, Joella Tabaka, John Tatarko, Alissa Underhill.

New Staff -

Dana Blanton | ONU Global Don Burns | Shine.FM Ian Cole | Financial Aid Riley Dale | Residential Life Tierra Dixon | ONU Global Michael Giebelhausen | Media Services Steven Glogowski | Physical Plant Jenna Grim | Office of Development Cole Hagen | Football, Department of Athletics Henry Kennedy | Public Safety Sherry Kurtz | Office of the Registrar Jaherta Lika | ONU Global Brandon Maranion | Office of Admissions Emily Mills | Office of Admissions Tricia Mills | Advancement Services Mitchell Moon | Office of Admissions Susan Morrill | Spiritual Development Mary Peeken | School of Education Becky Ramirez | Physical Plant Sheryl Rickord | Nursing Alan Riley | Benner Library Ashley Rosenberger | Spiritual Development Tiffany Sartin | ONU Global Kimberly Schott | ONU Global Brendan Shea | ONU Global Scott Sisk | ONU Global Emilie Walder | Office of Admissions Susan Willis | Advancement Services

Staff Recognitions (see program)

Faculty Recognitions

Recent Scholarship - GRANT RECIPIENTS Douglas Armstrong, Stephen Case, Bruce Heyen, Elizabeth Schurman, Dawn Schwarzkopf, Joseph Makarewicz, Denise Anderson, Diane Richardson, Yvette Rose, Derek Rosenberger. Scholarship Projects - Ann Johnston, Douglas Armstrong, Rebecca Belcher-Rankin, Nick Boros, Charles Carrigan, Stephen Case, Scott Dombrowski, Linda Gassin, Bill Greiner, Kristy Ingram, Elizabeth Kerns, Mary Beth Koszut, Karen Leonard, Jeremy Lyle, Charles Perabeau, Darl Rassi, Max Reams, Elizabeth Schurman, Priscilla Skalac, Dale Smith, Kristian Veit, Alison Young-Reusser, Paul Koch, Brad Thomas, Kelly Brown, Marianne Glenn, Lance Kilpatrick, Brian Stipp, Seok Lew, Chad Maxson, Cathy Anstrom, Dwight Ginn, Ryan Himes, Randal Johnson, Yvette Rose, Ginger Schroers, Houston Thompson, Karen Ball Jeffery Bell, Paul Kenyon, Neal McMullian, neal Woodruff, James Edward Ellis, Mark Frisius, Kevin Mellish, Robert Smith, David Wine.

Professional Leadership (see program)

Advanced Degrees earned - Tiffany Greer, Lance Kilpatrick, Chad Maxson, Amber Residori, Brian Stipp, DeAnna VanKuren.

Community Engagement and Recognitions (see program)

Recognition for years of service (see program)

Item 43: Program, 2018Add to your cart.

2018 Faculty Member of the Year- Joseph Schroeder

2018 Staff Member of the Year - Lisa Vander Veer

New Faculty - Stephen Aram Agajanian, Ralph Barzditis, Melanie Bloomquist, Kayla Bruce, April DeMito, Kenneth Huber, Jeneen Lomax, Joy Ogden, Randall Ritzema, Jon Seals, Shana Teske

New Administrative Faculty- Jennifer Boender

New Staff:

Drew Brodien, Office of Admissions Valerie Burns, Office of Financial Aid Denise Bundenthal, School of Graduate and Continuing Studies Kristin Clendening, Department of Nursing Nancy Coghlan, School of Graduate and Continuing Studies Michael Cox, Building Services Jeff Doolittle, ONU Global Jonathan Hentschel, Office of Student Development Maurice Hutton, Student Accounts Myrna King, Department of Nursing Kent Kinnersley, Benner Library Kayla Krassman, Office of Admissions Mike Lingle, Office of Development Holland McCoy, Track and Field, Department of Athletics Alicia Mikulski, Athletic Training, Department of Athletics Kevin Montes, Information Technology Esther Paek, Office of Marketing and Engagement Carrie Palmer, Office of Health Counseling and Services Blanca Pena, Building Services Lisa Poole, Office of Advancement Services Mark Pullara, Athletic Training, Department of Athletics Calvin Renfroe, Football, Department of Athletics Warren Rogers, Office of Development Bennet Schimmelpfenig, Office of Admissions Morgan Shride, Office of Admissions Austin Siscoe, Office of Marketing and Engagement Jessica St. Aubin, School of Graduate and Continuing Studies Justin VonAlven, Physical Plant

Staff Recognitions- (see program)

Faculty Recognitions:

Recent Scholarship GRANT RECIPIENTS - Bruce Heyen, Elizabeth Schurman, Ryan Himes, Yvette Rose, Derek Rosenberger, Seok Lew, Joseph Makarewicz, Dawn Schwarzkopf, Brian Stipp, Lynda Allen.

Scholarship Projects - Craig Bishop, Dwight Ginn, Rachel Guimond, Jeneen Lomax, Amber Residori, Yvette Rose, Derek Rosenberger, Dan Sharda, Justin Brown, Wilfredo Canales, Charles Carrigan, Stephen Case, Elizabeth Gassin, Bill Greiner, Bruce Heyen, Kristy Ingram, Elizabeth Lamszus, Charles Perabeau, Dale Smith, Kristian Veit, Alison Young-Reusser, Kelly Brown, Brian Stipp, Houston Thompson, Seok Lew, Rob Knisley, Paul Koch, Doug Nielsen, Mark Williams, Robert smith, Karen Ball, Jeffery Bell, Martha Dalton, Matt Jacklin, Paul Kenyon, Neal McMullian, Neal Woodruff.

