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Music: Georges Bizet Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Picc., Oboe 1,2,, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4,
Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Two Pianos
Words: John E. Bode Music: Tune - "Angel's Story" Arthr H. Mann arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Piano accompaniment with optional B Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3
Words: John E. Bode Music: Tune - "Angel's Story" Arthr H. Mann arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Just Vocal parts
Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Part Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, C or Bb Trumoet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violins, Viola, Cello, Bass
1 Gordon Wickersham's
Instrumentation: Various hymns
Score/Parts: Full Pages 12-23 Instrumentation: Four Pianos
A Fanfare and Hymn Medley commissioned for the 100th Anniversary of Southern Wesleyan University: Dr. David Spittal, President Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Piccolo, Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2,,3, Bass Clar., Alto Sax 1,2, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Euphonium, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
Words: St. Paul's letter to the Colossians 2:6-7,3:1415-16 and Chrles Wesley (1707-1788) Music: arr. Ovid Young and quoting the hymntune Festal Song by William H. Walter (1825-1893) Sore/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpets 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Timpani, Perc.
Written for the Second International Church Choir Festival at Coventry, England 1985 Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpets 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, F Horns 1,2, Tympani, Perc.
Music: John Rutter arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Violin
Commissioned by the Sancturary Chior of Lovers Lane United Methodist Church Dallas, Texas and its Director Terry Price to honor the faithful service of long time Music Librarian Thelma Hughes Words: Romans 12:1 (KJV), Ignatious Loyola (1491-1556) Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Organ
Words: Martin Luther Music: Martin Luther arr. Carl F. Mueller Orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp Solo Violin, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Martin Luther arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, Harp, Tympani, Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Martin Luther Music: Martin Luther arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal Duet Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumoet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3 Tuba, Tumpani, Perc., Harp, Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Commissioned by the Ceradville College on the occasion of its Centenary Premiere performance Jan. 26, 1987 Words: 1. God Is Our Refuge 2. ????? 3. Clap Your Hands Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Symphonic Band
Commissioned by Cedarville College on the occasion of its Centenary. Permiere performance Jan. 26, 1987 Words: Psalm 46:4,5 & 10 Score/Parts: Concdensed No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Symphonic Band
Words: Ralph Carmichael Music: Ralph Carmichael arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2,3,4, Oboe, Eng. Horn, Bb Clar.1,2, Bells, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Arranged especially for Robert Hale for Homecoming, Southern Nazarene Univ. Nov 6-8 2008 Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Solo voice, SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3 Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
For Homecoming, Southern Nazarene University November 6-8, 2008 Music: arr. Especially for Robert Hale by Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo, SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Full No Parts Instrumentation: Two Pianos
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Orchestra Bells, Violin A,B, Viola Cello
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Oboe, Harp, Violins, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: No parts
Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, Eb Horn 1,2, Ab Horn 3,4, Eb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, 3, Cimbasso, Tympani, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass, Ottavino
Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Bb Clar. 1,2, Piano
Music: George Bizet arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: J.S. Bach arr. Ovid Young Instrumentation: Violin
Score/Parts: Full score No parts Instrumentation: Two pianos Includes Organ transcription of Piano 2
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal soloists SATB Choir
Fanfare & Hymn Introduction for 2 Trombones & Keyboard. Written for Jeff Baker and Steve Seibert Words: Tune "Diadem" Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Soprano descant, Flute 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Tuba
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Codensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, F Hrn 1,2,3, Harp, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Chimes, Harp, Violins, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2, Harp, Piano/Organ, Tympani, Perc.
Words: Byron Carmony Music: arr. Ovid Young Orch. Neal McMullian Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Picc., Bb Clar. 1,2, Alto Sax 1,2, Tenor Sax, Bari. Sax, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, F Horn, Trombone 1,2, Baritone, Tuba, Xylophone, Drums, Accessories
Words: Issac Watts Music: Thomas Arne arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo TTBB Choir
Words: John Newton, John P. Rees Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Timpani, Perc., Piano, String synthesizer
Music: arr. Paul Leddington Wright, Brass & Percussion arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir C Trumpet 1,2, F Horn, Trombone, Tuba, Tympani
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Picc., Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp,
SATB Choir to be used only with Hale-Wilder arrangement Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Instrumentation: Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Timpani,
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.,
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: Bass Clar., Alto Sax 1,2,3,4, F Horn 1,2,3,4, B Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2 3, Baritone TC, Tuba, Timpani, Harp, String Synth, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Eng. Horn, Harp, Cello
Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Words: Samuel F. Smith Music: melody Thesaurus Musicus arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Solo voice, Violin, Viola, Cello
Words: Samuel A. Ward Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: TTBB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Timpani, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Commissioned by the Kiev Symphonic Choir & Orchestra Roger G. McMurrin, Conductor Words: Katherine Lee Bates Music: Samuel Ward arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Piccolo, Flute, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, V+Cello Bass
SATB Choral Background for Hale-Wilder arrangement Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
TBB Choral Background for Hale-Wilder arrangement Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: TTB Choir
Music: Henry Fillmore Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Db Piccolo, Oboe, Clar. 1,2,3, Bass Clar., Bassoon, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Solo Cornet, Cornet 2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Drums Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Vocal arr. Roger Emerson Orch arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: America the Beautiful Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor This Is My Country God Bless America Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Piano Narrator
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute 1,2, F Horn, Tympani, Violin 1,2, Viola, Bass
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Tune"Sagina" Thomas Cambell arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Tune"Sagina" Thomas Cambell arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3
Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flutes 1,2, B Clar., Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet, 1,2,3, 4 Trombone 1,2,3,4, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Electronic Files for Gerald Anderson , Faculty Member 1978-2014, Record Albums; A New Song, Some Bright Morning, Concert Time, Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee, Sing Duets, An Offering of Praise, ONC Catalog 1985-1986, Dept. of Music Programs, 1985-1986, 2012-2013, His Faculty Report/Evaluations, "Youth Sings" a Praise Book of Hymns & Choruses, Edited copy of his thesis for American Conservatory of Music 1985, Assessment Journal, 1981 Student Handbook Dept. of Music, The Olivet Collegian 75th Anniversary 1982, 1993 ONU Academic Convocation, 1977 Faculty Handbook, , various musical event programs, 2 mugs, ink pens, bio, various faculty papers. "E:\Annual Reports" "E:\Applied Piano" "E:\Historical folder" "E:\Music History Syllabus-Sonata form-Eval" "E:\Music History Worksheets" "E:\Piano Literature" "E:\Piano Literature MULT 304" "E:\Professional" "E:\Solo Piano Transcriptions" "E:\Syllabus-Bio" "E:\Anderson Endowment for Musical Master Classes.DOC" "E:\gb_export.csv" "E:\Music History 20th c. review.doc" "E:\Music History 20th century test.doc" "E:\VITA-GERALD 2014.pdf"
Words: Elisha A. Hoffman Music: Elisha A. Hoffman arr. Ovid Yong Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Tune "Lenox" - Lewis Edson arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Issac Watts Music: Ovid Young and quoting the Tune "Hudson" Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: TTBB Chorus Flute, Eng. Horn, F Horn 1,2,3, Chimes, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Full arts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn1,2 Eb Horn 3,4, Bb Trumpet, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Harp 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
The Aurora is Olivet Nazarene University's yearbook, starting in 1914 and continuing to the present. Olivet was formerly located in Olivet, Illinois, and known as Olivet University (1912-1923), Olivet College (1923-1939), Olivet Nazarene College (1940-1986), and Olivet Nazarene University (1986-present).
1970 Dr. Vernal H. Carmichael 1969 Dr. Leroy Brown 1968 Mrs. Faye Riley 1967 ONC Professors 1966 Professor Donald Murray 1965 The ideal “Education with a Christian Purpose” 1964 Professor F. O. Parr 1963 Dr. Harold W. Reed (President) 1962 Miss Ruth E. Gilley 1961 Dr. J. F. Leist 1960 Professor Leo W. Slagg 1959 Dr. & Mrs. Demaray 1958 Professor Dwight J. Strickler 1957 Past Founders – general description 1956 Rev. L Guy Nees 1955 Dr. Harold W. Reed (President) 1954 W.E. Snowbarger 1953 Past, Present & Future Students 1952 Dr. & Mrs. Walter Burdick Larsen 1951 Professor Ruth E.F. Bump 1950 Dr. Ella Leona Gale 1949 Dr. J Russell Gardner 1948 Dr. Ronald D. Jones 1947 The Olivet Students Who Served In WWII 1946 Professor Linford A. Marquart 1945 Professor Dwight J. Strickler 1944 Administration, District Superintendents, Pastors & Laity of the Central Educational Zone for debt liquidation. 1943 Professor Grace McCullough 1942 Dr. Stephen L. White 1941 Professor C.S. McClain 1940 Dr. A.L. Parrott (President) 1939 Mrs. H.H. Price and Professor and Mrs. Walter Larson 1938 Professor Clinton J. Bushey 1937 Professor Thomas Shadrach Greer 1936 Professor F.C. Birchard 1935 Professor Laurence H. Howe 1934 R.W. Hertenstein (“Pastor of the Olivet Church of the Nazarene”) 1933 Professor L.B. Smith 1932 Founders, Members of the Church of the Nazarene, Present Students 1931 Dr. Edwin Burke 1930 Professor and Mrs. A.K. Bracken 1929 Professor and Mrs. C.S. McClain 1928 Professor J.B. Galloway 1927 T.W. Willingham (President) 1926 Professor and Mrs. H. H. Price 1925 “The Faith of Our Fathers” 1924 Professor J.W. Stoke 1923 N.W. Sanford (President) 1922 “To Our Fathers and Mothers” 1921 Alumni 1920 Professor Thomas Shadrach Greer 1919 Professor Flora Reid Coate 1918 The Members of the Financial Campaign 1917 The Board of Trustees 1916 Professor Joshua Elvin Hoover 1915 God 1914 Rev. Edward F. Walker (President)
2024 Claudia Bowen 2023 Dr. David Pickering 2022 Dr. Walter "Woody" Webb 2021 Student Body 2020 Marjorie Vinson 2019 Brenda Williams 2018 Dr. John C. Bowling (President) 2017 Kathy Steinacker 2016 Spencer & Ashley Cook 2015 Paul Koch 2014 Greg Bruner 2013 Bill Greiner 2012 Sharon Bellomy 2011 Kristy Ingram 2010 Carol Reams 2009 Kent Olney 2008 Mary Margaret Reed 2007 Dr. Jay Martinson 2006 Ghedam Sultan 2005 Dr. Norma Wood 2004 Woody Webb 2003 Dr. William Bell 2002 Dennis Seymour 2001 Dr. Sue Williams 2000 Jim Tripp 1999 Dr. John Hanson 1998 Yvonne Chalfant 1997 Bill DeWees 1996 Dr. Gary Streit 1995 Dr. Judy Whitis 1994 Wendy Parsons 1993 Dr. Max Reams 1992 Larry Watson 1991 Alex Anderson, Cindy Langdon & Andrea Green (students who passed away) 1990 Gordon Wichersham 1989 Dr. David Kale 1988 Dr. Lottie Phillips 1987 Beverly Lee 1986 Dr. Willis Snowbarger 1985 Dr. George Dunbar 1984 Dr. Harvey Collins 1983 All Past Presidents (75th anniversary) 1982 Harlow Hopkins 1981 Ted Lee 1980 Dr. J Ottis Sayes 1979 Dr. Leslie Parrott (President) 1978 Dr. Willis Snowbarger 1977 Jesus Christ 1976 Dr. D.J. Strickler 1975 Minnie Wills, Harvey Collins, 1974 Dr. Harold W. Reed (President) 1973 Mrs. Naomi Larsen 1972 Coach C.W. Ward 1971 Moody S. Johnson
Music: Bach-Gounod Violin Obligato by Fritz Kreisler Score/Parts: No Score Part Instrumentation: Violin Obligato
Words: Martin Luther Music: melody Jonathan E. Spillman arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Percussion, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Music: arr. Peter J. Wilhousky Orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, , F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Picc. 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, F Horn 1,2 3,4, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal Solo Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: TTBB Chorus
Music: Irish Hymntune "Slane" arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
For Stan and Jesse Davis 1997 Music: Irish Hymntune "Slane" arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
For Stan and Jessie Davis (1997( Score/Parts: Condensed Instrumentation: Vocal duet, Piano
Score/Parts: No score Instrumentation: Bb Clarinet
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass, Guitar
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, F Horn, Violin 1,2,3, Bass
Used in "I Remember" old photos, various programs (1930's).
