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Ben speaks in chapel at Lipscomb University in 2013.
Ben Zobrist speaks in chapel at Olivet on Jan. 26, 2011.
Ben Zobrist speaks at Homecoming Chapel, Oct. 31, 2014.
Ben Zobrist speaks in chapel at Olivet on Mar. 23, 2023.
Find Bourbonnais history.
History of Bradley, IL--mostly captioned photos.
Dr. Ted Lee gives Founders' Day address and Orpheus Choir sings Olivet's Alma Mater.
Deeper Still: Memories of God's Power and Love in the 1970 Asbury College Revival (Documentary) - YouTube
Dr George Dunbar Remembered - YouTube Great recordings and videos added by Steve Krampitz, a 1989 alumnus.
Ovid Young's music performed at Centennial Chapel on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University.
Dr. Ted Lee speaks at Chapel, 10/5/2016. Orpheus Choir sings Olivet's Alma Mater.
Kankakee Daily Journal obituary for Dr. George Dunbar.
Story of early Olivet history told by Dr. Bowling--includes early photos.
Interview with Cecil and Miriam Crawford by Dan Ferris (February 2004) Part 1 - YouTube
Kankakee history and current events associated with history.
Olivet marching band performing in New Year's Day Parade in London--2016.
Brief video about Dr. Hugh Benner. The library at Olivet Nazarene University is named in honor of him. He attended Olivet in his youth.
ONU Archives You Tube channel. Includes music and interviews.
The free streaming radio station exclusively plays ONLY Nazarene and ONU-related Artists and Musicians. Created and maintained by Steve Krampitz.
Tiger baseball with interviews of members who attended the Baseball Alumni Weekend Oct. 7, 2018.