Professional Leadership- (see program)

Advanced Degrees Earned  - Jonathan Fightmaster, Teresa Garner, Rebecca Stroud

Community Engagement and Recognitions (see program)

Recognition for Years of Service - (see program)

Item 44: Program, 2019Add to your cart.

2019 Faculty Member of the Year- Gary Newsome

2019 Staff Member of the Year- Rob Lalumendre

New Faculty- John Adams, Sonya Comer, Anne Figus, Freddie Franken, Christina Freeman, Laura Minarich, Quentin Ragan, Jeffrey Rice, Debra Richey, Kyle Robinson, Jeffery Stark, Nicholas Troendle, Polly Zimmermann.

New Staff - Justin Banks, Public Safety

Lauren Beatty, Office of Marketing and Engagement Allison Borop, Office of Development Nathan Brown, Department of Athletics - Sports Information Director Colleen Carroll, Department of Nursing Cara Champlin, Office of Development Grant Cox, Building Services Alissa Dale, Office of Career Services Jill DaSilva, Office of Admissions Danielle Davis, Office of Residential Life Thomas Dinkleman, Office of Marketing and Engagement Kelly Essler, Department of Athletics – Head Swim Coach Brianna Farmer, School of Graduate and Continuing Studies Renee Gerstenberger, Department of Athletics Justin Glenn, Office of the Registrar Alicia Guertin, Office of Marketing and Engagement Andrew Harrison, Public Safety Rebecca Huber, Office of Marketing and Engagement Brittany Huddleston, Department of English and Modern Language Emily Kammin, School of Graduate and Continuing Studies Scot Kraemer, Office of Student Development Robert Kuhn, Building Services Lori Latham, Office of Chief Financial Officer, and Administrative Services Drew Leman, Office of Admissions Ashley Luft, Academic Affairs Carmen Lynn, School of Graduate and Continuing Studies Ian Matthews, School of Graduate and Continuing Studies Mackenzie Mehaffey, Office of Admissions Matthew Meldrum, Building Services Jarrett Meyering, Building Services Erika Moeschke, Office of Development Jeff Mullikin, Department of Athletics –Head Baseball Coach Kelly Murphy, School of Graduate andContinuing Studies Kevin Norden, Information Technology Emma Grace Palella, Office of Residential Life Kyle Peachey, School of Graduate andContinuing Studies Daneli Rabanalez, Office of Admissions Jonathan Robinson, Information Technology Jackie Rogers, Office of Human Resources Kendra Schwada, Counseling and Health Services Travis Smith, Public Safety Marcella Sowles, Office of Admissions John St. Cyr, Information Technology Kimberly Strickland, Office of Admissions Adam Thiele, Information Technology Abagail Whalen, Information Technology Anne Whalen, School of Theology and Christian Ministry/, Church Relations Staff Recognitions (see program) Faculty Recognitions Recent Scholarship GRANT RECIPIENTS: Jasmine Cieszynski, Doug Armstrong, Steve Case, Lynda Allen, Dawn Schwarzkopf, Brooke Piper, Derek Rosenberger, Dan Sharda, Scott Ragan. Scholarship Projects: Doug Armstrong, Justin Brown, Wilfredo Canales, Charles Carrigan, Lisa Gassin, Bill Greiner, Bruce Heyen, Kristy Ingram, David Johnson, Karen Knudson, Jeremy Lyle, Heather McLaughlin, Kashama Mulamba, Darl Rassi, Elizabeth Schurman, Jon Seals, Dale Smith, Kristian Veit, Lynda Allen, Robert Knisley, Kelly Brown, Marianne Glenn, Mark Lamping, Brian Stipp, Karen Dowling, Denise Anderson, Criag Bishop, Hillary Cole, April DeMito, Anne Figus, Dwight Ginn, Tiffany Greer, Rachel Guimond, Ryan Himes, Barry Lee, Greg Long, Mary Nehls, Brooke Piper, amber Residori, Yvette Rose, Derek Rosenberger, Aggie Veld, Jeff Bell, Matt Jacklin, Neal Woodruff, Ron Dalton, Mark A. Frisius, Kevin Mellish, Robert Smith, Seok Lew, Joseph Makarewicz, Professional Leadership (see program) Advanced Degrees- April DeMito, Mark Lamping, Brooke Piper, Dawn Schwarzkopf Community Engagement and Recognitions (see program) Recognition for Years of Service (see program)

Browse by Series:

[Series 200-01: Letters to Faculty],
[Series 200-02: Newsletters],
[Series 200-03: President Hosted Gatherings],
[Series 200-04: President's Dinner Programs],
[Series 200-05: President's Christmas Cards],
[Series 200-06: President Awards Given],
[Series 200-07: President's Dinner Messages],
[Series 200-08: President's Prayer Breakfast],
[Series 200-09: President's Portraits],
[Series 200-10: President's Annual Reports],

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