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Guitar, Flute, Oboe, Harp, Cello
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Piano Duet
Words: Fanny J. Crosby Music: Phobe P. Knapp arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
In memoriam The Rev. Dr. Robert G. Nielson Words: Psalm 112 and Isaiah 444:3 Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir F Horn, C Trumpet 1,2, Trombone, Tuba, Tympani
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Dr. Parrott - 1975-1976 newspaper articcles, some personal letters, photos and event pamphlets
Frisbee, 3 car flags, 2 megaphones, "We're #1 foam hand, golf outing memorabilia
Robert Reich's scapebook and/or David Walters (various musical programs) & memorabilia from Bernie Smith (inc. original letter from Mendelssohn) & manuscript from Liszt & confederate currency. Unidentified, Orpheus Scrapbooks
Early Olivet University Photo Album ca 1916, excellent photos from yearbook - Juanita Chism donation. D.J. Strickler scrapebook Class of 1929. Wooden Scrapbook unknown content. Irene Chapple Scrapbook
photo albums from Dr. Clarence Grothaus, chair of Science Division 1952-1980. photos of old Chem Dept and Reed Science building being constructed and lots of nice Homecoming parade photos in the 60's and 70's. Burgundy photo album with photos from 1936 Auroa plus some from construction site of Williams Hall, 1925 Girls Glee Club program, William Foote's notebook, Phyllis Jolliff's photo album, Photo album of Bernice Albea Taylor and Marvin J. Taylor from their years as students of Old and New Olivet and both taught at Olivet. She arranged music for Byron Carmony and some of his sheet music is with their scrapbook.
1953 class reunion scrapebook, 1995-97 President's Christmas Gathering photos, lists of church donors toward Reed Hall of Science.
General Church prior to 1933, Olivet, General, Ohio District 1942+, Ruth Gilley
pens, pencils, rulers, paper cubes, bookmarks, medal Olivet seal presses, round 8" acrylic signs with Olivet seal on them previously glued on office doors (?), stickers, decals, 3 brass plaques 5 x 10" "Furnished by ? (listing various Nazarene churches. mini ceramic mug with Olivet's seal (gift from Gordon Wickersham), clear, cut crystal bowl "In appreciation of 20 years of giving" from Dr. Bowling, "Olivet College" bookmark from Dr. Roy Starr ONC Board of trustees 1940's
Christmas tree ornaments, various tote bags, umbrella, pillar candles, Centennial medals on ribbon, 12 x 36" 75th year Heritage mural.
Athletics 1941-42, photos of groups, Student Activities photographs and teachers, Administration (1941 - 42) and student photos, Musical Groups, Unidentified Old Olivet photos and new Olivet 1940
Concert Band 1965-1969, Band
Concert Band 1959-1965 mostly programs, Daniel Liddell and Walter Hubbard concerts
Wind Ensemble
Scientists at Work Bradley Elem. School 1964, ONC student teacher, Eleanor Pester & newspaper clippings circa 1943
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, F Horn 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
2 copies
2 copies
Score/Parts: Full Part Instrumentation: Piano solo
Score/Parts: No score Part Instrumentation: Solo Piano
Excel finding aid in each tan bin [total 14 bins] in back room & on the T-drive
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute 1,2, Oboe, Eng. Horn, F Horn 1,2, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Correspondence concerning the history of the church of the Nazrene for use by the General Assembly. Personal letters from the 1980's and 1990's. Norman Moore and Earnest Camfield timothy L. Smith director, Dept. of History, American Religious History, John Hopkins University . "A short history of the International Church of the Nazarene by Eanest Camfield, August 2001.
Commissioned by the Chancel Choir of Royal Lane Baptist Church (Dallas, Texas) and its director, Harry Wooten, for the congregation's 20th Anniversary Celebration of Dr. Ray Vickery's pastorate Words: Michael G. Dell Music: Ovid Young and quoting the Traditional English tune "Forest Green" Score/Parts: Condensed Instrumentation: SATB Choir F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Tympani, Perc.
Used in "I Remember" old photos (early 1900's), correspondence with Norman Moore.
To Charles H. Worly on the occasion of his 20th anniversary as Minister at the Park Cities Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas whose Sanctuary Choir commissioned this setting Words: Joachim Neander Music: Tune "Lobe den Herren arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Tympani, Perc.
Box 1- photos of the moon, Box 2- 10mm Technicolor 510 movie projector, Planetarium Astronomy" course binder, "General operational guidelines" for Reed planetarium and "Planetarium Operations Manual", Spitz projector information, reel to reels: Hansen Planetarium (Utah) "Footsteps (2 copies) & "The Universe of Dr. Einstein, "Springtime in the Universe", "Star Film", "All Systems Go (Cosmic Craft). Transparencies: "paragraph with no "E's", several cartoons, "Space Suit", "Project Gemini", "Project Mercury", "Kinds of Satellites", "Rocket Launching Pad", "Saturn V", "Rocket Propulsion", "Future Space Travel", "Unmanned Space Probes", "Proect Apollo - Return to Earth", "Project Apollo - to the Moon", "Space Walk", "How to make a Sundial", "How do we determine distances in the universe?". LP's: Praise Song by Ovid Young, Olivetians-Sing Out, The Music of Cosmos (PBS), "Life among the stars" & "The UFO's" by Hubert J. Bernhard, NASA Special Report #116 Pioneer 11 encounters Jupiter, "A New World, the sounds of the food life". Astrophotography by Jeremiah Brown, various snapshots from Brock Schroder, Box 3 - Planetarium operations student scripts, Planetarium budget 1975-1981, Goto planetarium model "Mars", Dedication of Planetarium Oaxaca De Juarez, Mexico 7-17-1976, Observing the galaxies of the Virgo Cluster by Brent S. Duncan (2 copies), Tracking Minor planets and verifying orbital data by Steve Case 2003, Imaging a Supernova in the M51 Spiral galaxy by Ryan Alexander, Variable Stars and Supernova by Ryan Alexander. Basic planetarium projector, solar system, auxiliares, and accessories specifications, Jamison correspondence planetarium, History and sale of GOTO, Steven Pieritz's file, record of attendance & payment forms planetarium, correspondence to Dr. Reed about planetarium.
Photographs, outlines & manuscripts, funeral service & letters, a tribute to Chalfant written by J.F. Leist.
Words: Willim Billings Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet TTBB Choir Piano
Words: Mary McDonald & Fred Bock Music: Gaelic melody arr. Fred Bock adapted and orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Words: Swedish Folk Melody Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: Vocal duet
materials for "We Care" Seminar
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute (missing), Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2 (missing), Tuba (missing), Tympani, Perc., Piano, Adavanced Violin, Violin 1 (missing), Violin 2, Viola, cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Organ part Instrumentation: Organ
Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Handbells, Violin
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Piccolo, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bass Clar., Eb Alto Sax 1,2,3,4, F Horn 1, 2,3,4, Tympani, Perc., Harp, String Synthesizer, Violin1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: C. W. Waggoner Music: C. Harold Lowden arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpets 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3 Tympani, Perc.
Act I - Scene I, Figaro-Susannah duet Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Commissioned for the Sanctuary Choir of Arden, North Carolina Presbyterian Church Todd Gillespie - Minister of Music on the occasion of the Church's New Buikding Dedication Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Tympani, Perc.
For John Stombres and the Choir of 1st Baptist Church of Geneva, Illinois on the occasion of the church's 100th anniversary October of 1994 Words: Psalm 47:1, 5-7 Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Tympani, Perc., Handbells
Words: Oscar Hammerstein II Music: Richard Rogers arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo or duet SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Oboe, Bb Clar., Vibes, Harp, Violin A,B,C, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: Vocal duet
Score/Parts: No score Part Instrumentation: Organ
Score/Parts: Full score Organ part Instrumentation: Piano, Organ
Music: Charlotte Herrick arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3, BbTrumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2, Perc., Harp, Violin A,B,C, Cello, Bass
Commisiioned by the Music Ministry of First Babptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee, and was given its premiere performance by the Sanctuary Choir, Mark Edwards, Minister of Music Music: Tune "All Is Well" arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Organ, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: R. Robinson & P.P. Bliss Music: Ovid Young employing 2 tunes: "Nettleton" and "Warrenton" Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Voice Flute/Picc., Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Tympani, Perc.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Eng. Horn, Cello
Music: Southern Hymn arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Bb Clar., F Horn, Piano
1992 - 2014, irregular & single photos of commencement exercises & thumbdrives 2017
Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Piano Four Hands
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Bb Clar. 1,2,3, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello Piano
(Dale Crall, 1961 Olivet graduate) Crall, as chairman of Democratic Rally Day at Olivet, sent and received responses from various politicians, including Harry Truman (included in this collection, a signed letter valued at $300 in 2009), oral history of chapel the day after President Kennedy was elected, various correspondence from his year at Olivet.
Commissioned by and dedicated to Glen Hummel & The Infinity Brass, Dallas, Texas First Performance Aug. 30, 1998 Music: Diademata by George J. Elvey arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: C Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2,3, F Horn sub. For Trombone 1, Extra Flute 1,2 parts
Words: Matthew Bridges and Godfrey Thring Music: Diademata by George J. Elvey arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Concdensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Music: William Walton arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc. Harp
Music: V. Monti arr. Merle J. Isaac Orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute/Oboe, Bb Clar., Bassoon, F Horn, Bb Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
For Ann Fullinwider, Park Cities Presbyterian Church, June 2 1991 Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Part Instrumentation: English Horn
For Ann Fullinwilder, Park Cities Presbyterian Church June 2, 1991 Score/Parts: No score Instrumentation: SATB Choir Eng. Horn
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir F Horn 1,2,3 Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympnai, Perc.
Commissioned for the 75th year of the Concert Band of Olivet Nazarene University and its conductor of 34 years Harlow E. Hopkins Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Piccolo, Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1, 2,3, Bass and Contra Clar., Alto Sax 1,2, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, Bassoon, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Trombone 1,2,3, Euphonium, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
Used in "I Remember" photos and newspaper articles 1930'a & 40's.
Various personal mailings for University events and happenings, Honors Society information, personal correspondence from her time on campus as a faculty member, Faculty Committee notes, Course outline and workbook from Biblical Lit course she took as a student in the 1960's, University Archives Guest Book from her time as Archivist, invitations etc frm her time as a student, Dedication Brochure for College Church of the Nazarene 1955.
Dedicated to Fredrick Swann and the Choir of Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove, CA Words: Psalm 145 Music: Tune: Duke Street arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
21st Maggie Sloan Crawford Award recipient
Words: Fanny J. Crosby Music: Melody William H. Doane arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Eng. Horn, Bassoon, F Horn, Violin 1,2, Viola, cello, Bass
Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe, BbClar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Organ, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Paul Williams Music: Barbara Steisand arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Piano/vocal score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No parts Instrumentation: TTBB Chorus
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: High Voice, Flute, Bb Clar., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Bb Clar., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello,
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: High Solo Voice, Soprano or Tenor, SATB Choir Organ
Commissioned for the combined Choirs and Concert Band of Southern Nazarene Univ., Bethany, Oklahoma on the occasion of its Nov. 14, 1999 Centennial Commemoration Music: Quoting the hymntunes Landas & Solid Rock Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Piccolo, Flute 1,2,3, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2,3, Bass Clar., Alto Sax 1,2, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Euphonium, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
Words: Rodgers and Hart Music: Rodgers and Hart arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumoet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Francis Pott & John Damascene Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone, Tuba, Tympani, Perc. Organ
Commissioned by the Baldwin Organ Company. First performance: May 14, 1993 at the Calvary Church, Charlotte, North Carolina Score/Parts: Full score No parts Instrumentation: Three Organs
Music: Tune - William H. Doane arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba
Music: Tune - William H. Doane arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Music: Randy Vader & Ovid Young arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Part Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
In celebration of the new Fratelli Ruffati Organ at Immanuel Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas; sung and played by the Chancel Choir and Immanuel Orchestra for the Nov. 6, 2005 Organ Dedication Service. Riik Jones, Minister of Music; Lyndon Finney, Organist Words: Adapted form Psalm 47 Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Solo Organ, Violin 1,2, Viola Cello
In celebration of the new Fratelli Ruffati Organ at Immanuel Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas; sung and played by the Chancel Choir and Immanuel Orchestra for the Nov. 6, 2005 Organ Dedication Service. Riik Jones, Minister of Music; Lyndon Finney, Organist Words: Adapted form Psalm 47 Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Solo Organ, Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumoet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Commisiioned for the 1993 General Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene, and premiered at the Indianapolis, Indiana Hoosier Dome on July 26 by the combined concert bands of the following institutions: Eastern Nazarene College Quincy, MA Robert Howard, Director Mid-America Nazarene College Loathe, KS Ronald McClellan, Director Olivet Nazarene University Kankakee, IL Harlow E. Hopkins, Director Point Loma Nazarene College San Diego, CA Daniel Nelson, Director Southern Nazarene University Bethany, OK Phil Moore, Director Music: Tune "St. Anne" Composed for Band by Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Picc., Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2,3, Bass Clar., Alto Sax 1,2, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, Bassoon, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Trombone 1,2,3, Baritone, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Instrumentation: SATB Choir Brass, Percussion, Piano, Organ The only parts printed are F Horns, Trombone3/Tuba and Percussion
Score/Parts: 2 full scores Instrumentation: Piano, Organ
Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Picc., Bb Clar., Bassoon, F Horn 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Organ part Instrumentation: Organ
Words: John S. B. Monsell Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.,
Music: arr. Ovir Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full & Condensed Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe/Eng. Horn, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Trombone, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
with intrada and processional Music: Ralph Vaughn Williams arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Some parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
Music: Ralph Vaughn Williams arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2, 3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3 Tuba, Tympani, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Written history of old Olivet by D. Strickler, revivals & events at the Georgetown Il , Church of the Nazarene, article about the 2003 sale of property in Olivet, IL where the original college was. 1930 Commencemet Program and Campmeeting, some photos and other memrbilia.
Words: Jerome Hines - Libretto Music: Music Jerome Hines Orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2(Eng. Horn), Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, Bb Trumoet 1,2,3, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
An Opera in one act Words: Jerome Hines - Libretto Music: Music Jerome Hines Orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal parts plus all of above
Used in "I Remember" "Olivet Headlines" from the 1950's.
Score/Parts: One part Instrumentation: Soprano, Piano
Inscription on the Statue of Liberty Words: Emma Lazarus Music: Irving Berlin arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal Duet, STAB Choir Eng. Horn, Bb Clar., F Horn, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Also, See Plaques (BC-C-top - 1109-03 & 1109-04)
also includes Christmas messages to the students by Dr. Reed, to be included in the publication
Music: Tune: Austria (Hayden) arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Tympani, Perc., Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Tune: Austria (Hayden) arr. and orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Ob./Eng. Horn, Bb Clar. F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3 Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
For Susan Slaughter Music: Tune: Austria (Hayden) arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Part Instrumentation: Solo C Trumpet
For Susan Slaughter Music: Tune: Austria (Hayden) arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2,3, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2, 3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone, Bass Trombone, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Luigi Cherubini Orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
Tunes by B.B. McKinney in a medley also incorperating Breathe on Me and Wherever He Leads I'll Go Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Two Pianos Includes Organ transcription of Paino 2 part
Words: John Newton Music: Franz Joseph Haydn arr. and Orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc
Words: John Newton Music: Franz Joseph Haydn arr. and Orch. Ovid Young Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe/Eng. Horn, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2 Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Irving Berlin arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo, SATB Choir Flute 1,2, F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3,4, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Bill and Gloria Gaither Score/Parts: No score Instrumentation: Bb Clarinet, Piano
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Oboe, F Horn 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Tune - W.S. Martin arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Score/Parts: Condensed Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Calinet
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: TTBB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Instrumentation: Miscelaneous parts
Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: Violin, Piano A or Bb Clar.
In Memorium Lillian A. Stith & in honor of Joe L. Stith, Jr. For the Chancel Choir of Asbury United Methodist Church, Kankakee, IL Words: Thomas O. Chisholm Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Piano
for Richard Paul Fink Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No parts Instrumentation: Unison voices Piano, optional Strings
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No parts Instrumentation: Soprano, Baritone Organ, String Orchestra
Words: Thomas O. Chisholm Music: Tune: William M. Runyan arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Music: arr.Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Harp, Cello
Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer for Harlow Hopkins Jesu Bambino for Joanna Gentry Score/Parts: No score No score No score Instrumentation: Bb Clarinet Bb Clarinet Violin, Piano
1930's chapel notes taken by Mrs. Earl Greer
Music: Tune: CVM Rhondda Tune: John hughes arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., Bassoon, Fl Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Violin, Viola, Cello/Bass
To be sung with Hale & Wilder duet arrangement This choral part was written expressly for the SINGING MEN OF NORTH TEXAS & their director, Don Blackley July 26, 2003 Words: William Williams Music: Welsh Melody arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: TTBB Choir
Words: William Williams Music: Welsh Melody arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: TTBB Choir Piano
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani
Music: Various composers Score/Parts: 3 books Instrumentation: Vocal solo or duet
Music: Various composers arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: 1 book Instrumentation: Vocal duet
NCA Study Committee 1961-1962, Science Building Program Correspondence & Fund Raising, Natural Science Division Meetings-Past years, Science Building Program, Science Building plans, Title VI application/proposals, Title III proposals, Taylor/Dickey gift, NMR request, NSF Grants, Nazarene Education Conference 1967, Nazarene Higher Ed. Conference 1989, Commencement 1966, 1976 & 1981-1995, Bowling Inaguration 10/25/91, 75th Anniversary, homecoming chapel 1986,Heritage Day 1978, Graduation 1997,Acadenic Convocation 1992-1994.
Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Two Pianos
Words: Adelaide A. Pollard Music: Tune - George C. Stebbins arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Organ
Words: Joseph H. Gilmore Music: Tune: William B. Bradbury arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Instrumentation: SATB Choir Fllute, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Score/Parts: No score Instrumentation: Bb Clarinet
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Some parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn, Tympani, Perc., Piano, Violin 1.2, Viola, Cello, Bass
For Charlotte Herrick Words: William O. Cushing Music: Music Ira Sankey arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No parts
Words: William O. Cushing Music: Music Ira Sankey arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Tympani, Perc., Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: William O. Cushing Music: Music Ira Sankey orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin A,B,C, Cello, Bass
articles and book reviews written by C. T. Hippenhammer in the following publications, Top of the News, v.42, no.3, "Managing children's library collections through Objective data" p.309. Dreams & Visions, new frontiers in Christian fiction, "The Third Protector". Craighton's book reviews in Journal of Youth Services in Libraries, v.1, no. 1-4, 1987-1988, The Christian Librarian v.59 (1), 2016, "Comparing Institutional Repository Software: Pampering Metadata Uploaders", p.87. ONU's library's newsletter, Resource" which includes information on ONU's new databases arriving at the library in 1996, the following articles in various publications: The Overrated PLB-a fiasco to fix, Intellectual freedom in Christian college libraries, In praise of nurture, and other nasty "female" qualities, Managaing children's library collections through objective data. Photos of librarians and students in the library.
Words: Kurt Kaiser Music: Kurt Kaiser arr. Bill Pursell Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet , Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Kurt Kaiser Music: Kurt Kaiser Score/Parts: Full No part Instrumentation: Vocal solo Piano
Music: arr. Ovod Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute/Oboe, F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola,
Used in "I Remember" Correspondence with C. McClain, a few photos of early families that influenced Olivet.
Words: Mildred Cope Music: Mildred Cope arr. Ovod Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Music: Tune: Nicea arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, F Horn Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin, Viola, Cello/Bass
additional files can be found in FC8-drawer 3
BOX 1 - various correspondence (Bowling, Lee, Nazarene, Newsham, Pres. Parrott, Perry, Reed, Snowberger, Dean Truesdale), various band and choir programs (inc. Treble Clef Choir, Viking Male Chorus, Homecoming concert, Concert Band, Concert singers), tour programs, Sir David Willcock correspondence, copies of Glimmerglass, Goodwin Hall history, history of ONC (newspaper from 50th anniversary), Div. Fine Arts 1970-71, Dr. Schwada, Dedication Programs, Faculty Programs, Fine Arts Calendar, General Assembly 1972, Keys presentted to Harlow by Pres. Parrott 2/17/83 at the dedication of Larsen Fine Arts Center. BOX 2 - Miscellaneous folders, Inventory Music Dept., Larsen Fine Arts Center, Lyceum Programs, Messiah History & Programs, miscellaneous programs (Orpheus Choir and Oratorio Chorus), photographs of Olivet music teachers and students and a WONC recording session, Orchestra Programs, Organ, monthly calendar, newspaper clippings, Student & Senior Recitals. BOX 3 - Miscellaneous folders, Commencement Programs, Band, Brass Choir, Choral Works, Collegian, Harvey Collins, Commencement Concert Programs, Music Bookstore 1951-1952 and previous, Report & Budget 1950-1963, Band Scrapebook photos,"Library Archives" envelope (slides of the band 1957, 1959, 1975-76, inc. band trip to Washington D.C.). Box 4 - Hymns of the Living Faith (Free Methodist Church 1951), Sing to the Lord (Church of the Nazarene Hymnal 1993), Wesley Hymns (1982) with Harlow's name on printed on cover, Jesus Only standard Hymnal (1957), Hymns for the Family of God (1976 with "Olivet Chapel" imprinted on cover), The Lutheran Hymnal 1941, Worship in Song Hymnal 1972, The Methodist Hymn Book with Tunes 1962, Psalter Hymna l1959, Inspiring Hymns 1951 (with "Owosso College" printed on cover), Tabernacle Hymns Number Three 1941, Praise and Worship The Nazarene Hymnal, Worship in Song 1972 (with "Nazarene Hymnal prited on cover), The Broadman Hymnal 1940, Songs for Service, Worship in Song 1972 (with Nazarene
Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Bb Trumpet 1,2,3
Words: Based on II Timothy 2:19, Hebrews 13:5 & Isaiah 43: 1-2 "K" in Rippon's Selection, 1787 Music: Early American Tune arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.,
Words: Based on II Timothy 2:19, Hebrews 13:5 & Isaiah 43: 1-2 "K" in Rippon's Selection, 1787 Music: Early American Tune arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Organ
Score/Parts: Full Only Piano 4 part Instrumentation: Four pianos
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Eng. Horn, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: No score Instrumentation: Vocal solo, Piano
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Solo voice Flute, Oboe, F Horn 1,2, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Loughborough arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Oboe, F Horn, Cello
For Van Gale Words: From Psalm LXXXIV Music: S. Liddle arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Violins A,B, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Part Instrumentation: Vocal solo
Music: Rowland W. Pritchard arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.,
Words: Natalie Sleeth Music: Natalie Sleeth arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Piano, Organ or Two Pianos
Words: Wade Robinson Music: Tune - J. Mountain arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Part Instrumentation: Vocal duet
Words: Wade Robinson Music: Tune - J. Mountain orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Violin 1
Words: Fanny J. Crosby Music: William H. Doanne arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2, 3,4, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viol, Cello, Bass
Words: Horatius Bonar Music: music Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Oboe, Harp, Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: Bb Clar., Piano
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Tune Ellacombe, from Gesangbuch der Herzogl, 1784 arrr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute 1,2 Oboe, Bb Clar., Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Tune Ellacombe, from Gesangbuch der Herzogl, 1784 arrr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Only String & Vocal parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute 1,2 Oboe, Bb Clar., Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Music Geoffrey O'Hara arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir F Horn, Harp, Violin A,B, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Eng. Horn, Bb Clar., Vibes, Harp, Violin A,B,C, Cello, Bass
Music: Peterson arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Fulte, Oboe, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Bb Clar., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Harp & String parts only Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, F Horn, Vibes, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Score Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Words: Irving Kahal Music: Sammy Fain arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Words: Baynard L. Fox Music: Baynard L. Fox arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Oboe/Eng. Horn, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass, Piano
Score/Parts: No score Instrumentation: Bb Clar., Piano
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo, SATB Choir Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Guitar
From "Camelot" Words: Alan Jay Lerner Music: Frederick Lowe arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Eng. Horn, Alto Sax 1,2, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Harp, Tympani, Piano, Guitar, Violin A,B, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Richard Rogers arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo, SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Bb Clar., Harp, Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Based on the SATB arrangement by Jody W. Lndh (Concordia octavo #98-2081) Music: orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute 1,2, Ob./Eng. Horn, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3,4, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet
Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Two Painos
Words: Harry Tobias Music: Albert Sherman arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet, Male Choir Flute, Bb Clar., Oboe, Bassoon, F Horn, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: No score Instrumentation: Bb Clarinet, Piano
Music: Tune Mendelssohn/Wesley arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2/Picc., Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Kurt Kaiser Music: Kurt Kaiser arr. Bill Pursell Score/Parts: Full Some parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1 (missing), 2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1, 2 (both missing, Bassoon 1,2, (both missing), Bb Trumpet 1,2, 3 is missing, F Horn 1,2 (both missing), Trombone 1,2 (both missing), Tuba (missing), Harp (missing), Perc. (missing), Harp (missing), Violin 1,2 (missing), Viola, Cello (missing), Bass (missing), Piano (missing), Electric Bass (missing), Guitar (missing), Drum set (missing)
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Organ
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3 Vibes, Perc., Harp, Solo Violin, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Aria from "Lohengrin Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2,3, Oboe 1,2,3, A Clsr. 1,2,3, Bassoon 1,2,3, F Horn 1,2,3,3, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Horatio G. Spafford Music: Phillip P. Bliss arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Oboe, Solo Violin, Keyboard, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Words: Horatio G. Spafford Music: Phillip P. Bliss arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Piano, Eng. Horn, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Horatio G. Spafford Music: Phillip P. Bliss arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Vocal parts only Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, F Horn 1,2,3, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass,
This version prepared for the memorial service of Naomi Larsen Oct. 31, 1996 Score/Parts: No score Part Instrumentation: Bb Clarinet
Score/Parts: Condensed No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir, Keyboard
Micaela's Recitative and Aria Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe, Eng. Horn, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, Eb Horn 1,2, F Horn 3, 4, Trombone, Timpani, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
arranged for Paul Fink Music: Tune: "Land of Rest" arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Harp, Violin 1,2, Vioal, Cello, Bass
Music: Tune: "Land of Rest" arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba Perc., Piano
Music: Tune: "Land of Rest" arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Score No parts Instrumentation: Vocal Solo, Piano
Words: Old Words: Anna B. Warner New Words: Janie Oliver Music: Tune: William B. Bradbury New Music: Janie Oliver arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo, Piano
Words: Everett Titcomb Music: Everett Titcomb arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Part Instrumentation: Vocal duet
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Instrumentation: Vocal duet
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: Violin 1,2,3
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Oboe (missing), Bb Clar., Bassoon, (missing), F Horn 1,2, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Issac Watts & Psalm 90:2 Music: John Halton arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Organ
Words: Issac Watts & Psalm 90:2 Music: John Halton arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: J. Wilbur Chapman Music: Tune: "Hyfrdol" Rowland H. Prichard arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Piano
O How He Loves You and Me, O LoveThat Wilt Not Let Me Go, Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Keyboard, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
O How He Loves You and Me, O LoveThat Wilt Not Let Me Go, Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1, 2, Oboe, Bb Clar., Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
O How He Loves You and Me, O LoveThat Wilt Not Let Me Go, Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Choir Backup for Vocal Soloist
Words: Jean Sophie Pigott Music: Melody James Mountain arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet, TTBB Choir Organ
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: B Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux Music: John B. Dykes arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin A,B,C, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Score No Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo, Piano
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Organ part only Instrumentation: Organ, Strings
Score/Parts: No score Instrumentation: Bb Clar., Keyboard
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux Music: Tune - Quebec by Henry Baker arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Harp, Flute, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux Score/Parts: Full Part Instrumentation: Vocal solo or Bb Clar., Keyboard
Music: Hyfrodol arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Violins, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Four Pianos - 8 Hands
"Hymn To Joy" from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Commissioned for the Choir and Instrumentalists of the Grace Bible Church, Grandville, Michigan, and their Conductor, Kent Walthers; In Honor of Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth Hasper and their 18 years of Faithful Ministry. First performance: March 5, 1995 Words: Henry Van Dyke Music: Ludwig Von Beethoven arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Only Handbell and Vocal parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Solo F Horn, Handbells
Festival Hymn of Procession for the Kiev Symphony Orchestra & Choir Roger G. McMurrin, Conductor/Music Director for the 2002 KSOC Tour of the United States Words: Henry Van Dyke Music: Ludwig Von Beethoven arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts No vocal parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon1,2, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Commissioned for the Choir and Instrumentalists of the Grace Bible Church, Grandville, MI and their Conductor, Kent Walters; In honor of Rev, & Mrs. Kenneth Hasper and their 18 years of faithful ministry. First performance: March 5, 1995 Words: Henry Van Dyke Score/Parts: 1 incomplete part Instrumentation: SATB Choir Keyboard
Score/Parts: 2 incomplete scores Instrumentation: Piano, Organ
("Hymn To Joy" from Beethoven's Ninth Symp Music: Ludwig Beethoven arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Piano
("Hymn To Joy" from Beethoven's Ninth Symp Music: Ludwig Beethoven arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Key of G Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute/Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3,4, Trombone1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violins, Viola, Cello/Bass
("Hymn To Joy" from Beethoven's Ninth Symp Music: Ludwig Beethoven arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Key of F Instrumentation: Flute/Oboe, Trombone 3/Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violins, Viola, Cello/Bass
calendars and map
Used in "I Remember" photos and negatives of the 1939 fire, newspaper article following fire, original college brochure 1939 (?)
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full score No parts Instrumentation: Children's Choir Flute 1,2, Handbells, Orchestra Bells, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Act III Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Ottavino, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, Eb Horn 1,2, Ab Horn 3,4, Eb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2,3 Cimbasso, Tympani, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Folder #1 - "This material from Dr. Walter Larsen has been retained since it provides thinking and explanation of the events from 1942-1950. Covering Mrs. Larsen's surgery, change of the presidents and other factsd." N. Moore Archivist June 27, 1995. Various folders by year-Orpheus Choir minutes, programs, schedules and correspondence 1946-1956.
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: TTBB Choir Flute, Picc., Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Eb Horn 1,2, C Horn 3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2,3 Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2 Viola, Cello, Bass
To President Leslie Parrott on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Olivet Nazarene College, Kankakee, Illinois Words: Ernest W. Shurtieff Music: tune: "Lancashire" Henry T. Smart arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2, 3, Tympani, Perc.,
Words: Ernest W. Shurtieff Music: tune: "Lancashire" Henry T. Smart arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Picc., Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, 3, Eb Alto Clar., Bb Bass Clar., Alto Sax 1,2, Tenor Sax, Bari. Sax, Bassoon 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Trombone 1,2,3, Baritone, Tuba, Perc., Organ
Box 1 - Lectures by Mrs. J.B. Chapman, Biblical Literature notes & other various books of the Bible notes, Hebrews, Romans, Galations, James, Psalms, John, Acts. Box 2 - photo from Arcade Studio Yesterday's Main St. Museum of Science & Industry Chicago 1958 Dr. Leist and group of women, Silhouette portrait of Dr. & Mrs. Leist cut a Chicago's famous Railroad Fair, Biblical literature-class notes, chapel messages,and other writings and notes. Box 3 - Biblical Literature, Bible and Life, and personal notes on various Biblical topics and books of the Bible. Many photos of Dr. and Mrs. Leist. A tribute to Dr. E.O. Chalfant written by J.F. Leist and read at the memorial service in ONC chapel April 26, 1954. Box 4 - Files previous to 1943, Various Biblical Studies, Scripturama, Scholarly Papers, Bible Teaching Methods, Class Outlines - Misc. Authors, Misc. Papers E. O. Chalfant-secretary Board of Trustees, Misc. papers- J.F.Leist-treasurer, files to 1943. Box 5 - Report of the 50th anniversary services of Chicago Central District. Unedited report of E.O. Chalfant's memorial service inc. tribute written by Dr. Leist, May 23, 1940 Olivet College Commencement report written by Dr. Leist, College Course notes, The history of Israel written 1966 by Dr. Leist, teaching notes of the gospel of John and Psalms. Box 6 - Chapel Messages, Preaching Material, Sermon Research, outlines and manuscripts. Box 7 - Sermon Outlines, Illustration Material, Poetry, tracts, Inspirational Writings, Biblical Surveys, Public & Personal Devotions, Herald of Holiness 8-13-51, ONC & Personal Correspondence, House blueprints, Dormitory Plans & Receipts for work. Box 8 - Various Notebooks. Box 9 - Various notebooks, Bibles, Bible pamphlets & dormitory building correspondence.
The Attitudes that Make or Break your Life, Christian Personality, How to Develop a Happy Marriage, Why Good People Suffer, What is Sanctification, The Power of your Attitudes, Your life in Christ, Christians in Families, How to Live like a Christian, Easy to Live with, Living like Christians at Home. Holiness Evangelism and Ministry of Teaching cassettes, "We thank you" & "The ABC's of the Budgets"
To David and Shirley Coolidge in celebration of their 26 years as Minister of Music and Organist at the Anderson, Indaina Park Place Church of God, which commissioned this anthem: and on the occasion of their Twenty Fifth Wedding Anniversary. First performance June 16, 1985 by the Park Place Sancturay Choir and assisting instrumentalists Words: Psalm 150 Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Instrumentation: SATB Choir Harp
Music: George Frideric Handel arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba Tympani
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Piano, Organ, Solo Violin, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Violin solo, Keyboard
Centennial Hymn of Olivet Nazarene University 1907-2007 Words: John C. Bowling Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Words: George W. Kitchin Music: Sydney H. Nicholson arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3 Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass Cello, Bass
Music: James Mountain arr. Ovid young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, F Horn 1,2, Tympani, Perc., Keyboard, Viloin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Commisiioned to honor Lee Roy Till, beloved Minister of Music of Foirst Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas (1959-1972), by his family and friends Words: Thomas O. Chisholm Music: C. Harold Lowden arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2, 3, Trombone 1,2,3 Tympani, Perc.,
Commissioned to honor Lee Roy Till, beloved Minister of Music of First Baptist Church, Dalls, Texas (1959-1972), by his family and friends Words: Thomas O. Chisholm Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Piano
"Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" for Charles Robinson Music: arr. Ovid Young Instrumentation: Violin obbligato
Music: Jerome Kern arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo, SATB Choir Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: No score Part Instrumentation: Organ transcription of Paino 2 part
Words: Francis Havergal Music: Sheldon Curry arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Part Instrumentation: Vocal duet
Commisiioned by Dr. Leslie Parrott for the 1978 Baccalaureate Service and the Orpheus Choir of Olivet Nazarene College Words: Charles Wesely Music: Tune: "Beecher" by John Zundel arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Part Instrumentation: Vocal duet
Commissioned in honor of Dr. James L. Pleitz, pastor by The Sanctuary Choir Charles H. Worley, conductor Park Cities Baptist Church Dallas, Texas Words: 1 John 4:7,8 Music: Ernest Charles arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Commissioned for Doris Worley, soprano, and the Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra of Park Cities Baptist Church Dallas, Texas Charles H. Worley, conductor Words: 1 John 4:7,8 Music: Ernest Charles arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Only Violin 1,2 and Viola parts Instrumentation: Soprano sol, SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
For Plano, Texas First Baptist Church, Dr. Jerry Carlisle, Senior Pastor, Doug Morgan, Minister of Music Words: Plano F.B.C. Mission Statement Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., Bass Clar., Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Chimes, Violin, String synthesizer, Cello, Bass, Guitar
For Van Gle Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Mailing for incoming fresman, scholarship information, Red Carpet Days, Saturday at Olivet, Purple and Gold Days, application for admittance, freshman orientation.
2 VHS tapes 1999 "We Believe", 2 VHS tapes (year?), We Believe, 4 audio cassettes from 8-28-2002 chapel Dr. Bowling, admission forms.
Application for admission, International application for admittance, Orientation booklet 2011, "One Hundred Thousand and One" brochure, We Believe you belong here booklet, blank stationary, application for University Honors Program, "The view from Olivet", [you] belong here, "Olivet Nazarene University 100", "100 things to see at Olivet"
Orientation schedule 2008, 2009, 2011, ONU 100, The Second Century Strategic plans for ONU, "Why Olivet, "The Olivet Experience", "We Believe" (2003?), "We Believe! ONU Tigers", "Our Olivet a legacy of advocates", Purple & Gold Days 2009/2011, Life at Olivet brochure, "Take Your place in the story" One hundred thousand and one, Our Olivet, advocates of hope, various postcards, Agenda for Excellence 1993-2007, "We believe you belong here".
2012 Orientation, Application for admission and International students application, Red carpet days 2007, 2008, 2011, Crawford scholarship application, 2012 "Picture yourself at Olivet",Department brochures, promotional pens and keychains.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3,4, Trombone 1,2,3, Baritone T.C., Tuba, Tympani, Perc. 1,2, Harp, Organ, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Picc., Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba Tympani, Perc., Harp, String synthesizer
Music: Scott Joplin arranger unknown edited Gunther Schuller Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Picc., A Clar., Bb Clar., Opt. Bb Trumpet Opt. A Cornet, Trombone, Tuba, Drums, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Opt. String Bass
Dr. Bowling's memorabilia from 2017 Presidential Inauguration
Olivet to honor Lynne Hybels with 2013 Maggie Sloan crawford Award Olivet presents 2013 Maggie Sloan Crawford Award to Lynne Hybels Olivet's Dr. Douglas E. Perry honored with naming of Student Life and Recreation center Legal studies minor added option for Olivet students Olivet's Summer Leadership Institute offers college credit for high school seniors Dr. Cynthia Russell joins Olivet as associate dean Olivet recognized for increasing sustainability through campus services Olivet's Strickler Planetarium to intoduce new show Matthew West, Sidewalk Prophets to perform at Olivet in October Chicago Bears return to Olivet's campus for 2013 training camp Olivet grads traveling the globe with the World Race Ralph Hodge and Ben Zobrist to receive NAIA's highest individual honor Shine.FM presents "Into the Light" with Matthew West, Sidewalk Prophets, Jason Castro Olivet named one of Best Colleges for ninth consecutive year Fall 2013 enrollment sets new records for Olivet Olivet Tiger women's soccer team encourages Zayla in her fight to beat cancer Gaither Vocal Band tenor David Phelps featured at Olivet's 2013 Homecoming concert Olivet's Fall Organ Festival unites world-class organ with outstanding organists Olivet's School of Education one of top U.S. universities for Preparing educators Olivet Nazarene University at forefront of music education technology with new iPad initiative Nielson and Young to perform Broadway classics on ONU stage Olivet's men's soccer game to be broadcast as Tourbeau Game of the Week Olivet Tiger football team to sponsor "spRED the Hope" at opening game Greater Vision of Gaither Video Series featured at Olivet's Prime Time Day 2013 Shine.FM announces promotions and staff changes Shine.FM helps "Spread the Love" for hungry families David Wine receives Olivet's 2013 Faculty Member of the Year Award Marjorie Vinson recognized as Olivet's 2013 Staff Member of the Year Crocker named VP of academic affairs for Olivet Nazarene University Ashlan Allison
Harlem Globetrotters to meet Washington Generals at Olivet in January Catalyst Innovation Center launched in Kankakee Trudy Dickinson and Jean Thomas honored with Olivet's Reed Leadership Award Engineering expansion of Olivet's Reed Hall of Science dedicated to education and service Olivet dedicates The David L. Elwood Center for Student Success Katie Kalemkarian and Scott Karalis receive Olivet's 2014 Young Alumni Awards Coach Ralph Hodge and Dr. Edward Heck honored with Olivet's highest alumni award Olivet welcomes five inductees into Hall of Fame Olivet's Marching Tigers invited to appear in London's 2016 Parade Gala to celebrate 25th nursing anniversary at Olivet Olivet announces winners of first juried art exhibition Olivet's fall play explores beauty of humanity and challenge of changes Olivet alumni included in Kankakee Chamber of Commerce's 40 under Forty for 2014 Elwood family gift to be invested directly in lives of Olivet's students Gospel music legend Sandi Patty in concert for Olivet's 2014 Homecoming celebration Three Olivet students awarded 2014 summer research grants Workshop for STEM educators coming to Olivet Olivet named one of Best Colleges for 10th consecutive year New major at Olivet designed to prepare special educators for success Olivet sponsors first juried art exhibition Author Susan Fox, R.N., to speak at Olivet about life in Afghanistan Memorial concert for Dr. Ovid Young to celebrate his artistic work "We Are Aliens" newest show at Strickler Planetarium Olivet engineering students outperform peers with outstanding FE exam pass rate Olivet's Gary Newsome to serve on NAIA board Olivet Nazarene University honored as College of Distinction for 2014-2015 Olivet mourns loss of Artist-in-Residence Ovid Young Olivet's School of Education achieves new benchmark in preparing quality teachers Olivet's Pre-Art Therapy program leads to graduate school and careers Olivet's new accelerated MBA program designed specifically for accounting majors Govern
Olivet Nazarene University recognized as leader in innovative learning opportunities Olivet's Dr. Karen Dowling accepts leadership role with Association of Teacher Educators Indiana Unit Olivet's Chelsea Risinger names Lincoln student laureate Olivet dedicates Martin D. "Skip" Walker School of Engineering Campus open house kicks off celebration of Olivet's 75th anniversary in Kankakee County Olivet Nazarene University reports record enrollment Dr. Ben Carson tells Olivet Nazarene University he dreamed of overcoming toubled childhood Olivet's Walker School of Engineering hosts career fair for students Dr. John C. Bowling receives unanimous extension of his presidency at Olivet Olivet names one of Best Colleges for 11th consecutive year Colts Quarterback Matt Hasselbeck to serve as spokesman for Olivet Nazarene University Three Olivet students awarded 2015 summer research grants Dr. Linda Allen inducted into Sam Walton Fellow Hall of Fame Olivet announces Homecoming 2015 highlights "Good to Great" author Jim Collins to address 2015 Global Leadership Summit Dr. Carol Maxson appointed vice president for academic affairs at Olivet Olivet to host CAF AirPower History Tour event at Kankakee Airport Top TED speaker among presenters at 2015 Global Leadership Summit Texas Rangers draft Olivet infielder Josh Altmann Olivet confers honorary degrees on Rev. Gary Bond and Dr. Samuel Mayhugh Olivet's Class of 2015 Honors Program graduates begin new adventures Michael Stanfa receives Olivet award for teaching excellence Dr. William Dean receives Olivet's teaching excellence award Olivet honors Ryan Smith as outstanding male graduate Olivet honors Dr. Lisa Gassin with award for academic excellence Dr. Mark Quanstrom named dean of Olivet's School of Theology and Christian Ministry Olivet honors Lisa Rizzo as outstanding female graduate Commencement celebrates Olivet Class of 2015 Olivet's Jacob Armbrust makes history with discus throw and earns multiple honors State of Illinois honor
Olivet student employment supervisor takes Illinois top honor Olivet graduates exceeding National average for career outcomes Senior Kaleb Miller is Olivet's Lincoln Student Laureate Olivet to host environmental conference Olivet stages Vietnam War drama Olivet named best value by U.S. News & World Report Olivet Nazarene University continues growth trend with record enrollment Commencement celebrates Olivet Class of 2016 Olivet men's swim team is 2016 NAIA national champ Olivet's STEM Camp offers college credit for high school seniors and grads NASA-funded psychologist to speak at Olivet commencement Servant Leadership winners plan to help inner-city youth and start a church Olivet Announces Education Partnership with Chicago Cubs Olivet's Walker School of Engineering to host distinguished lecturer on groundwater science and technology New concentrations and new professor for Olivet's Walker School of Engineering Olivet Nazarene University announces ONU Global Olivet again named among best Christian workplaces
Following the sun in 2017: Olivet and the solar eclipse Dr. David Pickering takes on new executive role at Olivet Nationally recognized organists to perform on Olivet's Raffatti pipe organ Olivet's Ladies Day 2017 features Missy Robertson Computer engineering executive to speak at Olivet Commencement Olivet recognized as 2017-2018 College of Distinction for Education Growing young leaders through Olivet's Summer Leadership Institute Olivet captures eighth straight CCAC All-Sports Cup, 9th time overall Students and alumni of doctoral program celebrate accomplishments Olivet presents 2017 Maggie Sloan Crawford Award to Alumna Mary Lou Carney Level One nursing students make history at Olivet Nazarene University Alumni gift benefits Department of Nursing students and professors President Bowling reaches milestone in serving Olivet Alumna Dr. Teresa Woodfuff named dean of graduate school at Northwestern University School of Business at Olivet launches American Advertising Federation student chapter Olivet honors faculty and staff members for integrity and service Wendy Reid named OCAC Sports Information Director of the Year Internship insights from criminal justice major Anthony Deutsch Olivet alumna begins graduate program in chemistry Two-day Global Leadership Summit enriches leaders worldwide Erinn Proehl steps into director position at Olivet Olivet graduates excedding national average for career outcomes Olivet Tiger baseball alumni heating up Major League Baseball Olivet surpasses 5,000 students for first time in 110-year history Olivet, the magazine, highlights worldwide reach of Olivet Andrew Scott of Operation Mobilization USA to speak at Olivet Olivet Alumna Britni McDonald reports during Hurrican Irma Olivet Nazarene University's Class of 2017 honored in 104th Commencement Inportance of internships for Olivet business major Annah Schick Olivet students discover more career opportunities Chicago intern, museum style with Olivet junior Goldene Brown Senior Charl
Olivet Senior Cameron Walker connects with cathedral Israel sights inspire Olivet alumnus Matt Kearney Olivet Alumna Dr. Teresa Woodruff recognized as inventor Olivet honors outstanding employees as academic year concludes Olivet announces Cybersecurity Defense Concentration Two Olivet class or 2018 graduates honored for service and accomplishments Micha Forshee and Emily Raduns Olivet students, faculty, staff and alumni to serve together on overseas mission trips during summer 2018 Scholar Week 2018 showcases Olivet student and faculty research Hannah Jones receives 2018 Homiletics Award at Olivet Two Olivet juniors honored for servant leadership Jessica Carara and Cole Doolittle Jonathan Hentschel and Danielle Maranion Share testimonies for 2018 Baccalaureate Service at Olivet Olivet sends exemplary class of 2018 into their futures during graduation festivities Growing into the next challenge with Olivet senior Catie Lindquist Going places with Olivet seniors Jimmy and Celia Southerland 2018 Stem Camp at Olivet offers college credit for high school seniors and grads Olivet Tigers capture conference golf championship Rising above the noise in spring 2018 chapel at Olivet Summer 2018 devoted to research for six Olivet students Olivet biochemistry majors present at National Conference Jon zatorski and Chesley Rowlett Olivet receives gift from estate of Kankakee River advocate (J.R. Black) Ladies Day 2018 at Olivet rich in music and messages Tara Beth Leach and Julianna Zobrist, speakers, and Christian music artist Ellie Homcomb will headline this evvent on Saturday, April 21 Cowles-Dykhouse Chair of Wesleyan-Arminian Studies established at Olivet by Dykhouse Family Olivet students use gifts and skills to serve in Haiti Olivet alumnus on the way to NCAA Final Four Luke Yaklich puts Olivet Nazarene University to work through coaching Olivet blesses Puerto Rico with generators Spring Break 2018 gives more time for Olivet to serve Deirdre Brower Latz honored with endowed
("When Morning Gilds the Skies") This arrangement for piano and organ was commisiioned in honor of the new keyboard instruments and the new Worship Center at the First Baptist Church of West Monroe, Louisiana Music: Tune: Laudes Domini Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Piano, Organ
("When Morning Gilds the Skies") This setting for Organ solo with optional Orchestra accompaniment is dedicated to Robin Thomas and the Music Ministry of First Baptist Church, West Monroe, Louisiana Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Organ Optional Orchestra
Alternate title: When Morning Gilds The Skies ("Laudes Domini") Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Organ solo Flute 1,2,Oboe, Bb Clarinet 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc. Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Alternate title: When Morning Gilds The Skies ("Laudes Domini") Score/Parts: Full score No parts Instrumentation: Piano and Organ
Used in "I Remember" 1st edition copy of C. McClain's book & collections of information used in writing book. Photo scrap book from Jennie Vwigt Kitzmiller of early Olivet. Original manuscript, 50 years and Beyond, Chicago Central Dist., by J.F. Leist. Photos from John Sylvester Marlow's time at Olivet - Soliloquy 1915 Auroa note book Esther Carson (Winans) -Dr. Reed and MCClain correspondence - newspaper and Glimmerglass clippings - High School accreditation letter 1924 - A Founder's Day Address by Dr. Carl S. McClain 1959 - P.L. Schwada Correspondence - photo of 1st radio broadcast of Olivet College students on the radio W.J.A.Z., .1924
List of inventory with photos, postcards and brochures about the exhibit
envelope of photos from dedication of McHie Arena, 3 larged framed photos of Arena & 3 print sheet from Kankakee Daily Journal
Music: Bach-Gounod Score/Parts: No Score Part Instrumentation: Violin
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Harp, Cello
Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4, C Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Thirty Years of Progress First Church of the Nazarene Little Rock 1908-1938 Souvenir Edition reprinted by Rose City Church of the Nazarene 1970
"Unity Week" Mr. ONU 1993, Prayer Walk 2020
Music: Various composers arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Exactly what it says
keychains, buttons, decals, stickers, college seal on 2" plastic discs, pins, 1990's antique car bank, 3-75th anniversary triangular block for desk, "key to the city" gift from Mayor Grover Brooks, medallion 10th anniversary of International Reed Institute 1976-1986, collector's silver spoon with Olivet's seal, Debate Club "letters" to adorn jacket + "O" letter with I M embroidered at top.
1 lg. & 1 sm. White and blue plate with Reed Hall of Science and 4 other buildings, Fifty Golden Years Central Ohio Dist. 1943-1993, 75th anniv. Plate (pewter) small pewter plate with Burke on it.
Score/Parts: Condensed No Parts Instrumentation: "The Surrey With the Fringe on Top" for Baritone Solo "Oh What A Beautiful Morning" for Tenor Solo "Oklahoma" for SATB Choir Soliloquy for Baritone Solo "I Whistle a Happy Tune" for SATB Choir "Finale Act I" "The Blue Room" for Baritone Solo "You'll Never Walk Alone" for Mezzo Soprano and SATB Choir
Class photos (most 8x10") 1912 IL Holiness University, 1913,1915, 1916,1929. 1915 Literary Society photo, 10" x 13" class photos 1916-1918, negative of "olivet Nazarene College First Campus 1909-1940 Moonlight on the campus", postcards from Old Olivet campus buildings, 10.5" x 13" photo of Holiness Tabernacle, Georgetown IL with written explanation of its ties to Olivet, 8x10" photo Nazarene Vacation Bible School students 1931, Danville IL, 8"x13.5" photo Olivet College Ad Min building and Cannon Hall prior to 1939, "Olivet Nazarene College" a play written in satirical form author unknown, a few photos of Mother O'Dell former dean of women at Old Olivet sent by her granddaughter, virginia Carrier,copy of an IL Holiness University promotional ad 5x7", 2 original (fragile) photos of the 1st school building, 2 sepia 5x7" photos of groups of students early 1900's, copies of early photos of Faculty & Board of Trustees 8x10", typed papers about Olivet Fire, Remaps rebuilding program & Considering offers to move elsewhere. copy of newspaper article about the fire, 6 copies of photos from old campus including Olivet Gospel Wagon.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Voice Flute, Eng. Horn, F Horn, opt. Perc., Harp, Piano, Guitar, Violin 1,2, Viola Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Voice, Organ, Violin
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: Vocal duet Piano
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Piano, Organ
Music: Meredith Wilson arr. Richard Hayman Choral arrangement Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Full Orchsetra
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Solo Piano, Flute 1&Picc., 2,3, F Horn 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Score/Parts: No score Part Instrumentation: Organ
Words: William Gaither Music: William Gaitjer arr. Ovid Young Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Eng. Horn, Bb Clar., Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Harp, Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: William R. Featherston Music: Adoniram J. Gordon arr. Christina Harmon orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Perc. 1,2, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Charles Gabriel Music: Charles Gabriel arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, F Horn 1,2,3, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Guitar
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: TTBB Choir
Words: Johnny Mercer Music: Harold Arlen orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full On;y Violin 1,2 parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Oboe, Bb Clar., Harp, Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Viola part Instrumentation: Viola obbligato
Words: Andre Crouch Music: Andre Crouch arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Andre Crouch Music: Andre Crouch arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Bb Clar., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Words: Andre Crouch Music: Andre Crouch arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Instrumentation: Keyboard reduction
10 Important Questions for the Nazarene Sunday School Teacher, Sunday School Superintendent's Training Program (year?),
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Oboe, Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola. Cello
Used in "I Remember" Old Olivet-related photos.
For Nielson & Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Two Pianos, Four Hands
Box 1 - Alumni Survey, Title III Summaries 1976-1986, Enrollment Planning 1983-85, College Planning Commission 1984, Strategic Planning Commission 1990, Current Students, Salary Surveys, Budget Department 1988-90, Faculty Loads 1987-92. Box 2 - Nazarene Colleges Statistical Abstracts 1986-90, ONU Financial Statements 1986-91, Financial Ratio Analysis for Olivet 1982, 1985, 1986, 1988-89, 1991, 1965 Alumni Questionnaire, 1984 & 1993 Alumni Survey, "A Study of the Educaional Structure in the Church of the Nazarene" 1964.
Score/Parts: Condensed Part Instrumentation: Bb Clar., Keyboard
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Violin 2
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Harp, Cello
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2,3, Harp, Violin 1,2,3, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Stephen Sondheim Music: Stephen Sondheim arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Commissioned with gratitude to Stan Davis from the musicians & congregation of Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Carrollton, TX where he served as the founding Minister of Music 1991-2006 Words: Fred Pratt Green Score/Parts: Full Np parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Violin, Paino
Words: Gordon Young Music: Gordon Young arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Harp, Tympani, Perc.,
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute 1,2, Eng. Horn, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2, 3,4, Harp, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: 2 Scores Instrumentation: Vocal duet or Choir Keyboard
Words: Lorraine Sonnenberg Music: Lorraine Sonnenberg arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Composed for the 1994 Baccalaureate Service Olivet Nazarene University Words: Charles Wesely Music: Tune - "St. Peter" Alexander R. Reinagle arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Organ
Festival Anthem on AZMON In memoriam - William Mallory Commissioned by The Chancel Choir of Abury United Methodist Church, Kankakee, Illinois, Kenneth Bade, Director of Music Celebrating the Bicentennial of Methodism (1784-1984) Words: Charles Wesely Music: Carl G. Glase arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: SATB Choir Tympani, Perc.
Score/Parts: No score Only Clar. part Instrumentation: Bb Clarinet, Piano
Chorale and Fugue Music: William Croft arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Tympani, 2 Pianos, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: William Croft arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: 3 organs
Chorale - improvisation Words: Johann Heermann Music: Sigfrid Karg-Elert, Op. 65 arr. Ovid Youg Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Single line Vocal? Instrumental?
Words: Psalms 84 & 90 Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Bb Clar., Violin 1,2, Viola
Words: Psalms 84 & 90 Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
Score/Parts: Full Part Instrumentation: Vocal solo or Bb/A Clar., Keyboard
Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo, Keyboard
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: Choir Backup for Vocal solo
Words: Phillip Brooks Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: Vocal duet, Piano
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Oboe Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2, Perc., Harp, Violin A,B,C or Viola, Cello, Bass
for Charlotte Herrick Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Keyboard
Rodolfo Marcello duet Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Eng. Horn, A Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2,F Horn 1,2,3,4, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bas
Words: Bernard of Clarvaux Score/Parts: One score Instrumentation: SSA Choir
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute 1,2,3, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3, Violin 1,2, Viola, cello, Bass
Words: Joseph Swain Music: Freeman Lewis arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Part Instrumentation: Vocal duet
Score/Parts: No score Part Instrumentation: Organ transcription of Paino 2 part
box of Covid-19 university files 2020-2021
Score/Parts: No score Part Instrumentation: Organ
Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Bb/A Clar., Opt. Bb Clar. 2, Organ
Words: James Russell Lowell Music: Tune "Ebenezer" or "Ton-y-botel" Thomas J. Williams arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir F Horn 1,2,3
Words: James Russell Lowell Music: Tune: Ebenezer or Ton-y-botel by Thomas J. Williams arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute/Picc., F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba
Words: Lee Adam Music: Charles Strouse ar. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2,3, F Horn 1,2, Guitar, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Gloria and William J. Gaither Music: William J. Gaither Created by Ovid Young & Randy Vader arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: SATB Choir Keyboard
Flannery Sisters Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Oboe, Violin A,B,C, Viola, Cello, Basso?
Commissioned for the Chancel Choir and Instrumentalists of Aldergate United Methodist Church, Carrolton, Texas, and their Music Director, Stan Davis First performance: Aldergate Sunday, May 24, 1992 Words: Benjamin Schmolck Music: Tune: Unser Herrscher by Joachim Neander arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, C Trumpet
To Dr. D. George and the Orpheus Choir of Olivet Nazarene College. 1st performance - 1974 M.E.N.C. National Convention - Anaheim, CA. Words: St. Augustine Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: St. Augustine Score/Parts: Parts only for Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
To Dr. D. George and the Orpheus Choir of Olivet Nazarene College. 1st performance - 1974 M.E.N.C. National Convention - Anaheim, CA. Words: Soren Kierkegaard Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
To Dr. D. George and the Orpheus Choir of Olivet Nazarene College. 1st performance - 1974 M.E.N.C. National Convention - Anaheim, CA. Words: Psalms, The Living Bible Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Just page one of score Full Only Piano 4 part Instrumentation: Two pianos
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe Bb Clar., F Horn, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Men's Chorus, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Offstage C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
2 boxes - Olivet Story- resource materials for Olivet Story
2 boxes - compiled by Marilyn Starr entitled The G. Wendell Parsons Papers 1939-2008 The papers cover the intramural program at Olivet Nazarene College 1939-1966, in which the "O" Club was developed, as well as the history of the Spartan, Trojan, and Indian Athletic Societies when they were at their strength. Each year All-Star squads were elected for men and women and for each sport. The collection lists All-stars from 1939-1966 as well as All stars honored by the Alumni Association 1998-2008.
Music: arr. Bill Pursell Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet
This setting was written for sopranos Jenni Till Rasberry and Hannah Till Jones: mezzo-soprano Rebecca Campbell; tenor Danny Davis; baritone David Robinson; duo-pianists Nielsen & Young; with dancer Libby Ferguson, flute and harp Words: Henry F. Lyte Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: TTBB Choir 2 Sopranos, Mezzo-soprano, Tenor, Baritone, Flute, Harp, Two Pianos
Words: Henry F. Lyte Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, (missing), Oboe/Eng. Horn (missing), F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3 (missing), Tuba (missing), Tympani, Perc., Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola Cello, Bass
For the 35th Anniversary of the Second Baptist Church, Lubbock, Texas and its Choir and Instrumentalists, Mike Marcades, Minister of Music Words: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SSATTB Choir F Horn, Bb Trumoet 1,2, Trombone, Tuba, Tympani, Piano
Commisiioned in celebration of the 5oth anniversary of the Palm Desert, CA Community Presbyterian Church, Nov. 15, 1998. Dedicated to the Chancel Choir; Jon McGihon, Director of Music; and Robert E. Brown, Organist Words: Psalm71:16-18, 22 Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2, F Horn, Trombone 1,2, Tympani, Perc., Organ
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2, Perc., Piano, Beginning Violin, Violin A,B, Viola, Beginning Cello, Cello, Bass Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Eng. Horn, A Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2,F Horn 1,2,3,4, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bas
Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Tune: Lauda Anima by Mark Andrews arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Part Instrumentation: Vocal duet Keyboard (no folder?)
Act I- Scene 3 Words: Gunnel Jorden - English text Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: TTBB Choir
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute (missing), Oboe, F Horn 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
New faculty and staff, faculty & staff recognitions & degrees earned are listed in the description section.
"ONU Exercise Science" t-shirt- dark gray, "Olivet" t-shirt with cute tiger on seal-dark gray, "ONU Indoor Triathlon"-black t-shirt (2), "ONU Olivet Tigers" aged design on cream colored t-shirt, "We Love Dr. B" dark purple t-shirt, "TOGETHER We Fuel Olivet" white t-shirt, "Olivet Let's Hear You Roar!" light purple t-shirt, "ONU Throws" dark purple t-shirt, "ONU Tigers with tiger face gray t-shirt, "O" on tiger black t-shirt, "ONU Tigers" mascot with megaphone dark purple t-shirt, "Olivet Nazarene University" on black t-shirt.
donated by Beth Olney (3 Jump Start T-shirts (gray 2017, burgundy 2018, red 2019) & Fresh Start (purple 2019) + I love Dr. B. (white) ) - t-shirt light gray Celebrate Life at Olivet Central Redion NYI -polo white Olivet Nazarene University -long sleeve t-shirt white Aurora 1985 Staff -t-shirt purple Olivet Nazarene University Alumni -2 t-shirts gold Olivet with old seal (prior to ca 80 something) -t-shirt purple 19 ONU 07 Olivet Nazarene University Alumni -t-shirt white ONU Tigers basketball - t-shirt light purple Olivet Naz arene uni versity - t-shirt aqua Olivet Nazarene University with seal (from ca 80 something through present) - t-shirt purple Olivet Nazarene University (orange) with website - t-shirt gray Olivet Naz arene uni versity - t-shirt burgundy Olivet Nazarene University Centennial 2007 - t-shirt light gray Olivet Nazarene University (orange) w/ character (purple) and website - t-shirt red with and Olive (green) and a Corvette (black) = Olivet - t-shirt light gray Benson's Buddies - t-shirt dark blue Strickler Planetarium fall of 2008 (donated by Steve Case) - long sleeve t-shirt light gray Olivet Nazarene University Centennial Celebration 1907-2007 - t-shirt light blue I <3 ONU -"Together We Fuel Olivet" 2022 day of giving t-shirt
- hooded sweatshirt black Tigers Olivet Nazarene University class of 2015 - sweatshirt red Aurora 86-87 - short sleeve sweatshirt blue Olivet Nazarene College old seal (prior to 80 something) - hooded sweatshirt gray Tigers Olivet Nazarene University class of 2014 - hooded sweatshirt whitish Olivet Nazarene University older seal (prior to 80 something) - t-shirt gray Olivet Nazarene University seal (after 80 something - current) = t-shirt light gray Tiger basketball vintage tiger - cinch sack black ONU shine - t-shirt light blue ONU Burke (was in with football uniform). - t-shirt red "Chemistry Professors" with quotes on back (donated Steve Case) - t-shirt gray "Strickler Planetarium Celebrating 50 Years of Exploration" (donated Steve Case) - -2 Weber Center Groundbreaking T-shirts, April 5, 2000, light gray sweatshirt with ONU seal given to incoming students who provided early deposits for fall 2024.
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Tympani, Harp, Organ, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Albert Hay Malotte Music: Albert Hay Malotte arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: High Voice Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3,4 Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
(more can be found in the flat map cases in 3rd floor storage)
Whence Is That Goodly Frangrance Flowing Accompaniment for #35, pg. 162 Carols for Choirs Book II Oxford University Press Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: C. F. Brown arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Celllo
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2,3, Oboe 1,2, Eng. Horn, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bass Clar., Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Tympani, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Bb Clar. Duet
Score/Parts: Full No part Instrumentation: Vocal solo, Keyboard
Score/Parts: Full score Just Organ part Instrumentation: Piano and Organ
Score/Parts: Full score No parts Instrumentation: Two pianos
(see U:\\Archives\_Inventory\Reed Leadership Institute, for inventory and more information)
Box 1 - Notes & Outlines from speeches & addresses given, Notes from sermons listened to, Convocation, Baccalaureate & Commencement Addresses (in chronological order). Box 2 - Written Papers by himself & others, Lecture notes from classes he took, Lecture notes & materials from classes he taught, Sermon illustrations, newspaper articles. Box 3 - Financial Papers (in chronological order), memorabilia, books.
Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
For Robert Hale, Dean Wilder & The Singing Churchmen of Oklahoma - James Woodward, conductor Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet TTBB Choir
Offeratory Duet Words: William Pierson Merrill Music: Tune: Festal Song William H. Walter arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: F Horn, Violin
Words: William Pierson Merrill Music: Tune: Festal Song William H. Walter arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: TTBB Choir
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
School of Graduate & Continuing Studies/School of Graduate & Adult Studies
Music: Handel Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
acquired in 2020
Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Some parts
Score/Parts: Full score Some extra parts and Vocal parts
Music: Franz Schubert arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir 2 Pianos
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
For Sidney Close Words: Clara T. Williams Score/Parts: Condensed Part Instrumentation: Bb Clar., Keyboard
Music: English Folk Song arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Perc., Guitar, Harpsichord, Violin 1,2,3, Viola, Cello, Bass
Used in "I Remember" Correspondence with C. McClain, memoralbilia, photos from early 1900's and photos of Buildings after the fire.
Act I - Scene Two - Figaro Cavatina Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Oboe 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Act I - Scene I, Figaro-Susannah duettino Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Includes Robert Milner and Maggie Sloan Crawford Student Awards
Music: Theodore Dubois Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: J. S. Bach Orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Voice Flute 1,2, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ron Huff Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Guitar, Hap, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ron Huff Score/Parts: Full No Parts Instrumentation: Harmonica Solo Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ron Huff Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Flute, Guitar, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Celius Dougherty Orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Act 2 Finale Score/Parts: Full No parts
1. "French Military Marching Song" Orchestra 2. "The Desert Song" Soloist 3. "Deep In My Heart Dear" Chorus Music: Sigmund Romberg arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: 3. "Deep In My Heart Dear" SATB Chorusis the only one in this folder
Words: Gary Moore Music: Gary Moore arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: F Horn 1,2, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2, Violin, Viola
Words: Ovid Young Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Piano
Words: Ovid Young Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full One part Instrumentation: SATB Choir
To my friend, Susan Reed Words: Harold Abbey Music: Harold Abbey Score/Parts: Condensed No parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Piano
Cantata Words: John W. Peterson Music: John W. Peterson Orch. And additional musical material Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Guitar, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4,Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: No score Instrumentation: Bb Clar. 1,2,3, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Bb Clar. Trio, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
for Van Gale Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Oboe, F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2 Guitar, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Stephen Sondheim Music: Leonard Bernstein arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Dedicated to the Florida Baptist Singing Women, Bob Burroughs, Director Music: Ovid Young quoting the Hymn tune "Warrenton" Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SA Choir Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
1. When Johhny Comes Marching Home 2. Wait for the Wagon 3. I Dream of Jeannie 4. My Country, 'Tis of Thee (America) 5. God of Our Fathers Commissioned for the Coral Ridge Concert Series at the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, FL., Darryl Miller, Concert Series Chairman, and first performed by the Combined Choirs & Orchestra of CRPC under the baton of John Wilson, Director of Music, February, 1999. Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute/Picc., F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1, 2, 3 (!st part is missing), Trombone 1,2, 3 (1st part is missing), Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
SATB Choral part to accompany Nielson and Young Duo-Piano arrangement Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Oboe (missing), Bb Clar. (missing), Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1, 2 (missing), 3, Trombone 1,2 (both missing),3, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Henry Purcell arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Oboe or C Trumpet Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: George Croly Music: Frederick C. Atkinson arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: George Croly Music: Frederick C. Atkinson arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Organ, Perc., Violin 1,2,3
Music: arr. Bill Pursell Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet
Staff Handbooks from 1968, 1987, 1989, 2005, 2009, 2012, 2014 and Adjunct Faculty Handbooks from 1981, 2009-2010
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: High Voice solo or Vocal duet Flute/Picc., Oboe, F Horn 1,2, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Piano, String Synth., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Class of 1954 activities, Student organizations, Athletic activities, Class notes, College administration activities, Miscellaneous.
Used in "I Remember"
Words: Oscar Hammerstein II Music: Sigmund Romberg Vocal arrangement Walter Scotson Orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2 (both missing), Oboe (missing), Bb Clarinet 1,2 (both missing), Bassoon 1,2 (Both missing), F Hon 1 (missing), 2, 3 (missing), Bb Trumpet 1,2,3 (all missing), Trombone 1,2,3 (all missing), Tuba (missing), Tymapani (missing), Perc. (missing), Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo SATB Choir
for String Orchestra, Piano & Percusiion Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Score for IV Nocturne only Parts Instrumentation: Perc., Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Oboe, Eng. Horn, Bb Clar., Harp, Violin A,B,C, Viola, Cello, Bass
see also "Sleep, Sweet Jesus, Sleep - this contains Behold, a Star and Johnny Bring the Pine Tree In Words: Harold Abbey Music: Harold Abbey arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Oboe, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Choral Call To Prayer Words: William W. Walford Music: Tune William B. Bradbury arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Four Pianos
Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Score Part Instrumentation: Vocal solo
Commissioned by Dr. John Bowling, President of Olivet Nazarene University, for the 2003 Baccalaureate Service and first performed by the Orpheus Choir and its conductor, Dr. Jeff Bell Words: Frances R. Havergal Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Commisiioned by Dr. John Bowling, President of Olivet Nazarene University, for the 2003 Baccalaureate Service and first performed by the Orpheus Choir and its conductor, Dr. Jeff Bell Words: Frances R. Havergal Music: Quoting the Hymn tunes Hendon by Henri A. Cesar Malan and Park Lane by Ovid Young arr. and Orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3, Bells, Celesta, Harp Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Optional Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone, Tympani, Perc.
Also other assorted pieces for variuos instruments Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Bb Clar., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
For the wediing of Janyth Hofer & David Burkhalter Words: John 15:11-12, Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: Vocal solo, Paino or SATB Choir, Piano
Words: Dag Hammerskjold Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: One part Instrumentation: Solo or Unison Anthem, Piano
Words: John 15:11-12, Leviticus 19:18 Deuteronomy 30:6, Psalm 42:8, Malachi 1:2 Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: SATB Choir, Piano
for the Cathedral Choir of First United Methodist Church of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Don Ford, Minister of Music Words: James B. Buskirk and Ovid Young Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Part Instrumentation: Soprano Descant final stanza only
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Score Instrumentation: Duo pianos
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Score Parts Instrumentation: Bb Trumpet 1,2,3,4, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Parts only Instrumentation: Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Parts only Instrumentation: Bb Trumpet 1,2,3
For Leslie Parrott, PH.D., President on the occasion of his Baccalaureate Address to the 1976 Graduating class of Olivet Nazarene College, Kankakee, IL. Words: Frank Bottome Music: melody William J. Kirkpatrick arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Words: Thomas Olivers based on Jewish Doxology Music: Trad. Hbrew melody adapted by Meyer Lyon Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Commissioned in 2005 In memory of Robert F. Langford by the Bette Miller/Howard Class of Park Cities Baptist Church Dallas, Texas Words: Psalm 46:10, Jeremiah 29: 11-13, Phillippians 4: 13-14, Romans 15:13 Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Four Pianos, Eight Hands
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: High Voice Solo, SATB Choir Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass, or Piano
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal Solo, SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, opt. Bb Clar. 1,2, opt. Alto Sax 1,2,3, F Horn 1,2,3, C or Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., String Synth,
Music: arr. Ovid Young Instrumentation: More of the same materials as both folders 20
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet SATB Choir
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet, SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Harp, Guitar, Violin A,B, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Oboe,Bb Clar. 1,2, Harp, Violin A,B,C, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet TTBB Choir Organ
Music: Hank Beebe Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Keyboard
SATB Choral accompainment to Francis Allitson's "PsalmXXVII" Music: Francis Allitsen arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., Bassoon, F Horn, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2, 3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No instrumental parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir, Vocal Solo, TTBB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.
Music: P. I. Tchaikovsky arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir - no parts Flute, Bb Clar., F Horn, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
For the Martha Cox Hymn Project Music: Thomas Koschat arr. Nielson & Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Piano introduction SATB Choir
Music: Crimond Jesse Seymour Irvine arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal descant, Keyboard solo Flute 1,2, Oboe, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Music: Crimond Jesse Seymour Irvine arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Eng. Horn and Bb Clar. 1,2, (in the absence of F Horns), F Horn 1,2, 3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Albert Hay Malotte arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Perc., Harp, Violin A,B,C, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Albert Hay Malotte arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Instrumentation: Flute, Bb Clar., Trombone 1,2
Music: Albert Hay Malotte arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Instrumentation: Violins, Viola, Cello
Music: Albert Hay Malotte arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Instrumentation: Flute 1 (missing),2, Bb Clar., C Horn 1 (missing),2,3,4, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba
Music: Albert Hay Malotte arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Bb Trumpet, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Tune Frederick M. Lehman arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Picc. (all missing), Oboe (missing), F Horn 1,2,3 (missing), Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba (missing), Tympani (missing), Perc. (missing), Harp (missing), Piano (missing), String synth.
From "Original Sacred Harp" Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Picc., Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3,4 Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba,
Commissioned by the Chancel Choir of the First Church of the Nazarene Columbus, Ohio John Mathias, Director of Music Words: Isaih 61: 1-3 Music: Arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Score/Parts: Full Part Instrumentation: Vocal solo or Bb/A Clar., Piano
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet SATB Choir Alto Flute, Eng. Horn, Perc., Guitar, Violin A,B, Viola, Cello, Bass
for Mixed Chorus and Orchestra Commissioned for the 150th Anniversary of the First united Methodist Church, Albany, Georgia, Danny J. Key, Minister of Music Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir and Movement 1 parts for Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Just instrument parts Instrumentation: Movement 2 & 3 parts for above
Music: Ralph Carmichael arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Piano solo Flute 1,2, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola,
Music: Ralph Carmichael arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Eng. Horn, F Horn, Tympani, Harp Violin A,B,C, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Harp, Celesta, Cello,
Music: The Sacred Harp arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Eng. Horn, Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Commissioned by the Alumni Association of Olivet Nazarene University, Kankakee, Illinois to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the 1932 founding of Orpheus Choir. Its first performance by 400 present and former members of the Choir, was given on 14 November, 1992 in the McHie Arena on the ONU campus, Dr. D. George Dunbar, conductor Music: Robert Lowry arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Optional Brass Parts Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Perc.
Commissioned by the Alumni Association of Olivet Nazarene University, Kankakee, Illinois to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the 1932 founding of Orpheus Choir. Its first performance by 400 present and former members of the Choir, was given on 14 November, 1992 in the McHie Arena on the ONU campus, Dr. D. George Dunbar, conductor Music: Robert Lowry arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1 (missing),2, Oboe/Eng. Horn, F Horn 1, 2 (missing), 3 (missing), C Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba Tympani, Perc., Harp, Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass Flute 1,2,3, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2, 3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola,
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2,3, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2, 3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Tune William B. Bradbury Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Keyboard, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3
Score/Parts: Just Piano 2 Instrumentation: Two pianos, Eight hands
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2,3, Oboe, Clarinet, F Horn 1,2,3 Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Oboe, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Tympani, Harp Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Paul Francis Webster Music: Jerry Livingston arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, F Horn, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
This anthem was commissioned by First United Methodist Church of Houston, Texas for the June 27, 1999 dedication of its new West Campus facility, and was first performed by the Church's combined choirs with orchestra. Ken Axelson & Danny Key, music director. Dr. William Hinson, Senior Minister Music: Ovid Young and quoting the hymntunes: "Foundation", an early USA melody, harm. From Tabor, 1866 Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Bb Clar., Violin 1,2, Viola
Music: Michel Legrand arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola Cello, Bass
Overture/Prologue "A Night So Long" The Unshakeable Kingdom Upon This Rock Broken And Spilled Out Can I Trust You Father Dear It Is Finished/Worthy The Lamb Then Came The Morning I've Just Seen Jesus Ressurection We All Are Thomas Ressurection/Upon This Rock Reprise Score/Parts: Condensed Some parts
For Bob Hale, Dean Wilder & The Singing Churchmen of Oklahoma, James Woodward, conductor Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet TTBB Choir Organ
Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Piano, Organ
Music: John W. Peterson arr. Ovid Young Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Accompaniment for SSA setting by Dick Anthony in INSPIRING TRIOS Vol. 3 copyright 1961 Singspiration, Inc. Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Violin 1,2,3
Music: Doris Akers arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Eng. Horn, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Dedicated to Robert & Ruth Glaze Music: Ovid Young and quoting the tune: Wellesley Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Low or High Voice Piano
Dedicated to Robert & Ruth Glaze Music: Ovid Young and quoting the tune: Wellesley Score/Parts: Condensed Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Dedicated to Robert & Ruth Glaze Music: Ovid Young and quoting the tune: Wellesley Score/Parts: Score No parts Instrumentation: TTBB Choir Piano
Dedicated to Robert & Ruth Glaze Music: Ovid Young and quoting the tune: Wellesley Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Piano, Harp, Piano, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: John W. Peterson arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Violins 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Peter Scholtes arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Trombone 1,2,3, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet TTBB Choir Picc., F Horn 1,2,3,4, B Trumpet 1,2,3,4, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Harp, Guitar, Violin, Bass
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Misc. parts Instrumentation: See above
Music: Vivian Kretz arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No parts Instrumentation: SAB Choir
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed No parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet TTBB Choir Organ
Music: Gottfried W. Fink arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir
Music: Tune - William H. Doane arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Keyboard, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
with a Fanfare/Prelude Music: Tune - William H. Doane arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc.,
Score/Parts: Organ part Instrumentation: Organ
Music: Georges Bizet Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Vocal quartet SATB Choir Flute 1,2/Picc., Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2, C Horn 1,2, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola Cello, Bass
Russell Trees 1926 Graduate of Olivet College - programs, 1923-24 & 1960-62 Olivet College Catalog, various programs and announcements dating from the 1920's through 1980's, 1940 Preview magazine for Olivet College, President's Annual Report State of the College 1949-1974, A Romance in Education; a quarter century of progress, copies of The Olivet Collegian from 1927 -, 1918 Olivet University English Literature "book".
Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
2 identical trophies
Gary Lust 65-66, Leslie S. Hough 66-67, Roger Hansen & Leslie Hough 67-68, Martha Stewart & Ronald Marler 68-69, Chris Brewer & Dennis Lucius 69-70, Sylvia Sanford 70-71, Alexis Palm 71-72.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo SATB Choir
Gilda and Rigoletto Duet Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, Eb Horn Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Full No parts
national events newspaper clippings
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
holdings are in Archon
in the manner of Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy, and Gershwin Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Two Pianos
Symphonic Scenerio Music: Richard Rodgers arr. Robert Russell Bennett Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Not complete but this is what's in the folder: Oboe 2/Eng. Horn, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bass Clar., Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 4, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Serge Rachmaninoff trans. Daniel Braden Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Soprano Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: arr. Ronn Huff Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Issac Watts Music: Eric H. Thiman arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Flute, Oboe, F Horn, Tympani, Perc., Harp
Music: Josiah Booth arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB or TTBB Choir Violin 1,2, Viola
Written especially for the "Insight for Living" Festival Choir and Orchestra Dr. Howard Stevenson, Conductor Music: Dottie Rambo arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No choir parts There are Inst. parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir F Horn 2,3,4, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3,4, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba - all these parts are missing These parts are here: F Horn 1, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass Not called for in the score are parts for Flute, Oboe, Harp and Tympani
Score/Parts: Full No Parts Instrumentation: Four Pianos
Score/Parts: Just page 1 & 2 of Score Instrumentation: Piano solo?
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2,3, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn 1,2, 3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Box 1 Verdi-Rigoletto, Verdi- Simon Boccanegra, Verdi- La Forza del destino, Verdi- Falstaff, Verdi -Aida, Verdi-Il Trovatore, Verdi -Un Ballo in Maschera, Mozart- Idomeneo, Mozart- La clemenza di Tito, Mozart- Requiem, Mozart- Cosi Fan Tutte, Mozart -The Impresario (2 copies), Mozart -Le Nozze di Figaro, Puccini-Gianni Schicchi, Haydn-Schopfung, Haydin- The creation, Italian made simple, Gounod-Messe Solennelle, Rossini-Messe Solennelle, Dubois -The seven last words of Christ, Duparc II Songs, Mozart-Coronation Mass, Mozart-Vesperae Solennes De Confessore. Box 2 - binder from The Metropolitan Opera with memorandum 9/14/2001 after World Trade Center tragedy, Kurt Weill-Mahagonny opera in three acts, Zoltan Kodaly-Psalmus Hungaricus, Boito-Mephistopheles, Brahms-Requiem (4 part), Bach-Magnificat, Mendelssohn-Saint Paul, Donizetti-Lucia di Lammermoor, Bellini- I Puritan, Donizetti-Lucia di Lammermoor, Donizetti-L"Elisir d'amore, Wagner-Die Meistersinger Von Nurnberg.
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Piano, Flute or Oboe obbligato
Solo setting for Sung Sook Lee Score/Parts: Full No part Instrumentation: Vocal solo, Keyboard
Dedicated to Dennie Ray Albert Score/Parts: No score Part Instrumentation: Vocal solo or Bb Clar., Piano
Dedicated to Dennie Ray Albert Score/Parts: Full No part Instrumentation: Vocal solo, Piano
Commissioned for the 175th Anniversay of the First Baptist Church of Nashville, Tenn. - July 23, 1995 Mark Edwards, Minister of Music, Sharron Lyon, Organist Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full No parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Organ
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No score Part Instrumentation: Vocal duet
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Patrs Instrumentation: SATB Choir Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute/Picc., Oboe 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3/Tuba, Tympani, Perc.,
Commissioned by Royal Lane Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, in honor of their pianist, Garey wisdom, for 10 years of faithful service to their music ministery Score/Parts: Full score No parts Instrumentation: Two pianos Includes Organ transcription of Piano 2
Music: Charles V. Stanford arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SAB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe, bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon, F Horn 1,2,3, Bb Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Music: Louis Lambert arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Picc. 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4, Bb Trumpet, 1, 2,3, Trombone 1,2,3, Tuba, Snare, Harp
Score/Parts: No scoe incomplete part Instrumentation: Vocal solo & descant
Music: Leigh Harline, Ned Washington arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Condensed Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, F Horn, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Psalm 46:4,5 & 10 Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Piano, Organ
Dedicated to the Galloway United Methodist Church's Chancel Choir (Jackson, MS) and its director, Dr. Robert M. McBain Words: Psalm 46:4,5 & 10 Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir, Keyboard
Music: arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Eng. Horn, Bb Clar., Bass Clar., F Horn, Bb Trumpet, Tympani, Harp, Piano Violins, Viola, Cello, Bass
Words: Kurt Kaiser Music: Kurt Kaiser arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: No Score Parts Instrumentation: Vocal duet Bb Clar., Oboe, F Horn 3
Box 1 - Autobiographical & Biographical notes, various correspondence, lists of preaching topics, places & dates, sermon notes & outlines, teaching notes for various classes. Box 2 - Various class notes with examinations, notes on varous authors. Box 3 - Various writings, class notes & outlines & papers by Dr. White. Box 4 - Layman's Paraphrase of the Bible by Coral E. Demaray, Christian Journalism Editorials for Herald, periodicals, correspondence, etc., personal correspondence. Box 5 - Class notes, outlines & illustrations. Box 6 - Various books and booklets.
Newspaper clippings from 1957-1990, WONC & TV Interferance 1986-87. Slides (2 sets) and narrative for Oct.5, 1980 ONC Budget Sunday.
2 boxes - Box 1: Lecture notes by Wiley, Ephesians, Systematic Theology, The Christian Doctrine of God and The Corinthian Correspondence Lectures. "An Existential Interpretation of the Doctrine of Holiness" by Mildred Bangs Wynkoop. Box 2: Christology by Wiley and Arminian Dogmatics by Wiley.
29 bar Coda for Buddy Green Harmonica solo Music: Rossini arr. Ronn Huff Score/Parts: No score Parts Instrumentation: Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, Bb Clar. 1,2, Bassoon 1,2, F Horn 1,2,3,4 , Bb Trumpet 1,2, Trombone 1,2, Tympani Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Used in "I Remember" booklet by Winans, "Creation & the Flood" & personal letter entitled "Eternal Destiny"
Commissioned by the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - Incorporating some favorite hymns of Dr. D. James Kennedy on celebration of his 75th birthday Music: Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: SATB Choir Piano
From MGM's "The Great Waltz" based on a theme of Josef Strauss Music: Robert Craig Wright and George Forrest arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Duo Pianos Flute, Oboe, Solo Violin, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
From MGM's "The Great Waltz" based on a theme of Josef Strauss Music: Robert Craig Wright and George Forrest arr. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Voice Duo Pianos
Painting (size 29 x 41"),cloth verse banner & explanation of painting, handmade communion set, box of sermon notes
Music: Tune Mark Blankenship arr./orch. Ovid Young Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Flute, F Horn, Tympani, Perc., Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello
Items will be listed separately
Music: arr. Ovid Young Instrumentation: SATB Choir Flute 1,2, Oboe 1,2, F Horn 1,2, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Score/Parts: Full Parts Instrumentation: Vocal solo Flute, Oboe, Bb Clar., F Horn, Tympani, Perc., Harp, Violin 1,2, Viola, Cello, Bass
currently displayed in library's lighted glass display cabinet 2024
holdings are in Archon